House Warming Party

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Today was such a good day, Fergal and Pam picked a BEAUTIFUL place to live, they finally got to spend more time together, and the thoughts of the future didn't scare them, it didn't make them angry.. But it filled them with hope. Hope for what tomorrow brings, perhaps their future is not as dark and grim as they expected. The irony in that is unspeakable. They always sat there, and thought that there was nothing but horrible moments and sad days. But now? Now they realized that life is what you you'd make it.. Fergal looked over at Pam and smiled, she did not see him do this.. But he just gazed upon her, thinking back to all of the days where he thought she was too good for him, that her beauty just had to reflect some kind of stuck up mentality.. But it didn't. Fergal was remembering all the days that went by, all of the things that they have been through as individuals as well as a couple.. How could their relationship go to that dark place when the only thing that fills his heart about her is purity? How is it that the damage that was almost unfixable actually occurred without anyone seeing it? Fergal's thoughts about Alexis had almost all but ceased, she was the unattainable woman that he desired during his dark days and even darker nights. It took him a while to realize that it was just his heart wanting the one person, at the time, who showed him love, and positive energy. Sadly Pam would never be allowed to know he felt this way, at least for a time. All it would do would be damage her emotionally and possibly hurt her trust for him. Fergal remembered how hard fear gripped his heart when she was hospitalized.. He remembered how he just wanted to see her get out of that god awful place and be healthy again. Fergal reached over and cupped her cheek with his hand, softly caressing it under his touch. Pam looked over at him as best as she could. Blushing like mad, Pam saw that look in his eyes. It was not just like a look, as in when you just look at anything.. No, this look was deep, it held meaning and was shouting something else, almost like it as shouting for acknowledgement. "What is it baby boy?" Pam asked quietly as she now turned her body to face him. They were sitting on the floor, right next to their big ass window that had the incredible view. Fergal continued looking at her for several more seconds before answering her. "I'm just looking at the rest of my life. Realizing that she is sitting right here in front of me. No big deal babe.." He spoke quietly, and Pam felt her heart skip several beats, he was just too fucking cute it was unbelievable. She blushed more and more as seconds went onward. "Aww. Fergal.. That's one of the nicest things I've ever heard.. Ever.." She squirmed a bit and leaned over, wrapping her arms around him gently and climbed into his lap.

    Fergal felt her body get closer and closer to him until there was no more room. As her chest pressed against his, if he tried to feel it.. He could feel her heart beating. And it was so fast.. Fergal thought that her heart beat was possibly the cutest thing in the world, sometimes Fergal doesn't realize that other people are just like him, they are all human, and they are all mortal.. He kissed her upper chest and whispered, burying his face into her chest. Pam rubbed the back of his head gently, the warm embrace was exactly what he needed to get the remaining dark thoughts out of his head. Pam's soft fingers ran through his short hair, tugging gently from time to time. Fergal lifted his head up and looked at her, Pam cupped his cheeks and she whispered. "I love you. Whatever is going on inside your pretty little head.. Pammie is here to stay. I wanna be your wife someday soon.. We're living together soon... It's okay babe.."

    Pam was such a genuine, warm, gentle soul. Fergal smiled and they heard a knocking on their door. What a buzzkill. She sadly had to get off of him and she helped him to his feet. They both were filled with a giddy excitement to show off their new house.. And what great first guests but April and Jon. They both walked carefully through the empty home and opened the front door. April had a Bayley shirt on and Jon had his trademark sunglasses on. Upon laying eyes on Pam, April jumped forward and into her arms, hugging her. Pam had to react accordingly, catching her and spinning around in circles as the two ladies giggled loudly. Fergal and Jon looked at each other and shrugged, "Well don't think I'm gonna just jump into your arms bud, you gotta get me a drink first." Jon snarked and extended his hand for a shake. Fergal and Jon both laughed as they shook hands and that lead into a hug, "But in all seriousness, congrats man. You guys deserve a place like this." Contrary to popular belief, Jon was actually a pretty rad fucking dude. He really was a nice guy who just wanted to chill, and do crazy shit. Fergal nodded and smiled as they pulled back. "Thanks a lot. Yeah this move was a long time coming." Back to the spinning ladies; Pam put April down and April looked up at her, "God I haven't seen you in so long it feels. You look ABSOLUTELY stunning right now." April leaned up and rubbed Pam's cheek very softly and smiled. "You are just as beautiful as I remember AJ, please don't disappear for that long again?" Pam smiled and puffed her bottom lip out after she spoke. April responded quickly, "We're practically neighbors now babe. I won't be too far off, ever." Pam cheered and they both jumped up and down like a bunch of sixteen year old girls. "So do we get a tour? I mean we're kinda running outta time, I ordered pizza and wings for all of us.." April laughed at Jon's words, "Of course you ordered a freaking pizza, my one weakness!" Pam looked over at the two of them and nodded, grabbing Fergal's hand gently, "Yeah, let's show'em around babe." They all began walking throughout the empty home and were given an extended tour. Admiration was an appropriate word for how April and Jon felt about this place. It was so beautiful that she almost didn't accept the fact that this could be placed in New Jersey. Jersey was notorious for being kind of a messy place, but if you look hard enough, you'll learn that that just isn't true, there are TONS of beautiful places that you can find and find with relative ease. You just had to have the guts to look for them and be persistent through the crap. Or, just be incredibly lucky like Fergal and Pam were to theoretically strike gold on your first attempt.

