Taking The Right Step

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As the smoke cleared from the best RAW of the entire year.. Fergal found himself laying on his back, having been just chokeslammed by the Legend himself.. It was hard for anyone to imagine, you should have seen Pam during that segment. Obviously she didn't have any clue what was coming next and that, THAT was the least likely thing she ever thought she'd see. Fergal rolled out of the ring as the show went off of the air and he sold his pain well. The fans still chanted for him, still chanting 'Finn! Finn! Finn! Finn!' as loudly as ever. But Fergal knew for storyline purposes, he had to get out of there as fast as possible. Backstage; Pam got a call from Rebecca. She answered it, "DID YOU SEE THAT!?" Pam shouted loudly as her diehard wrestling fan self was exposed yet again. Rebecca squealed, "YES I DID! Oh my goodness that was soo amazing. How da hell are we gonna follow that up tomorrow night!?" Rebecca was of course, on Smackdown and thus had to compete.. Kind of. With RAW. Pam shrugged even though she knew full well Rebecca couldn't see her. "I dunno, guess you're gonna have to get your butt kicked again!" Pam's words made Rebecca laugh, "But hey I had somethin' to ask you. It isn't like a super big deal, just kinda important to me." Rebecca got serious almost instantly. Pam cleared her throat. "What is it, Becks?" Pam was curious as to what Rebecca had planned to ask her, it was really not like Rebecca to hold back on what she was thinking or what she was feeling at the time. Rebecca was.. Notoriously emotional and she definitely wore her feelings on her sleeve. "I need you. I need to see you tomorrow morning. I've got a bunch of things lined up.. Wedding wise. And I need my girls opinion on literally everything. I don't wanna go into this blind and so.. So can you come through for me? I hate to put you on the spot like that.. But I really need your help, I mean, the wedding is so soon we need to get everything finalized like as soon as freakin' possible. No pressure though." Rebecca's question made Pam smile big and warmed her heart to no end. She really hadn't accepted the fact that she was going to be so heavily involved with Rebecca's wedding. Pam took no time in responding, for there was no reason to even hesitate about the issue. "Of course I can come Becks! I'm dying to see you in a pretty white dress, all dolled up and looking like a million bucks! What time and where do I need to go?" Pam's answer made Rebecca calm down a whole lot more than she expected, Pam really was such a good friend.. Always willing to go the extra mile for someone she cares about. "Well I think it'd be smarter to have you just come here, hotel wise y'know? And I have a bunch of things you can look through with me and then we can actually go out and see these things first hand. Does that sound good?" Rebecca bit down on the inside of her cheek, anticipating what Pam was going to say about her literal all day plans for tomorrow morning.

    Of course Pam had no problem with it, "Yeah definitely. I'll be there first thing in the morning sweetheart. No sweat at all! I'm actually wicked excited about this.. I get to help you get married! YAY!" Pam was overly excited, but for good reason. Rebecca didn't even fault her for being excited, she knew how important this was and honestly that's why she was resisting the urge to get more excited, it would feel like time would honestly just be dragging ass if she did let the excitement consume her. "Awesome! I'll see you tomorrow then Pammie, thank you so much babe." Pam smiled and felt joy in her heart, "No problem pretty lady. Bye!" She hung up and went back to the prep area behind the curtain to find Fergal. And then there he stood..

    Fergal Devitt.. Standing toe to toe with Mark Calloway. The man himself. The legend, the last active one in all of sports entertainment. Pam just stood idly by and watched as the two exchanged words, laughs, and actually got along ridiculously well. Fergal saw Pam and motioned for her to come by. She shook her head, the fangirl inside of her was dying to meet the freakin' Undertaker. But the fangirl inside of her didn't want to embarrass herself. Fergal continued to make a scene and Pam knew that she was done for. She was spotted and he would not let it go. Pam walked over and instantly got shy around Mark. Fergal wrapped his arm around her, "Mean Mark? Meet Pam. This is the hugger you see all the time who literally hugs everyone." Mark offered a smile, "What'cha so scared for? I don't bite after all." Pam was so nervous right now. She never really got to meet him, ever.. "Can I get a hug?" Pam opened her arms and Mark nodded, laughing lightly, "Of course you can kid. C'mere." Fergal laughed as Pam hugged The freakin' Undertaker. He never thought he'd see the day where his lady, his silly little lady hugged the Phenom. Pam broke the hug, "I've been a fan of yours for my literal entire life!" Mark smiled and laughed a bit, "Well thank you for that. I see you haven't lost the passion for wrestling. Even with your shoulder." Mark knew she was hurt, although he was not a full time wrestler anymore, he still knew things about the Superstars due to his extremely high influence on the business. Pam nodded, "I never plan on losing it..!" Mark nodded. "That's good! I had my fair share of bumps and all that. Broken bones, torn muscles, everything can suck sometimes. But it can and more than likely will be worth it. Just keep bustin' your ass out there and they will never leave you." Mark's words struck a chord with Pam and she nodded as he then was making his exit. "Well. It's been a real pleasure meeting the two of you. I gotta get outta here though. The wife thought I was out getting milk. Only kidding, but I do have to leave. You two take care. And Fergal..? I'm comin' for that." He pointed at the title and everyone laughed as the legendary Undertaker made his exit. Fergal and Pam walked the other way to get to the side of the building where they parked. "Holy shit holy shit holy shit!" Pam hadn't registered that she just met him yet, and it was finally sinking in on her really, REALLY fast. "What? Are you okay??" Fergal being Fergal, thought she was upset, forgot something, was hurt. He didn't know she was just being a gigantic dork about meeting him. "NO! I JUST MET THE FREAKING UNDERTAKER!!" She squealed as they got his things and went outside, making their way to the car. "Fergal. Can I just say how proud of you I am? Like, the company wants YOU to feud with.. The freaking Undertaker? That's.. Such an honor.. Honestly you know how much that means?"

