Think About The Future

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That was a night that was more needed than both Fergal and Pam knew.. Relaxation ending with some lovely sex? Not rough stuff, although Pam was not one to shy away from that on occasion, no no. Last night was filled with ups and downs, but ultimately ended on the highest of highs. Fergal woke up before Pam, as always and his brain was hurting badly. This headache he had today was something taken out of a horror movie and he was absolutely not okay with it. He stumbled into the bathroom where he tried to splash cold water on his face to both wake him up and lower some of his pain. All of the pain was concentrated in the left side of his head, more specifically in his temple region.. His throbbed and wrapped around his temple, squeezing as if you were squeezing a lemon to get juice. He considered taking drugs for it, pain suppressors were somewhat of a norm for Fergal this day and age. He knew the source of his pain was stress, the bumps from the ring were not attributed to the pain he felt in his head almost on a daily basis. Was he developing some sort of chronic migraine? That would be extremely costly to his career.. You cannot function when you have a migraine and trying to wrestle and do everything he does as a Sports Entertainer would be literally impossible at this stage in his career. Fergal shook his head, trying to brush off the cobwebs and not take something for it this morning. He walked out of the bathroom and saw Pam sleeping, peacefully.. Like a little baby. She hopefully had a great night and for once in the last several months.. They both forgot about the stress that weighed them both down. Sadly for them however, that night was over, and the stress they so desperately tried to run away from.. Was inevitably going to creep back up on them and grab them from the darkness. Fergal was a very conscious person, he was very aware of his surroundings and the things going on in them. Realizing that this happiness was only going to be temporary, he hung his head low and thought about all the fights, and stress that days prior have raught upon them. He walked back to the bed and sat at the edge of it, on the side where he was once lying so peacefully. He thought a moment about waking Pam up, maybe some food would alleviate his stress and pain levels. But then again he wanted nothing more than to just lay back down in bed, sleep and feel all kinds of better. But before he could even do that; Pam began to stir. He wasn't sure yet if this was a good thing or a bad thing.. But nevertheless, the hugger woke up. She rolled over to feel the spot where Fergal was and when she didn't feel him, she opened her eyes. "Ferg.. Oh hey baby.. How did you sleep?" Her concerned, but sleepy voice was adorable and sad to listen to.

Fergal lightly smiled, he wasn't really sure if she would even be able to see the smile due to her eyes not even being fully open just yet. But he did nonetheless. "Good morning. I slept okay, I mean I slept. So that's a thing that happened. How about you, I didn't wake you, did I?" Fergal spoke softly, attempting to ease her into the day that had barely even started yet. Fergal had so much hope that they could actually be able to get back to a normal standing with one another, before it was too late and their future of endless possibilities was dead. She grunted and stretched, her lisp was on full effect when she was sleepy. "I slept great. I'm so sore in every single part of my body. My butt hurts too." Fergal laughed at this little reference to last night and smiled, "Well I'm sorry, but not sorry about all of that. And I'm glad that you slept well." He reached over and softly began to caress her face, maybe the best thing for today to hold for the two of them was more and more relaxation, lord knows that they need it now more than ever before..

Pam began to sit up, knowing that she needed to ultimately wake up and begin to function as an adult. She adjusted her shirt due to it being somewhat turned around on her and stretched again. The shirt rose and exposed her little flat tummy. Fergal smiled at her waking up process, he always thought how absolutely adorable she looked when she woke up, like a little sleepy baby. Pam yawned quietly and slid out of bed, "I'll be right back, babe." Fergal nodded and watched as Pam, who had no pants on, only a big-ish shirt hobbled sleepily towards the bathroom and shut the door. Once it closed; Fergal laid back down on the bed, directly backwards and he raised his arms above his head, he really didn't know what to do or how to think right now. The simplicity of having a good day was disgustingly easy sounding, but in practice it was one of the hardest things for one to even get close to achieving. Meanwhile; Pam was in the bathroom brushing her teeth and getting ready to toss some makeup on her face, she was still so self conscious about her appearance that she felt the need to, even on off days, look like a million bucks. That's the sad thing about being in a relationship, sometimes either the guy or girl feels the need to go over and beyond the point of trying too hard, and in reality? Your significant other thinks you're beautiful in every single way no matter what.. Remember that everybody. Pam was finished brushing her teeth, and she began to put some makeup on to, in her opinion, make herself look prettier. She then turned and grabbed a new bra from the stack of three new ones that she had waiting for this particular moment, and she slid it on before lowering the shirt again. Pam slowly opened the door as she finished putting her hair into a normal ponytail, not a side one like she does on television as Bayley, and then saw a sprawled out Fergal who looked more comfortable and peaceful than he really deserved. That's a joke, obviously, but Pam walked out slowly and climbed ontop of him and he twitched from being startled a bit. "Hi again love." Pam whispered as she leaned down, kissing him softly on the lips. Fergal's hands naturally went to her butt where they rested comfortably and he smiled, "Hi there. You like being on top of the world?" Fergal winked playfully, knowing that Pam would not only get the joke, but understand the flirting. "Hmm.. Well this is my second favorite place to be.." Fergal raised an eyebrow, "Yeah? Where's the first?" Pam bit down on her bottom lip, not entirely ready for this sexual tension already, "On bottom to my whole world.." Fergal blushed and he shook his head, "I have literally no comeback for that. Holy shit." Pam smiled and winked playfully after she felt overly proud of herself. "I'm soooo amazing, I know you can praise me all you want darling.. But were you just sleeping? Did I wake you for real?"