    As they concluded the tour, April was amazed and jealous, but a good jealous not a malicious one. "Holy shit balls.. This place is absolutely amazing. Jon can we live in their guest rooms? Pleeeeease?" She tugged on his shirt and Jon rubbed his little beard quickly, "Well you see, there is a bit of an issue with that. Well, if you look at it.. No. I don't, no we are not." They all laughed at Jon's attempt to find a joke but failure. They all walked down to where they began again and sat, there were no chairs to be found and Jon was the first to point it out. "So are we just gonna sit on the floor like a bunch of savages?" Pam responded with a shrug, "Well all of our stuff is in Florida.." She felt bad now, but Jon had a plan for this. "Ferg, get your ass up and come help me with something." Fergal nodded and stood up. The two men left the house and went outside for whatever Jon had up his sleeve. April looked over at Pam and grabbed her hand. "Now that I have you alone for a minute.. How are you feeling sweetheart?" She was genuinely worried about her formerly volatile friend.. It showed in her deep brown eyes.

    Pam took April's hand into her own and smiled, rubbing it gently. "I'm doing much better. I needed time to clear my head, and Fergal wound up.. He came to my rescue when I dislocated my shoulder, see?" Pam raised her right arm up as much as she could, cute things like cupping Fergal's cheeks with both of her hands were typically done with an extreme amount of temporary pain. She could only hold the position for a moment before she had to lower her arm again. April furrowed her eyebrows, "Yeah.. I saw the sling.. How long is the timetable for that? Or is there not one?" She was very worried about her best friends physical health now, the mental one seemed to be all but healed over.. Now she was taking physical damage. "Well the longest is a few months. The shortest? A few weeks. I don't know yet, it was a nasty dislocation too.. So realistically I'm expecting at least a month." Pam hated the fact that she was going to be missing the last of her mans title reign. She knew he was dropping it soon, for he had it for almost, what a year now? No not that long, it's been about six months, close to at least. And she would miss him dropping it just because her shoulder decided to explode on her for no reason. Well there was a reason, taking a nasty bump like that with so much force? She was surprised that she didn't take MORE damage. Fergal and Jon returned from the outside and Fergal had in his hands a giant foldable outside table. Jon had four chairs, and in the chairs was a twelve pack of beer, and a case of flavored water. April and Pam cheered for their men, and Pam was so thankful that Jon thought ahead of the game. "Aw, Jon this is so sweet! Thank you so much for this.. You didn't have to." Jon shook his head, "No no no no, April told me you have nothing here yet, so this was the least I could do." Fergal set the table down, and then set it up. Jon set the chairs up and then there was a peaceful sit down they all did at the literal same time. "So you guys like the place, yeah?" Fergal posed the question to April and Jon, who very so clearly adored this house. "Like is a weak word, Fergie. I love this fucking place." April responded almost instantaneously. Jon nodded and shrugged, "What the lady said. This place is actually really awesome. You two are lucky to have found it." Pam nodded, "Yeah we definitely are-" The doorbell rang and that meant only one thing; PIZZA TIME! Jon got up, "Lemme go get it." He dashed over to the door and opened it, "Hey there pizza dude. Thanks a ton, you have a good one." Jon took the food and shut the door behind him. When he walked back to the rest of them, April was astonished in him. "JON! That's three large ass pizzas with wings! What are you trying to do!?" Jon put the food down, shrugged and looked over at her. "I don't know, celebrate?"

    He was right, this was a time for celebration. After all the sad times, the painful times, the times of hopelessness with their careers, their friends, families even.. All of it had a reason. Right now Fergal looked around without anyone noticing and just took it all in for a moment. The unconditional love and support that these three human beings offered him just at a moment's notice. Pam looked over at Fergal, who was clearly deep in thought, the commotion of talking all around them was just enough for them to get a quick look at one another. The smile that was plastered on their collective faces would never be removed. This moment was one that they would hold onto until their old and gray, until the end comes for them both. This is the prime example of how you should never give up on what you want out of life, you never know really when life one day is going to smile at you and whisper, 'Be happy with those you love. Take what you want, it is yours.' The future only had good things for them, all of them.. So long as they all had each other.

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