'Tis The Season

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There is something in the air, something that radiates happiness and utter pleasure. It really has to be something special, otherwise there would be no happiness due to the simple little stressful things that were going on all around everybody. The air was cold, the sky was dark more or less, it was honestly depressing outside looking but..but for some reason, Fergal and Pam were everything except sad and down. What on earth got into both of them that could make them really just systematically ignore the rest of the world like this..Oh it's Christmas Eve. How could I really forget something as important as that. Fergal and Pam both were wearing their respective ugly sweaters, they weren't having any kind of Christmas party, just enjoying the fact that they were going to be in each other's presence...Nothing was more sacred than love on Christmas. Fergal was getting a plate of homemade cookies ready, while Pam was getting little moose glasses from the Christmas Vacation movie filled with eggnog. You know? The ones with the moose antlers as handles? They're really awesome, check them out if you haven't already. But Pam filled them, Fergal got a plate of cookies ready. And they were fully prepared to just bum it out and watch Christmas movies for the remainder of the evening. There was going to be no stress or struggle, no pain or frustration. They had already made their calls to friends and family members asking them what they would be doing, so no interruptions at all, just this once there would be no stress and suffering. Pam walked out and set the full glasses down on the coffee table. She brushed her hands off on her Christmas themed leggings and looked back at her man in the kitchen. She couldn't help but think about how cute he was looking tonight, and just how lucky she was to even have someone like him in her life..nonetheless be her man. It was truly incredible when you look at who is important in your life, and who was going to be there when the cards all fell down. She had to pinch herself to snap out of the trance like stare she had fixated on him. Fergal didn't notice, he was too busy with the cookies and ensuring that the kitchen was fully ready to go for later. They had a nice ham getting ready in the oven and since Fergal loved Christmas almost more than Pam did to be honest. But he was so happy right now, he was feeling some type of way tonight and there was nothing that could really stop him.

Fergal looked out into the living room finally to see Pam was just..being the cutest thing he has ever seen.."You about ready dear?" Fergal asked her, curious to if she was about to be done with what she was doing. So the fun part was very, very close to being a reality. Pam shook her head to snap out of her trance, "Yeah babe, I'm good over here, just waiting on your cuteness to be out with me then I'll feel way better." Pam was getting so good with her words, she almost knew exactly how to speak now when it came to expressing her feelings and emotions which was a far cry from where she started, the quiet adorable girl who kept her feelings inside of a little jar and let nobody see the contents. Fergal finished making a cute stack of cookies on the plate and carefully made his way out to where Pam was currently sitting. He set the plate down on the coffee table right in between the cups and looked over at her, "Have I told you that you are absolutely breathtakingly beautiful..?" He wanted to make her feel as important as she deserved to feel. Pam blushed lightly, "No you haven't, but I'll always listen to sweet talk from you baby boy." She reached over and placed a hand softly on his cheek, caressing his bristly face. Fergal smiled and embraced her hand by tilting his head to the side, "And I'll always dish out charm.."

Simply put, this was the best day in recent memory for the two of them. There was nothing going wrong with it, and nothing will go wrong with it. Mark my words when I said it earlier, nothing will go wrong with this night. Fergal placed a hand on Pam's upper thigh and squeezed down, causing her to squirm just a little itty bit. "Eek.." She smiled a bit and Fergal let out a chuckle, "Sorry sorry, forgot you're ticklish.." He released her thigh a bit and just held onto it rather gently not. "Well considering how that usually leads to..other things, I wanna be careful before I engage in such..activities." She winked playfully and Fergal knew what she was referencing to. Pam was an easy person to..entice when it came to certain..things. Pam smiled gently and exhaled very gently, "I love you..so much." Fergal literally never got tired of hearing her say those words. Just three of them were enough, but when 'so much' was added, it typically meant that Pam was feeling extra mushy gushy, and it called for a kiss. Fergal was obviously happy to oblige the young woman and leaned in promptly to kiss her. Pam bit down on her bottom lip before Fergal's face got too close, she knew what was coming and was extremely happy for it. She leaned in too and kissed the man very softly, her hand remaining on his cheek to softly caress him. After a long, deep kiss; it finally was time to break it and Fergal to respond to her. "I love you too darling dear of mine." He smiled a bit and Pam was rubbing up his face, enjoying his beard bristles. She still referred to them as bristles even though Fergal actually had a pretty intense beard going on. "Can we stay like this forever? I've come to the scientific conclusion that the only thing work causes is stress and pain. No good ever comes from it..So can we quit? Or or better word choice, retire?" Fergal chuckled at her deduction on how work was the true enemy. He sadly had to shake his head, "You know we can't just quit, right babe? I mean, work is work. It sucks sometimes but do you remember being thirteen and watching wrestling..And just DYING to be in there? Would you really wanna give that up a mere few years after being in WWE? I sincerely doubt that you really would baby girl.." He puffed out his bottom lip playfully and Pam knew he was right, there was no reason to hate work so much bt at the end of the day, she did sometimes and it was unfortunate that it had gotten so shitty. "I'm just enjoying this time here with you, and nothing can honestly make me hate it. Nothin' can take me away from you right this very second and nothing can make me upset." Pam smiled at his kind, yet true words. He had a point, there really was a special bond between them, a bond that never faltered or showed signs of giving up.

