To The Pub He Went

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The next few days that followed were tense but relaxing. True to their word and their friendship; Leah, April, Rami, and Fergal all never went back to work. The WWE was completely understanding at a time like this and gave them all a pass until they could mentally handle the road again. Pam was trying to remember all she could about that night, but the truth is shrouded in darkness. The police told her that due to her resistance, the men who tried to abduct her failed in their mission. Witnesses were there, but it was far too dark to make out any one person, or in this case; two persons. Leah was the caretaker here, she brought everyone food, coffee, water. She was acting mom of this band of people. April was the comedy and the insight. She was the one offering words of wisdom and her sarcastic humor was so welcome right now. Rami was the calm one who was comforting to every single person there, he has such a peaceful spirit and a gentle heart that his presence, if absent, would be felt immensely. Fergal? He was Pam's partner, the strength of the group. When all else failed, they turned to the introverted Irishman to see his power through all of this and hopefully gain some motivation through it. Pam was so thankful to have all of them here, the days were luckily peeling on very quickly and that was the best thing she could have asked for. Besides them, of course. Pam's family and close friends from outside the squared circle came to visit her and they had to leave to return to normal life. Pam's mother was especially distraught, wanting her to carry a whistle now just in case this happens again, or better yet.. Pepper spray. It was ironically April who informed her that pepper spray was kind of illegal. Pam was getting her final tests done to make sure her concussion had gone fully away. "So if I'm clear here doc, I can wrestle again?" Pam tried to make some kind of optimism out of this event. All tragedy from what could have happened here was averted and Pam was damn near ready to go back and wrestle. The doctor chuckled, "Don't forget about your other injuries, we really wouldn't want you to go back into the ring and get your hip banged up on the matt, or worse than all, your head. Keep in mind that concussions tend to return easier after the first one. We're just looking out for you, Ms. Martinez." Pam was appreciative that her injuries could be confined to just a few weeks of missing work. It was the most traumatic thing she has ever had to go through. But as they say; The Show Must Go On!

Fergal had to leave the hospital for a few hours under Pam's instruction, she wanted him to see the outside for more than going to take a shower and coming back. So he went to the local pub and sat at the bar. He ordered a tallboy (a big tall ass draft beer) and sat as relaxed as he possibly could. The thoughts racing through his mind of work, Pam, his future with her.. All of it was dashing through his mind right now and he was getting a little frustrated with how things were going. Work was supposed to be the hard part, not just ONE of the hard parts. Shaking his head at his own thoughts, Fergal was hoping that he could come to some kind of common ground with his fears and anxiety. He sipped his beer and watched the hockey game that was on television. Now that's a real sport that requires a balance. Balancing yourself, your stick, the puck.. All the while you're on freaking skates on ICE! AND people are trying to lay you out and take the puck. It really was an incredible thing to watch even if you do not understand how the sport particularly makes sense. Fergal shook his head as he saw two of the players engaging in a fight. He was not a fan of a particular team, but whenever the Boston Bruins were on; fights would always ensue.

"Crazy shit isn't it?" Fergal heard a little voice come up from behind him and sit next to him at the bar. He didn't turn his head because honestly he was trying to avoid all recognition he might be receiving by fans or even colleagues. "Yeah." His one word response hopefully would push any person who was trying to talk to him away, as well as conceal his thick Irish accent. "I love the Bruins, they're always roughhousing with people and it's fun to watch someone get their ass kicked. Kind of like work, yea?" The voice became more familiar and he was immediately offset by this, finally he turned his head and saw the one thing he was NOT wanting to be a part of. Pink hair. "Um.. Hey.. How'd you know where to find me.." Fergal was nervous now, after all of his nightmares.. Was this the moment that sparked the origin of them? "Well I watch the news for one, and for two Pam is still kind of my friend. Even after what happened. But how are you? What have you been up to for the past few days?" Mercedes spoke to Fergal who was honestly wanting to be anywhere but here right now. Fergal didn't want to entertain this conversation further, he wanted to just get up and walk away from her and her crazy brain. But, alas.. Fergal is a nice person, never wanting to make others feel bad intentionally. "I've been fine. Just with her. She's doing great." Fergal was so dismissive right now it was almost hilarious if you were looking in on this conversation from the outside.. Wait.. "Well that's great to hear. I've missed you guys so much on the road the last few days. Honestly without the power couple with us we almost are all lost." She chuckled quietly and shook her head, clearly this, or something else, was bothering her to no end. Fergal saw right through the fake laughing but did not want to press her with further conversation. So instead, he had the unfortunate time of her pressing the conversation. "She wouldn't want me to come see her, would she?" Mercedes tried to seem like this was something she wanted to do, but.. She didn't seem all that convincing. Fergal shook his head, "I don't think that's a good idea, 'Cedes." What he really wanted to add was, 'For BOTH our sakes, please don't come.' But that would create questions as well as possibly a confrontation. Mercedes swallowed hard and tried her best to not cry.. The notoriously easy to cry woman nodded her head, "Well. Okay then." She looked down a bit, this went from awkward to painfully awkward in a matter of two minutes. Fergal sighed, "Don't cry. She just is in a bad spot. It isn't personal." he tried to reassure the woman he feared immensely. "Just relax, and pray if you'd like. All is good.."

