Blind Chaos

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The Monday Night RAW after Wrestlemania was always eventful, Fergal and Pam knew this obviously and were not really prepared for what was going to happen during the show. This was the night where people debuted, people retired, people won titles and did amazing things. The fans were always on that high from Wrestlemania and they let the Superstars all know how they really felt. Fergal and Pam both were getting ready and were tired as shit from the night before, even though they had a nice relaxing morning, the night was coming fast and it sucked to know that they were already going to have to go back to the old grind and get back to the way things were. The troubling thing was that there were unresolved issues with Fergal's mind, there were things that he didn't tell her and the true feelings he clung onto were.. Not so good to be honest. Fergal battled with these demons for the entire day, he attempted to talk to Pam about them and was met with deaf ears at this point. She was not trying to entertain these doubts and fears, honestly it hurt him far more than he expected but hey, he had to swallow it and take the pain, moving one foot in front of the other at this point. After they got to the building it was quiet, there was not much talking between them which was not only odd, but worrying to him. He was freaking out thinking that perhaps she was pissed at him for being insecure about the proposal. Before they separated, Pam grabbed him with one arm, "I'm gonna go get changed and stuff baby. I'll see you soon.." When she didn't feel Fergal grab her, she grabbed his arm and hand and placed it on her butt area, "What's wrong Ferg.. Talk to me.." Fergal blushed lightly and felt like a shitty boyfriend, didn't even hug her until she did it for him.. How dare he.. "Well I'm just tired, last night was super long and late to be honest. And I'm not wanting to wrestle tonight, wish I was able to climb back into bed and not get out till I feel like it." Fergal's explanation was not believed by Pam, she knew him better than that by now and was not easily fooled by his stupid attempt. "Uh huh.. I get it babe.. I'll be around if you need me, okay? I love you.." She half smiled, primarily due to the fact that it was bullshit. She got bullshit? She gave bullshit. "I love you too, be safe and stay pretty.." Fergal leaned in after he spoke and kissed her on the cheek before disappearing away.

Fergal had heard rumors of who was going to get a call up tonight, he was super excited to see what they were to do but then again? He was worried that due to this brand split gig that his friends would be sent to other shows, and he left alone. Luckily for him however, there was a little added stipulation in the upcoming draft that was; No champion can be drafted. So he was staying with RAW, so was Pam. And that was enough for him to be grateful and happy as shit. Arriving at his locker room, this building didn't have many, so much of the talent had to pool with one another, hence the separation of Fergal and Pam. He set his things down and was ready to start the night. It was not until he saw that everyone seemed somewhat weird after about fifteen minutes did he really get curious.. Did he do something embarrassing to them? Did Fergal do something that was so stupid that he got called out for his bullshit? What had happened that made them look at him so differently. Surely it was not because he was now a happily engaged man.. There was no way that was it. But if that is the case, what is it? What has them so jacked up and weird right now.. Fergal looked around and saw that everyone was side-eyeing him like mad men, "What are you all staring at?" He questioned the whole room as the show, rather loudly began around him. Nobody had the balls to say anything to him, everyone just ignored it, and moved on.

The weirdest thing was once being the best friend to so many people, and then becoming such an outcast to your very own crew. The fact that Fergal was now just the different guy was just annoying to him, he was getting furious as to what happened in this time. Standing up and sliding his shirt on, he was approached by good friend, Rami. "Hey buddy.. We aren't looking at you cause you're all of a sudden a douche bag.. Never, buddy. We're looking at you because we're surprised you're here.." Rami peaked Fergal's interest, "Well I work here man.. Why would I not come?" Fergal tried to understand, but with the little information he was presented it was somewhat hard to do so. Rami shook his head and looked down slowly, "Nobody told you.." Rami whispered now, instantly feeling a nagging sense of guilt consume his body. This was something clearly that was digging a hole deep into his mind, his heart was soon to follow the dark trend of being torn apart from the inside. "Tell me what, Rami. What happened?" Fergal was serious now, deadly serious. He needed to find out what the fuck happened and to whom it happened. Rami shook his head yet again, "I.. I don't know if I have the guts to tell you face to face, Ferg. I just don't know if I can.. How the hell has nobody told you yet, I can't even figure this out myself.." Rami seemed like his words were wandering all over the place, like he had no direction, no sense of where his speaking was going. The start was here, the middle was back, the end was shrouded in some kind of nervous fog that Fergal couldn't see through. Fergal grabbed him by the shoulders, "Rami. Talk to me damn it.. I need to know what happened, why does everyone think I shouldn't be here. Did I get canned or something? What the hell happened.." Rami shook his head again, quite the silly one always shaking his head. Anyways, he cleared his throat, "No, you still work here, actually quite the contrary. Your match last night? Was the best match according to ratings, fan satisfaction, and the noise.. Just incredible buddy, congratulations again.." Fergal shrugged, "I do alright for myself, but seriously! Tell me what happened!" his patience was deteriorating rapidly now, Rami needed to spill the goddamn beans before Fergal spilled his anger. Something had to give, "I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you this buddy, you know how hard this is for me? Hard. Okay? I don't care about talking in front of a hundred thousand people, or having a match at a bar.. This is really hard for me to say.. So.." Rami cleared his throat..