Fergal in reality slept like dog shit, he couldn't fall asleep due to the events that have recently taken place between them and he hated the fact that he was just too damn scared to really talk to Pam about them. He shrugged, "I dunno.. Guess I'm just a tired guy today, what can I say?" After he said that, Pam slid off of him and sat, not laid, next to him. She looked down and sighed very, very softly. "There's still problems between us.. Isn't there.." Her fears were becoming to be more real than she ever imagined and she was not ready for this. Fergal wanted to agree, yes. There were problems between them and there were real issues that have no solutions. But the realistic side of him was SCREAMING at him to not tell her that, it would only hurt her in ways that he hasn't even discovered yet.. "No babe, I told you I understand why you did what you did.." He didn't sound too convincing, hence Pam's questioning; "Yeah? So you agree with it then.. What I did.." Fergal shook his head, "Doing that is never okay. So no. I really don't agree with it.."

Pam's destruction of Alexis' face was something that was going to take a long time to forget, and honestly it probably will never be forgotten by die-hard Alexa Bliss fans, Fergal, Paul, and a handful of her friends and all of her family. It was a scary thing to have that kind of built up anger and rage towards someone, and Pam also didn't even realize that she was suspended. That hit her literally just now. "I totally forgot I can't even go to work.. I have to sort out my ridiculous temper before any of the girls will even trust me.." She began to feel worse and worse as the seconds peeled on. Fergal grabbed her hand gently, "Hey.. wanna know what I think?" Pam looked over at him, he had those piercing eyes.. It was like he was looking into her soul.. "Y-yeah baby? What do you think?" Her voice cracked as she spoke, it was really hard for her to not cry right now. Fergal identified this, and was willing to baby her. "Well. I think there's a problem, anger is a problem as it always has been. But I think you can be helped, I think if I'm just a little more understanding and willing to bend we can fix this. I know you will get better and get a grip on it I just know it. The doctors will do all they can to help you and so will I.. I also think you should call or go see her. It could really help you out mentally to know that she is getting better and that this won't be a long term thing. She's gonna be there what, a week? Maybe less? I think that's the best course of action.." Fergal was always right, at least partially if not all the way. Right now he was fully right, the WWE was willing to help her and be patient with her to the point of not firing her. Bayley is lovable, and Pam is just as lovable and she has so many people backstage who love and care about her and her feelings so much. Paul as one of her biggest fans/supporters. He would NOT let her get ruined when she went up to the main roster, there was no way in hell that would happen. That man fought so hard for his 'NXT Babies' to get the recognition that they deserved.. Sometimes it didn't work, Vince McMahon is a stubborn old bat sometimes. But Pam knew that she was protected, the trend on Twitter occasionally was '#BayleyProtectionSquad' meaning that she had people that would fight for her and defend her even if it meant fighting with others. Now, Pam does not condone fighting especially over her, but it made her feel appreciated to know this was a thing that people would do for her. All of these thoughts ran through her head and she nodded very slowly at Fergal. "I know. A-and I should go see her, shouldn't I.." Her voice was riddled with fear, she couldn't come to grips with the fact that she became the monster that she always fought against and fought to suppress inside herself..

Fergal rubbed her hand softly with his thumb, "Yes.. And I won't even go because you need to have this time with her alone, no outside people should be there.. Matt included." Fergal was always so supportive of Pam, even when he was disappointed in her or pissed off at her. There was just something different about him than other men. You could say, 'I'm not like most guys' applies. Yes, that was a Nia Jax joke, and it was damn funny too. But it was true, Fergal was wired different than most other people and Pam was lucky enough to find a guy like him. He was more than lucky to have such a genuine sweetheart like her in his life, luck wasn't even the word for them, it was an actual understatement. There was no word that exists in this entire world that does justice for how they felt for one another. "Okay babe.. I'll do that tomorrow.. Can we just take a day and forget about the outside world? I'll order food literally all freaking day I just.. I don't wanna go anywhere but here.." Pam asked very kindly, and luckily for her; this was Fergal's off day. "Absolutely babe. We can do whatever you want." Pam simply wrapped her arms around him 

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