The Start Of Something Awful

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The tension that was mounting inside of Pam's heart after that quick, and stress filled phone call with Fergal was becoming overwhelming. She thought that she was recovering well, but it looks like life was just about to shit on her parade again. It was a cold feeling, a sensation that wrapped its tendrils around her heart and squeezed very, very hard. Pam stumbled to the bench near her and looked around, there were no people around her which was good, she was getting sick and tired of being treated like some fragile piece of glass. Pam looked at her phone and then looked up again, it had been only five minutes since Fergal called and he was, if things went well, on his way as she sat there and panicked. Pam was such a tired looking girl right now, her usually bubbly personality was shaded by doubt and just an utter tired feeling. She never felt like she was truly awake, as in her muscles always felt like they needed to be stretched out, even after ten minutes of stretching. The incident that she went through had been passed physically and she was overwhelmingly grateful that more damage was not inflicted. She did of course want to know who did it and why they did it.. But that would only make her fear each person who walked by her that she didn't know. She heard a knocking on her locker room door, "H-hello?" Her voice was drenched with fear and paranoia. Her body might have healed from her attack, but her mind was just as damaged as it was the day it happened. "It's me Pammie." Fergal's voice was warm, quiet, smooth even. "Oh, come on in baby.." She adjusted herself and made sure that she looked pretty. Pam was just out of make up so she was kind of caked up with things to make her face look flawless. She hated it, and Fergal wasn't the biggest of fans but she had to do it because the company DEMANDED perfection. Fergal walked in and saw his gorgeous woman sitting on the bench, scared and alone.. It dawned on him right then and there that he needed to man the fuck up and stop being such a bitch about what happened to everybody. What kind of example would he be setting for the rest of the locker room if he decided when and where he showed up? No. This was his last day of doing this, he walked inside and sat down next to her, hugging her almost in a reassuring, warm way. "Stop shaking.." Fergal spoke quietly as he felt her body shiver under his touch. It was probably due to the things that happened to her.. Perhaps it was because of him dropping such a dark, foreshadowing phone call onto her. "I'm sorry.. I just.." Pam tried to explain herself but soon felt Fergal's soft touch caress her back.. "No. Don't explain babe.. Just relax.. Let me get this out of my system.." Pam nodded and kissed his cheek gently. "Wait, I missed you.. Gimme kisses babyy.." Pam puffed out her lips and demanded some form of kisses.

Fergal smiled, she was absolutely adorable. Every word she said you could hear her little lisp and Fergal absolutely cherished the fucking thing. He leaned in and kissed her swiftly, and almost sort of romantically. They were so prone to just being like this with each other all the time that it felt like a cheesy romantic chick flick movie. "How rude of me, sorry darling." Fergal whispered quietly and Pam made a cute little noise. "It's okay babe. Now.. What.. What happened? Why are you so freaking out.." Pam was scared to know what had happened, but she was more frightened to NOT know what had happened. Fergal pulled his head back and grabbed her hand gently, rubbing his thumb over top of it. "Well. It's a fucked up little story. And I don't want you fighting anybody. At all. You got that? Promise me you won't..." Fergal was scared too to tell her, Pam did have a bit of a temper on her, she claims that's her Spanish side coming out to play.

"Well that's like writing a blank check." Pam tried to explain that promising something like that would mean that even if she was enraged she wouldn't be allowed to do anything. Fergal nodded, she knew exactly what he meant and he knew what she meant. They were really in sync with one another it was quite lovely. "Exactly. So promise me damn it.." Fergal was begging her, he also wouldn't tell her if she didn't promise him this little thing. Pam huffed and puffed and finally was forced to nod in agreement. "Well fine. I will not punch anybody." Fergal smiled as she spoke, and nodded. "Okay. So." Pam was waiting, holding her breath actually.. It was a tense few quiet moments while Fergal tried to find the way to explain what happened to him while she was not there. "This happened today. Literally right before I came here. And I came here so fast as a result of what happened. I was just relaxing, trying to heal my brain and make sure that I don't have ANOTHER anxiety attack.. And someone decided to knock on my door. Yes you already know where this is going. Mercedes wanted to talk to me. I didn't want to talk to her, I still don't and definitely not now.. But I wanted her to get this out of her system and then go away forever. I think I said that? But I don't remember.." Fergal's story was making Pam nauseous. Hearing Mercedes inside of Fergal's room was something that fucked her up, royally. "And to sum it up in a nutshell.. She confessed that she has loved me since she was signed by the WWE." Pam audibly gasped.. She was floored by this.. Originally thinking that Mercedes only wanted to have sex with Fergal, a confession of love took her by shock. Pam looked down and everything made sense now.. Her fear of Mercedes wanting Fergal was now reality, it was no longer buried in her subconscious.. "Oh.." Pam spoke quietly, she no longer cared about this story and honestly wanted to scream, and cry.. In that order. Fergal tried to rub her back but Pam squirmed away, not wanting to be touched whatsoever and honestly just wanting to disappear from this planet. "Pam, I'm sorry.. You know I don't love her, right? I love you and only you.." Fergal was doing his absolute best to try and make sure she understood that he was in this for her, and he was in this for the long term. Pam's body began to quiver in rage, it was a new feeling that she has never felt before and she didn't know how to honestly feel. A part of her felt like Fergal actually loved her back, she thought that all that time where Fergal defended her, and Fergal was justifying her bullshit.. Was a master plan to drive Pam absolutely bat shit insane and get her out of the picture.. This was getting ugly.