It was at this moment, Fergal knew something was really wrong inside of her head. She reached over slowly and put her hand on his upper thigh, "If you need anyone to talk to, just call me.. And I'll come.. Running." She slid her hand off his leg and got out of the chair, darting for the door before he had any kind of time to react. What the fuck did she just try to do? Fergal's eyes were glued to the spot where her hand had just been, how the hell were his nightmares seemingly ALWAYS realized in reality? There was no avoiding them.. But, why? Why was it that he was never truly able to get away from things like this. Tragedy always seemed to rear its ugly head at him. Fergal didn't think that he was going to be okay, he needed to get out of here.. The air around him felt thick, too thick to breathe in comfortably. He tossed twenty bucks on the counter which was way more than one beer. "K-Keep the change, mate.." He shook his head, oxygen was not getting to his brain as the tormenting images from his nightmare were all coming full circle. Fergal swung the pub door open and got out, the cold air was seeping into his lungs now, freezing his cilia and preventing air from being processed and used properly.. He began to see black.

Fergal stumbled and leaned against the wall of the pub, his heart was struggling to pump just as badly as his lungs could not get clean air, hell.. They couldn't get any air out right now. Fergal's vision was worsening by the second, his panic all started from one single hand touching his leg. The literal worst thing for him was that nightmare in which Pam was basically left high and dry while Fergal got to do whatever he wanted. He put a hand on his chest and pushed, trying to push all that blockage out of himself.. But it was not working. Noises around him sounded like he was submerged under ten feet of water. "Hey! Fergal! Holy shit, no stop you sit. SIT!" A force pushed him down and he was now sitting, shaking a little bit even though it was only about sixty five degrees outside. "Breathe Fergal. Use your goddamn lungs. Please.. I'm here." Fergal didn't know who it was that was helping him out but he had a stupidly bad idea on who it was. He couldn't get air out, he felt like an over inflated balloon right now. But that smell.. It was such a sweet smell that was attributed to one person. Mercedes. Fergal couldn't breathe, this was his worst anxiety attack in a long time. After several minutes of Mercedes trying to soothe his panic down and the streets remaining quiet around them, literally not a soul was out right now.. He finally began to relax a little more. "There you go.. I'm sorry I came back, but when I saw you almost fall into the road I just, I had to come here.." Her arm was wrapped around him in a way that he was nervous about. Just the nightmare, if it weren't for that god forsaken nightmare, and her advances on him he probably would be still finishing that beer he had to tragically leave behind. Fergal regained his composure and stood, "I have to go. Take.. Take care of yourself, and thank you for helping." Fergal mumbled quietly, "No problem Ferg.." Mercedes stood and walked off just as quick as she came. Fergal returned to the hospital with an ugly story to tell. But as he walked in, Rami grabbed him by the arm and yanked him to the hallway. "Rami, Jesus man, what happened?" Fergal was concerned now, well he has been for several days now. But it was spiking at this moment in time. "They just lost Lexi, I just got a call saying they just lost her." Fergal felt his heart shoot through his body and out. "Lost? What do you mean? Did she up and walk out of the fucking hospital!?" Fergal was in already a shitty place, and now that? "Buddy.. They LOST.." Fergal interrupted him, "Don't.. J-just. Don't.." His heart ached with agony. The pain he was feeling was amplified ten fold. Not only had all of this happened in the span of about a month, but it was clearly not going to ever let go of him. "I told you here because I don't want to stress Pam out anymore than she already is. If you need to, please take a walk, man.." Fergal listened to Rami talk and he felt his phone ring. It was Matt. "I'm.. I'm gonna take this.." Fergal spoke and Rami, nodded..

"Matt.. I'm so sorry bud-" He was interrupted. It was quiet on Fergal's end for some time now and Fergal looked down the entire time he was talking. "I know it isn't fa-.." Sentences wouldn't be allowed to come out of Fergal right now. Matt just lost the love of his life and Fergal lost one of his closest friends. All due to some careless fucking clod who didn't care about their own life, nonetheless the lives of innocent people. Fergal paced around in circles for several minutes, chiming in every once in a while to try and calm his buddy down. It was hitting Fergal so hard when he thought back to when Lexi first started in NXT.. So full of life. All blown by a stranger and for no good goddamn reason.. Fergal suddenly stopped in his tracks and shouted, "What do you mean, Matt??" He was completely shocked by what he heard, but a slight smile came over his face and hope reentered Fergal's body.

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