Here And Gone

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The trip to Miami had come and gone in a flash, luckily all went well and there was nothing seriously wrong there. Pam and Fergal now were just..strange, it wasn't a type of strange that could be summed up in words, or even by, well, any other means of description. It was just a tense feeling, perhaps it was obvious now that the feelings were indeed mutual and that it was a topic both were dodging, but both needed to address immediately. Fergal had a long time friend over, of course on television he was the monster Samoa Joe, but behind closed doors? He was just a normal, calm..ish person who enjoyed being in a relaxed state of mind. Fergal and Joe had a cage match coming up rapidly and it was obvious that Fergal's time with NXT was coming to an end. The main show was where he was heading, and it was coming a lot faster than either man really realized. "Damn man..I'm still pissed that it was at a houseshow, I mean, let's be honest..We could have gotten so much more heat from a special, hell, even a taping." Joe was speaking about how he obtained the title off of Fergal. Yes, indeed it was at a nontelevised event that was the primary reason why the shock factor was so high. Nobody ever...LOST titles on houseshows, they were merely to wet the appetite of the fans in the audience and get them ready for the actual show. Nope. Not NXT, they decided to take the title off of Fergal in Lowell Massachusetts and that was final. "Yea, I wish too. But the fans there were so ready for it. Felt mighty weird if I do say so." Fergal wasn't over the whole thing yet, being told day of the show that he was dropping the title was such a shock, even Joe wasn't expecting that. "I protested for you brother, don't even try and act like I didn't. I know how much money we coulda made off of a title swap, from the golden boy, to the monster? Shit..I don't think NXT would have been at a higher point." Joe was a smart businessman, hearing about the title change on the same day almost infuriated him. He knew how much money the company could have pulled from this happening and for them to..NOT capitalize on it? Seemed stupid, incredibly stupid. Of course, the long plan was to have the two clash at the next live special, inside a steel cage. The first in NXT history.

Joe had sensed that his friend was distracted, something was keeping his head in the clouds and not in the ring, he looked over at him, the Irishman was focused on building his latest Game of Thrones Iron Throne lego set, and seemed to be zoned in. But the look on his face said otherwise, it screamed for someone to reach out one ever did. Fergal was indeed an introvert when it came to emotions, speaking freely about things that were going on inside the mind of the Demon. It was such a strange thing, someone who was so enigmatic on screen was so reserved and dare I say shy behind the scenes. "Hey man, what's got you all messed up right now. Don't try and sit there and tell me nothin' cause I know you. What is it, work got your mind in a haze?" Joe trying to be understanding for his long time friend spoke slowly and clearly, it was obvious that he was genuinely concerned for him and wanted nothing more than to help alleviate the stress from his mind once and for all. Fergal stopped dead in his tracks, for he was finally asked what he was honestly thinking about. It took him a long second or two to finally turn his head over and face Joe who was staring holes through him. Fergal took a deep breath and let it back out again. "Honest Joe? I don't even know where to begin answerin' that one." How could Fergal tell Joe that he had immensely strong feelings for a coworker, it just wasn't possible at this point in time, he couldn't tell him the REAL reason why he was losing sleep at night..

Joe knew that Fergal was full of shit at this point. He knew exactly what was wrong and he was just dodging the question like he would be dodging raindrops during a storm. Too bad, eventually you'll get caught by them. "Listen man, I don't believe that shit. I know exactly what you do when you're lying. You get that goofy look on your face and you look away, trying to distract yourself or maybe even make a distraction for me to forget what the hell it is I just asked you. So quit pussyfooting around this and just answer men." Joe was stern, and intimidating with his demands, it was such a hard question to answer, Fergal didn't like talking about his feelings whatsoever and to Joe of all people? How the hell could he just open his heart and mind with the drop of a dime. Fergal took this time to set his lego set down, at least what he had left of it and look over at his imposing friend. Joe looked right back, hardly blinking even for a split second. It was hard, this was a topic that hadn't been broached for months, perhaps years with Fergal. The last time in fact that Fergal had even spoken to Joe about a girl was in Japan and it was him claiming some Japanese girl almost chased him home. Love and affection was something that Fergal did not have the time nor patience for at this stage in his life, and everyone around him knew that. But somehow someway, Pam had broken down his walls and slipped right on by his rather impressive defense. "I just got my eye on someone down here and it has me distracted. That's all.." Fergal finally spoke it outright and Joe cocked a half smile, almost signifying that he knew why this distraction existed. "Who, who finally swooped in and got your attention?" Joe spoke quickly, giving Fergal no time to prepare his defences. "Pam. Surprise, huh?" Fergal stopped caring for a brief moment and told him, he blurted her name out so fast it was a surprise that Joe even heard. "Not a surprise at all buddy."

