The Test

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About a week and a half had passed since Pam noticed her period problem, things were almost going back to normal and it was about time for her to get her own pregnancy test just to.. Make sure that she really was indeed going to have to take this thing head on. Fergal was still a nervous wreck, for the first time in weeks.. Work was not the reason why he was freaking out over things, it was her. Pam had him so scared and nervous all the time, he felt like there was not enough time in the day to make sure she was doing okay. It really took its toll on him mentally and physically. He was losing sleep almost every single day and it was beginning to become a really, really big problem. Work was good for both of them, sadly Pam had to tell WWE that she believed she was pregnant, they were happy for her, surprisingly nobody in the front office gave her too much crap about it, which both scared her and made her feel good. Pam was taking a diplomatic role backstage now, it was something she welcomed with open arms as well as took very, very seriously. There was a stir right now, the kind of stir that the fans felt, due to rumors and talking all around the internet. The buzz could almost be felt, and nobody really knew what was going on. Actually they did, it was something that was going to shake the very foundations of the entire company. Fergal was getting ready for Wrestlemania, the fact that Fastlane was TONIGHT meant that there were only a handful of weeks left until the show of shows arrived. This meant crunch time was in full effect and nobody better be half-assing anything right now. This is the time where Superstars were made and proven to the world that they did belong. Sadly, for some odd reason Fergal did not have a match at this years show, perhaps it was to preserve him for Wrestlemania, perhaps it was due to the fact that the RAW creative team typically wrote with blindfolds on. Fergal was walking around backstage with Pam, the crowd was already heavily into it, chanting things from 'Let's go Cena, Cena Sucks', to the New Day Chants, even popping in a few CM Punk things. They really were a lively bunch tonight and that is honestly just how they loved it. "It's too bad neither of us can wrestle tonight, this crowd is on fire already and we've still got ten minutes before showtime." Pam looked down after Fergal spoke, he was right, it really sucked major booty that she couldn't wrestle, but it was better to not and avoid a tragedy. "Yea, I know baby boy. I wish I was too." Fergal looked over at her as she finished her sentence, she was still torn apart and only was continuing to tear as the minutes peeled on. This pregnancy thing has her so discombobulated it almost is scary to watch this steep of a decline in mood and general happiness. "Hey.. You've got the other test, right?" Fergal reached over and grabbed her arm gently, stopping his movement and hers all together.

Pam nodded at his words, her lip curled up and her eyebrows rose just a tad, "Well yea I do.. I'm gonna go take it when the show starts. I kind of want to be alone for this Fergal. I don't want you freaking out or anything. You've still got a few interviews and segments of your own to worry about. I've got this babe." Fergal nodded at her and pulled her VERY gently into a hug, almost being a little over careful. But hey, he didn't know, you can never be too safe when it came to something like this. "I understand sweetie.." He whispered into her ear, kissing the side of her head gently. "Well the show is gonna start, you go kill it babe. Okay? Remember, I am okay.." Pam tried to reassure him one more time. Fergal nodded and leaned in for a gentle kiss, the intimacy that they shared constantly was so natural, and you just couldn't fabricate love like that.

Pam kissed back, "I love you." Fergal whispered to her, Pam felt her tummy fill up with those familiar butterflies, the same ones that consumed her all those months ago when he first ever said those three magical little words. "I love you too." They reluctantly pulled away from one another and walked their separate ways. Fergal went to where the curtains were, to stand around and listen.. Just listen to the fans and eat up all they were dishing out. The energy in the building was incredible. It was just startling to see this kind of group of fans in a day and age where sometimes no matter WHAT you say or do.. They just don't care. He watched as the first three matches came and went almost in the blink of an eye. It was scary to think that his mind was so distracted by Pam that not even something as important as work could really be on his mind, it was far too preoccupied with worrying about her health and.. Future. Pam was sitting on the bench in a rather nice locker room, the lights were dim, very very dim. Which she thought was both weird, and super relaxing. They didn't hurt her eyes with an intense beam, instead they put her in a deep sense of relaxation. She had to be relaxed in order to take this pregnancy test. Missing her period was something that was a freaking telltale sign that she was going to start a journey, but the test? Was just a way to eliminate all doubt and question from the equation altogether. She felt her eyes fluttering closed, the feeling of deep relaxation his her on her every nerve, every inch of her body was blanketed with this feeling of ease. She had to get up though, she had to ignore relaxing, she had to ignore the safety net of forgetting that she is pregnant. Pam got up finally, stretching lightly and rubbing her belly just a little bit. 'Well.. Here goes nothing Pammy.' She thought to herself as she slowly walked towards the bathroom to take this test. Her nerves quickly got out of relaxed mode and went over to the more, panic side of things. She tried to control her breathing but it was for naught. Nothing was really going to get her to realize that life was going to work out, for everyone knew that not even tomorrow was guaranteed.. She definitely thought that tomorrow was in fact not guaranteed, it felt like her world was going to collapse on her head all at once. Pam walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her, she was getting ready to take the most important test in her entire life..