    Fergal nodded, "Aye. I know how much it means Pam. I am the one involved y'know." Fergal winced lightly as the cold wind hit him, his shoulder more specifically is what twitched. Pam looked over at him and got concerned.. "The weather?" She asked quietly. Fergal nodded.. The cold weather made injuries typically worse, broken bones can hurt quite a lot with rapid weather change, as well as some scars if they are bad enough can sometimes become painful. The car ride to the hotel? No talking. But the energy levels were extremely high. All things considered? They were both in a good place in life right now. Things made sense, things actually seemed like that had a goal for things, their purposes in life were becoming clearer and clearer. Over the last few weeks, Fergal and Pam have also acquired a high knowledge of one another, secrets.. Feelings.. Things previously unknown are now out in the open, and known..

    Well. That's how you conclude a Monday. Fergal and Pam woke up the next morning in bed, tired as hell. They literally passed out as soon as their faces hit the pillows. Pam was the first to stir as she knew she had things to do with Rebecca. Getting a shower, and doing her hair. The makeup came last. She hated makeup, but she also loved it a little bit. It was a weird relationship that she had, most girls love makeup but others just do it to make themselves feel better. Pam was entirely ready now WAY before Fergal even rolled over for the first time. "Hey.. Baby boy? I gotta go see Becks. She has wedding stuff for us to do this morning, probably all day. I'll be texting you when I can. Okay?" The sleepy Fergal nodded and his eyes finally opened fully for the first time this morning. "You got it babe. Be safe, tell Becks I said hey. And have fun. If you can't text me, don't worry about it." Pam nodded at his sleepy talk and leaned down, softly pressing her lips against his and kissing him, holding it for several long seconds. Breaking it finally, Pam lifted her head barely over top of his, whispering. "I love you, my handsome boy." She smiled and Fergal felt the love seep into his chest. "I love you too baby girl." She gave him one more kiss, and then left the room. Pam texted Rebecca, 'On my way love!' She was so excited for planning for this wedding. I mean after all, it was a wedding between two of her closest, and most influential friends of all fucking time. This HAD to be a big deal. Pam was thinking about how magical the previous night was, having flashes of seeing Fergal's face when she told him about the Barbie incident. Seeing him perform and the fans freaking out the entire night due to the debuting Superstars, as well as the long awaited return of THE Superstar. Pam would have to have the smile surgically removed from her face if she wanted it gone. She walked passed the elevator that was open and in there stood a person she didn't want to see. Ever again. Mercedes stood there, with Sarath and Pam walked faster, avoiding the two like they were diseased. Well to Pam they were diseased, they were a pair of human beings who not only wanted to see Pam and Fergal break up for some reason, but Mercedes as a person is a disgusting bully who, now thanks to the internet, has been exposed for being extremely rude to her fans. When she's at signings? She's a queen. She's a sweetheart, taking photos with everyone she can, smiling, hugging them.. But when she isn't benefiting from a paid signing? Mercedes rarely is nice to her fans. Sure, you can find things where she is nice to them like before shows.. But if you were to see her out and about and you were to try and get a picture with her? Even if she isn't busy, she still will more than likely either ignore you altogether.. Or she would be blatantly rude to you, kind of shitting on you, publicly.

    It was so sad how far apart they drifted. Before? Mercedes and Pam were inseparable.. But now Pam couldn't stand the sight of her. That pink haired monster tried to steal Pam's whole life from her.. And failed. She shook her head and arrived at Rebecca's hotel.. She went to knock but before she knocked; Rebecca swung the door open. "Pammie!!" She hugged the hugger and pulled her inside quickly. Shutting the door behind her. "Okay we have quite a lot to look at today." Rebecca looked at Pam, and saw that look on her face and in her eyes.. She knew something was bubbling beneath the surface.. "Hey. What's wrong? Do you not wanna be here?" She asked quietly, feeling guilty instantly. Pam looked up, "What? No.. it isn't you. I just.. I just saw Mercedes and Sarath at the hotel.." Pam said quietly and Rebecca tilted her head, "I'm not sure I follow.. Isn't Mercedes injured?" Pam shook her head.. "Let me explain what she did.."

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