Rise Up

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The unthinkable happened.. That return just shook the very foundations of the WWE as a whole and it appeared to be just starting, again. AJ returning in such a thunderous fashion was going to toss such a monkey wrench in the plans of every other female talent in the locker room, she was going to face heavy criticism from her peers and even potentially higher ups. But it appears that does not matter to her very much, the pain she felt from leaving the company several years ago was great, and damn near unbearable. Pam was speechless, Fergal was so impressed with such a hard hitting, confrontational promo that it was almost shocking. "So. That just happened.. Holy crap.." Fergal finally broke the stunned silence with a little comment that hopefully broke Pam out of her trance like state she was currently stuck in. Through all this craziness, she still managed to feel bad almost about not being pregnant, it was something that they both wanted, but right now was not the right time to have a child. "Yea, totally just did.." Pam was nervous now, nervous that she just lost her spot to AJ and nervous that she would lose her dream for another year of competing at Wrestlemania. She had to sit back and watch as Rebecca, Ashley, and Mercedes tore the house down last year in front of a record breaking crowd in the reintroducing of the Women's Championship. And this year she might just be sitting back AGAIN behind a more 'talented' Superstar. Fergal noticed the fear that tightly gripped her face, "Hey.. You still will be at 'Mania babe. I promise. Something will happen for you and happen in the best way possible." Fergal tried to reassure her in the only way he knew how, with gentle words and soft touching. "Thank you Fergal. I hope you're right, sitting out again would be such a nightmare.." He pulled her closer and kissed her cheek, "You'll make it. It will absolutely be worth your wait.." The two got up at the same time, seemingly thinking the exact same thing; get the hell out of here. They grabbed their bags and Fergal laughed lightly, "We might wanna grab this." Fergal reached down and grabbed her phone, she managed to almost forget it damn near every arena they went to. Pam blushed at her own foolishness and took it gently, "Thank you baby, you're a lifesaver." Her plan was to call April later on, perhaps tomorrow morning to figure out just how the hell this was even possible. But right now all she could think about is bed with her man. Not.. BED.. like you know, but sleeping, pure relaxation.

They exited the locker room and rapidly left the arena getting in the car. It was so cold outside, no more than twenty degrees out and both of them sat in the car, shivering violently. "Holy moly it is like an ice age out there.." Pam shivered more, bringing her hands to her face, Fergal looked over at her and the tip of her nose was beat red. He laughed, "You look like Rudolph.." Pam opened her mouth wide, in a silly kind of offended way. "I beg your pardon mister red cheeks??" They both exchanged giggles again and Fergal began to drive away. It was little bonding moments like this that made their relationship as strong as it really was. I think if they prove anything is that relationships are made to be like this, they are made to have inner strength and fire that will never be put out, no matter the obstacle. They arrived at the hotel and literally, LITERALLY ran inside with their luggage, the wind howling behind them. As they entered the rather warm, luxurious hotel, it was actually a surprise for Pam to have snagged a fancy place like this for the two of them. "Oh my! This place is fantastic looking!" Pam was really caught off guard by the immense beauty just the lobby held, she could only imagine what the room looked like.

"Yea, I figured, why not go all out for my one and only?" Fergal winked playfully and nudged Pam's cold side. She blushed, "Thank you sweetheart. You're incredible." Fergal loved hearing things like that from her, her words meant so much to him that even the slightest compliment would floor him with butterflies and he would soon feel like he was floating away to happy land. They checked in and got their key cards from a rather nice young lady who was both pleasant and courteous. Fergal and Pam walked towards the fancy elevator, entering it slowly and watching as the doors closed in front of them. "So is it straight to bed or.. Did you wanna fool around?" Pam whispered to Fergal as she now was the one who nudged his side gently. Fergal had to actually think about it for a moment, he wasn't too sure if he wanted to right now, it was late, he was sore.. Perhaps he would take a rain check on sex. "As much as I wanna, and you're so tempting.. We should get to bed, we gotta be on the road tomorrow real early and I don't wanna be miserable in the car, or fall asleep on you.." Pam nodded, "Crap I forgot that was tomorrow, nevermindddd.." She giggled quietly, and speaking as a matter of factly, she did forget about their journey back onto the road tomorrow. Something like that was super easy to forget and nine times out of ten? Pam would forget. As the elevator dinged and the doors opened, they slid out and lumbered slowly towards their room, it was an amazing and utterly breathtaking hotel to even gaze at. Pam was so anxiously awaiting to see what the room itself would look like that she almost forgot to walk, too busy gazing at the amazing wallpapers and big mirrors. It was almost like a museum, it really deserved to be admired. Fergal had to tug on Pam's hand in order to keep her feet moving, "Come on baby. We gotta get to bed plus.. Plus I wanna cuddle." Pam sped herself up now, "I do too!" the secret was she always wanted to cuddle though, she never could turn down a nice warm close night with the man that she loved more than life itself. They got to the room and Fergal opened up the door, slowly Pam was allowed to enter and her breath was stolen instantly. She looked around the room and saw how massive it was, two floors, entirely furnished with couches, paintings, giant television, a freaking hot tub? This was too good to be true, the rooms themselves were massive but the fact that they were filled with things made this place all that much more impressive. "Oh my goodness Fergal.. This place is beautiful.." Fergal reached over and grabbed her by her hip, "Well I also should mention that I lied about tomorrow morning. That isn't until the day after that we gotta go." Fergal knew he was gonna catch hell for that, he pulled a fast one on Pam and honestly she wasn't going to care.