Fergal had his first interview and it went well, he hit points like Wrestlemania, and it didn't matter who won the title match tonight, he was going to take it from whomever held it. He said they were only placeholder champions while he made his full recovery and then return. The show was going very well, it was time for the Women's title match however. Which was a beacon on controversy, fans felt like it should be Pam, err.. Bayley. Who was in the title shot, if not champion at this moment in time. Of course they had no idea Pam was going through the potential start of a pregnancy. She hated knowing that the fans desired that at the worst time for her career. But hopefully they wouldn't forget about her.. It was scary to think that if this was a thing that was happening, that being her pregnancy, it would be a year before she ever stepped into a ring again. She would be forgotten.. Easily.. The huggers would all die out and wither away into the pages of yesterday. That thought frightened Pam to her core, she walked out of the bathroom with the little test stick in her hand. It said on the box it takes ten minutes to show the results, she set it on a little napkin and walked around the locker room, her mind was darting everywhere, from what her family would think, to announcing it to the fans, to how hard her fans would forget her.. It was such a frightening thought of hers to even begin to entertain.. She can't be pregnant.. Not now..

Pam sat down on the bench now, looking at the television that was in there and the Raw Women's Championship match was beginning. It was taking place between Mercedes who was the defending champion, and Saraya.. Of course. Why the hell wouldn't THIS be happening. Especially with such heat between them behind the scenes, Pam began to get worried that one of them would try and.. Intentionally hurt the other for the sake of saying they did it. The match started out as any other would, a collar and elbow tie up. It was typical wrestling shit at this point, feeling no emotion pour out of it until Sarya shoved the smaller Mercedes across the ring, eye contact was made and that lit a fire under Mercedes' ass. She got up and ran at Saraya faster than she has ever been seen running before. The spear leading into a flurry of punches to the head and stomach area showed that the anger and resentment was bubbling over and it was not going to stop. The referee eventually broke it up and the match REALLY started. Pam was so anxious to see what would happen, Sarya and Mercedes traded momentum swings for the better part of twenty minutes with the fans eating up every single thing that they were doing to each other. Near fall, after near fall saw the fans even beginning to say 'THREE' and then there was that amazing kick out. These two were stealing the show right in front of everyone's eyes. Pam even found herself jumping up and down at certain moments in the match. Fergal was just as into the match as the rest of the fifteen thousand people in attendance were. It was coming time for the match to conclude. And when Mercedes hit a very tired Saraya with a Bankrupt that bridged into a very very tired looking cover. The match finished. Mercedes defended her title successfully and that meant she was going to Wrestlemania to hopefully have an amazing match with whomever the company decided to throw at her. It was at this time where Stephanie McMahon herself came out to the stage. "Congratulations Sasha on a crazy good title defense." The fans cheered a bit for this, it was an amazing match and one that won't soon be forgotten. "But I have some.. Bad news for you." Everyone grew silent, the battered Mercedes leaned against the corner turnbuckle for support. "You see, we've been working something out with a particular Superstar to come and challenge you for your title and that person WILL be revealed." The fans now erupted, it was always exciting to know there was going to be potentially a new face.

"But, that will not be tonight." The fans all booed in unison. "Oh boo all you want my decision is final. I am god around here." The fans booed harder at her arrogance. "Tomorrow night on RAW, you will meet the woman who was more than happy to challenge you for that Raw Women's Championship. I hope you're ready, 'Boss.'" Stephanie walked off now and the segment ended. Curiosity flowed through Pam, Fergal, and everyone else involved. The main event started and the buzz hadn't gone away. Pam looked down at her test and saw that there was indeed a result.. Fergal was getting ready to pop in for a few minutes of stage time. After the match concluded and Kevin was the victor. Fergal poked his head out on stage, he stood there and the crowd erupted with a roar for him. He smirked a bit and pointed at the Wrestlemania sign, Kevin stood onto his feet finally and looked over at the sign, he too was ready for Wrestlemania already, there was no denying that. After a few, tense moments, Fergal receded into the backstage area yet again. Everyone there was so happy with how the pay-per-view turned out, the amount of tension the was left inside of Fergal's chest was insurmountable however, he knew Pam needed him now more than ever.. It was time to go face the truth, and figure out just what is going on.

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