Getting changed and all dolled up was something Pam enjoyed, she enjoyed being pampered like this due to her past not being all that girly. Sometimes, change is good, this was one of those times where she felt like it was working for her. The makeup made her feel oh so beautiful and masked all of her insecurities when it came to appearance. Pam was getting similar vibes from the girls in back. But it wasn't as noticeable and she really didn't pay any mind to them. Her thoughts and concerns lie with her man, how he seemed so distracted by this proposal thing and it hasn't even been twenty four hours yet! How can he already be freaking out like that, oh wait.. It's Fergal. OF COURSE he can freak out about anything with no time at all passing. That is just who he is, and that's just how he operates. Pam was getting the final touches on her face done when she heard a commotion from down the hall, it sounded like someone was yelling.. Yelling loudly and running. What the hell? Was that her name she heard? Yea.. it totally was, she began to make out the noise and it was someone familiar screaming her name. She slowly turned her head to see a faint image of Fergal darting down the hall, coming straight for her. When he arrived, he was out of breath, pale in the face and looking like he wa going to straight up die.

"Fergal? What on Earth has you running around like the place is on fire??" Pam grabbed both of his hands as he extended them to her, his palms were rather sweaty and he was clearly about to have an anxiety attack. "P-P-Pam... We have to.. We have to go.." Fergal got the words out after several breathy attempts to speak. Pam was obviously overly confused and it was only matched by Fergal's frantic freaking out. "We.. Have to.. Go.. Now.." Fergal panted heavily as Pam stood, she knew this was not a time to question it and not move, she got up and walked with him quickly, almost running. "What happened? Is everything okay?" Pam was getting scared by Fergal's quietness, he normally was never like this, he typically would always keep her in the loop when it came to anything and the fact that he was not now? Was an unwelcome change that Pam did not like whatsoever. Fergal needed to get out of here, they grabbed the little luggage they brought to the arena and after about five minutes he finally began to tell her, but in small doses. "Something happened last night and we need to go to the hospital.. Okay? I'll tell you more when I'm driving." Pam began to FREAK out now, internally she felt like dying, externally she began to violently shake. "O-Okay baby.." They ran out, and we're talking RAN out of the building and back into the rental car and Fergal drove off crazy fast. But, safe, of course, he would never put his love in any kind of danger. This was the worst that Pam has felt since.. Well, never honestly. She never has felt this nagging sense of dread and one that didn't subside even after being partially told what it was. She had the worst feeling inside that the dread and panic was only going to be replaced with violent chaos. "There was an accident last night, Pam. And.." Fergal got choked up immediately and Pam began to have several small heart attacks during this time. "Who.. who was involved, Fergal?" She was trying to speak slowly, to exert some sort of calm energy that honestly just was not there at this time. Fergal didn't want to talk about this, he wanted to just go go go but.. But he promised her. He took in a deep breath, averted his eyes from crying and spoke softly. "Shinsuke.. Lex.. And Rebecca.." Fergal began to cry a little, tears softly streamed down his cheeks and he fought back the urge to utterly sob. This was the lowest she has seen Fergal since the incident where he thought she was going to date his best friend instead of him.. Holy shit.

The severity of the issue was amplified by Fergal's frantic heart and his even more frantic words. "I don't know what happened nor do I even know if they're alive right now. I just want to make sure they are here you know what I mean? I want to see them I want to. I.." Pam reached over to the man who was slipping slowly into madness and placed her hand on his thigh. "Breathe baby.. Be strong. We're gonna go see them literally right now and everything is going to be okay." A lie. Well, a white lie, but a lie nonetheless. Pam was FREAKING THE FUCK OUT right now after being told that three of the most important people in her life are potentially all fucking dead. She needed to put the brave front on in front of her rather emotionally distraught fiancé. Pam's front was well received by Fergal who tried his absolute best to take her advice.. "I just need to make sure that they're okay. When Rami told me that? I almost just left I couldn't even comprehend the notion of that being a possibility." Pam smiled softly, trying to make sure he knew it was all okay, "I am very happy you came to me first baby boy.. But remember that no matter what happens tonight, I'm ALWAYS here for you, for us. They will be okay.. I promise you that Fergal Devitt.." Her words calmed Fergal's frantically beating heart.. The hospital was close, it was time to find out just how much damage the world actually planned on inflicting..

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