"I KNEW I didn't forget that!! Ya bully!!" She giggled and Fergal tickled her lightly until she was in his warm embrace, hugging tightly. "This is so incredible Fergal, thank you so much for spoiling me all the time.." Pam blushed and felt like a little girl in his arms, Fergal whispered back, "It isn't spoiling, I look at it like.. Treating my princess properly." Pam squealed loudly and squeezed him tight, "Goodness I love you." Fergal leaned back a bit, and then in to kiss her. After a few hot and heavy moments of this rather sweet and tender kiss, it broke, "I love you too Pam." She was speechless again, but this time it had nothing to do with the immaculate sights that were in front of her, it wasn't due to the immense luxury that she was currently in. It was because she was in the presence of the man she has searched for her entire life, certain moments were break out moments that made her mind go back to the times where she was mistreated and abused by her previous men.. And Pam was ABUSED.. By previous men.. Not anymore.. Not with Fergal.

Pam eventually had to let go of him and she shuffled her feet, "So hot tub is what you're telling me? Great! I'll be waiting!" Pam dropped her bag and ran over to the glass room where the hot tub lie. The entire room was covered in a big window, it was seethrough from any point in the hotel, adding to the gravity of how freaking amazing it was. Pam ran inside and began to undress, she rather quickly was in her underwear and climbed inside the already warm water, bubbling with temptation. As she felt the hot liquid make contact with her skin, her head went back and it felt.. Incredible. Fergal walked over towards it, wanting her to feel that rush as fast as possible before he joined, not to mention, Fergal is a methodical person. He took his time no matter what the issue was. "Does it feel nice? I had called to make sure that the tub was started before we even got here just because I knew you'd wanna do this." Pam trembled with pleasure from the massaging nature of the tub, "It is amazing.. Please get your sexy little butt in here and join me." Fergal too then undressed until he was in his underwear, climbing inside and letting the warm water rush over his skin. If a person were to walk by, they would swear they were having sex from the amount of grunting that they did, but it was not from sex, but from the rush of an incredible moment. "We ABSOLUTELY need one of these when we get a big house." Pam mumbled under her gasps, Fergal loved to think about the future with Pam, sometimes it was the only light he knew in his life. He nodded in response to her claim, "Absolutely darling. No argument here-" As he was talking, Pam's phone began to ring. It was odd for anyone to call especially at this time. Pam grunted playfully, "This had better be good.." She reached over and bent over the tub to get her phone. Classic Fergal, he reached over and grabbed her butt and squeezed down on it, getting a nice massage in before she sat. That lasted a mere moment, but Pam's cheeks began to burn up because of it. Attention like that would take so long to get used to. "Hello?" Pam answered, Fergal could only speculate who it was and what they wanted at almost midnight. He watched as Pam's mouth slowly opened more and more, something was being dropped on her, some news was so important that it indeed took a call at midnight in order to get out. She was speechless, something had happened.. "Yes, of course. Thank you so much!" She hung up quickly and tossed her phone onto her pants and looked at Fergal. Her eyes filled with tears at a rapid rate, "Whoa whoa what happened Pamela? Hey hey.." Fergal spoke as he scooted across the tub and over to Pam, this of course would happen tonight just to screw him over and ruin the mood.

Pam allowed him to get close, and as he placed a hand on her thigh underneath the hot water, she took in a breath. "That was Carrano.." Fergal nodded, swallowing hard now. This could be either really good, or disastrous. "Okay. What did he have to say baby girl.." Pam began to smile wide, it was obvious this was a good thing.. "Next week on RAW I wrestle for the title!" Fergal smiled and raised his eyebrows, "Holy crap! No way!" Pam smiled too and felt his hand tighten on her leg, "Yes way! Apparently it's gonna be like an open challenge thing, and and I'm gonna be the one to answer! I'm so freaking happy baby!" Pam leaned over and wrapped her arms around him, trying to splash as little water as possible. "I'm so proud of you Pamela, you deserve this.." As the hug ended, Pam leaned up and latched her lips to his quickly. She kept passionately dropping little kisses on his lips as the heat from the water made the moment, no pun intended, very steamy. They kept their faces close to one another, Fergal could see Pam's chest rising and sinking, one of his favorite things was.. Her breathing, it was so precious and tender to him, he loved each second of seeing it happen. "I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you, princess." Pam blushed at his words and quickly wanted to add something of her own. "I can't wait to see what the future holds for US.." 

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