"Pam, say something.." Fergal was desperate for Pam to give her.. Anything at this point. But it would not be so, Pam was not ready to face the real world yet, instead she was searching for that happy place inside of her mind and she was struggling to get out of the darkness.. "I shouldn't be here.." Fergal began to slowly take blame for this, guilt was overflowing throughout his body and making him feel almost sick. "I um. I'll go. I'm sorry." Fergal got up from the bench and Pam didn't say a single word. Is this what Fergal gets for doing the right thing? Instead of keeping something in as a secret, he decided to tell her right away and this is what happens? Fergal felt like he shouldn't have even said anything.. But he knew that not telling her what Mercedes did would be even more fucked up. Morale of the story? This sucks balls. He gingerly walked out of the locker room and stopped to look back at Pam, hoping that she would ask him to stay. Instead when he turned, Pam hadn't moved a single muscle. She was struggling so bad right now and the only thing she needs, and Fergal knew it, was time and space. Being patient was not one of Fergal's strong suits, especially when Pam was mentally battling with.. Herself..

Fergal left the locker room and walked down the hallway. He swiftly made his exit from the building and walked out towards the car. Once he got to the car there was a little note wedged inside of the windshield wiper. Fergal's eyebrows furrowed and he balled his hand up to form a tight fist. With his free hand he reached over and grabbed the note, Fergal has seen horror movies before, this typically ended with him getting struck in the back of the head with a blunt object. But right now Fergal was made of steel, nothing was going to hurt him or phase him. He opened the note and the letters that made up words were put together with cut out pieces of newspaper. Once he read it his jaw dropped. The note simply stated, 'Better watch her. Because I AM.' Fergal RAN back inside of the arena and looked around, nobody looked suspicious.. This couldn't be happening again. He would NOT let it happen again.. Fergal sprinted towards Pam's locker room and bursted inside, where Pam was no longer sitting. "Shit.. Fuck. Shit fuck!" Fergal slammed his hand on the wall and caused a loud bang to be heard. Crew members jumped at the noise and looked towards the origin. Fergal walked out of the locker room, completely stunned and overwhelmed with fear, and failure. He leaned against the wall and tossed his head up in the air. His brain was in overdrive mode right now, where what she? What happened to her? Why was this happening? Who is doing this!? Fergal thought that he was going to have another anxiety attack and this time for good reason. Just as his chest was beginning to tighten beyond the point of no return; he heard Pam's music hit. Oh. That makes sense. She was just working like she was there to do. Fergal got off of the wall and decided it would be smart to walk up towards the curtain area to wait for her. There was not a chance in hell she would be alone after some crazy psycho left a fucking note on his car. Meaning that not only the person.. Or persons was just there, but they possibly ARE still here. He watched Pam go to work like only she could, dominating her match and putting on one helluva show for the fans. Fergal did see her face exhibit some form of new found rage, and fire. He didn't like it all that much, when you're angry and wrestling, bad shit can happen. You can injure yourself, or an opponent.. But luckily, Pam was a professional at this, and by this I didn't just mean wrestler. She was a professional at suppressing her deep feelings.

After her match concluded, Fergal paced around and got the attention of virtually everybody that was there. But nobody, including Paul wanted to try and test him right now. Everyone unanimously knew that Fergal was a little fucked up, and no one wanted to set him off, they loved him and knew he wasn't ready to be embraced back. After Pam got behind the curtain, she saw Fergal and went pale in the face. She walked over to him and hugged him swiftly. Her sweaty body pressed firmly up against his. Fergal whispered, "I'm sorry I left. When I got to the car.. I.. Fuck. We need to go. Now." Pam nodded at his words. "Okay. Please explain this." The two began to walk towards the locker room and Fergal decided now he would do it. "I saw this note stuffed in the windshield wiper and when I opened it.. I came back as fast as I could.." Pam took the note in her hand and when she opened it she literally froze in place. What was this? Some kind of fucking crazed serial killer from the 1980's? Pam's jaw opened, "Oh.. My god. What the hell is this? No.. This.." Pam shook her head and Fergal put his hands on her elbows, "Hey hey hey.. I will not let that happen again. If that means I have to be your personal fuckin' bodyguard, guess what? I'm gonna do it. Okay? I'm NEVER leaving you." Pam nodded and tears rolled down her cheeks, "Please don't leave me. I can't.. I can't go through that ever ever again.."

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