"Pamela if you do not STOP talking about him I swear to god." There was a tiny voice echoing in the locker room at the Performance Center, a familiar tiny blonde haired woman whipped around the corner, red laced on the tips of her long locks. Pam turned back for a moment, "Oh I'm sorry. Wait..Nope. Too bad girly." She let out a giggle and Alexa Bliss was..well, Blissed off..for lack of a better pun. "God why don't you just ask him actually out, instead of drive me up with the walls about how, 'dreamy his eyes are' or or how 'amazing his voice is'. I'll freaking do it for you if you don't watch your step." Lexi was such a fireball when it came to listening to things that after the ten thousandth time she just didn't want to hear anymore. Pam on the other hand was the polar opposite of how Fergal was, he was an introvert with his feelings. While Pam was an extrovert, she was so happy about her feelings and how loudly her heart would beat for him that she would scream it off of a mountain top if she had the chance..Please don't though Pam, for all our sakes. "But, Lex I'm happy. Like dude you have no idea how actually happy I am.." Lexi grabbed her white and red ring gear and looked back over at her bubbly friend, "I know, which is why I'm telling you for your own good, ask him out. Or at least find a way to take him off of the market. If you don't? I'm sure someone else will sure as hell try and do it." Lexi had bad experiences with men until she found Matt Adams, (Buddy Murphy from NXT) she had been through the ringer with their games and torment that she would be damned if she'd have to sit idly by and watch someone as innocent as Pam be drug through the mud and left to rot like she was. "Fergal isn't like that. He's such a sweetheart, I bet he's just scared to call or something. Trust me, he really is like that.."

You could almost feel the doubt in Pam's voice with each word that was spoken after Lexi's comment. She wasn't trying to be the bearer of bad news or anything like that. She was just trying to be the dose of reality in this little fairy tale that she was being forced into. Lexi noticed this almost immediately and stopped getting changed into her gear to walk over and sit next to Pam. "Hey..hey no no I didn't meant to drag you down, I just worry is all. I like, have a hard time trusting people sometimes and I really let it get the better of me.." Lexi bit down on the inside of her cheek fiercely and silently cursed herself for accidentally putting a damper on Pam's mood. She promptly shook her head from side to side and breathed in deep, "No, Lex you didn't. I mean, is calling something I should do? It's been like three days since we went to Miami.." Lexi tilted her head to the side and was a bit curious, "Why did you go to Miami..?" She then realized the irrelevance of why they went and immediately shook her head and arms, "Nevermind, but three days? And like, no word? Pam..You gotta shoot him at least a text or something. What's the worst that can happen? He'd..answer?" Lexi let out a kind hearted giggle and looked up at her friend who also couldn't help but release a small giggle of relief. "I think you're right, I just need like, help with this. I never do this kind of thing since the..last time this happened." Pam also had a bit of a dark recent past. Not too long ago, her and her boyfriend split due to him, 'Not liking that Irish guy' and of course, guess who that Irish guy was. None other than Fergal himself. I mean, there was only one other Irish guy in WWE and that's Sheamus, but he's on main television, and far away from Pam and NXT.

"I'll help you if you want? I mean me and Fergal are pretty tight, after he had those matches with Matt I got to be closer to him. Maybe after tonight's show I can pop in and talk with him about it?" Her idea was met with a giant smile and an even larger hug. "That would be amazing of you Lexi! Dude you might just be my lifesaver nooooo lie." Pam let out a giggle now for joy instead of one just used to alleviate her stress. Lexi squirmed a bit till she could wrap her tiny arms around Pam's body and nuzzled her face in deep. "Of course sweetie! You know I'd do anything I can to help ya out!" Pam had helped Lexi a while back when they had their tiny feud, and it payed off almost immediately, so in Lexi's mind, not only did she want to help Pam out, but she felt as if she owed the hugger something for her kindness and knowledge. Reluctantly, both women let go of their tight hug and they got up. After all, they both had work to do rather quickly and neither of them were even in their wrestling gear yet. "We gotta get ready, and do it like, ten minutes ago." Lexi scampered over to her locker and snagged her things, beginning to get changed yet again. Pam still had her mind on Fergal..His piercing eyes and the low tone of his voice was all she could think about. Even that dorky smile he shined outwards after some of her corniest jokes she's ever made. It was something magical and she could feel it. But there was now that seed of doubt planted in her mind that there was perhaps fear inside of Fergal. Fear of talking to her and that would lead to Pam possibly not wanting to further this adventure that they had just started to embark on. No, negativity was the one thing that Pam could not, and would not stand for. She knew that this would be hard for her, she had never taken the first step in a early relationship like this before. And the first time would have to be with someone she admired as much as Fergal. I mean come on now, this is life we're talking about..When are things easy..When do things EVER go according to plan.

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