"You're right babe..Although I hate it..without the WWE, I don't even know where I'd be in my life, I know I wouldn't be with you, that much is certain. And without you? I really don't even have a life to begin with." Pam was pouring her heart out for this man, for at the end of the day? Fergal had all of her heart and there was no sign of giving it back anytime soon. Fergal rubbed her thigh and gave it a light squeeze, "I want to share everything with you. My life, my love..Even things down to what goes on behind 'closed doors' if you catch my drift. Everything in my life I want you to be a part of. I wanna someday buy a house with you so we can stop visiting each other's apartments. I wanna eventually, EVENTUALLY have babies with you.." Fergal never poured his heart out like this..Perhaps it was due to the holiday season? Perhaps it was a loving time of year in which you could be a little nicer..a little more loving than the rest of the year. Whatever the case might be, Pam blushed at the sex reference, she hated forcing, or feeling like she was forcing it upon him. Which..she never really did. All she had to do was make one move.

Fergal inhaled deeply and held it in for a moment, before slowly letting it out. "I just want you to continue being the biggest driving force in my life Pam..No one else, nothing else is as important to me as you are my dear." He ran his hand up and down her thigh once more, Pam was melting inside, both from the sheer tension that was mounting, and from him being just the cutest man that has ever lived. She blushed and felt a happy tear build, "Aw baby..I will be here, nothing will take me away, got it? I really want you to know that. No matter what happens, no stupid fight will ever make me shy away from your bright burning love..Holy moly Batman, that was cheesy as heck!" In classic Pam fashion, she managed to make Fergal giggle and be happier than he was before. "It was kinda cheesy, and you quoted like, the sixties Batman too." They both exchanged a quiet, adorable little giggle. Pam moved herself a little so she was sort of in his lap now. It was the best thing she could have done at this point, Fergal's hand slid up her thigh more due to her movement and she didn't wince or complain once. The energy that these two had was incredible right now. People really underestimate energy in a reality sense. When most say they have no energy, they're typically indicating that they are tired..But when you really look at energy in a body standpoint? Energy is the driving factor behind getting out of bed and being ready to tackle the day, energy is what makes you want to draw, or program, animate, write, work out..Energy is such a huge component to being alive. Fergal and Pam having such high energy? It really is what made their relationship last this long, and for it to have the ability to seemingly last forever. "Which Christmas movie do you wanna watch next, babe?" Fergal whispered to his lady, they had already watched several Christmas themed television shows. Including the Doctor Who Christmas special which left both of them craving more, as she looked at the list of movies on her screen, "I wanna watch Scrooged! It literally is in my top..one favorite movie." Fergal giggled at her silly nature, "You mean it's your favorite?" Pam gasped playfully, "WHO TOLD YOU??" It was at this moment where Fergal laughed now, no quiet giggle, no way of hiding this pure laugh. "What..?" Pam almost was confused as to why Fergal was laughing so hard. But then it hit her, "Is it because I'm a silly willy?" Fergal nodded at her words, unable to come to terms with how funny she was being right now. Fergal also mentally came to the conclusion that happy Pam is by far his favorite form of Pam, from tired Pam, to horny Pam. They were nothing in the face of happy Pam. Fergal selected the movie from the list and put the controller down on the table.

He took note of the happy expression that Pam had on her face, it was such a precious goddamn sight to behold. Pam saw the time and noticed it was five minutes till midnight, quietly she remembered it so that hopefully she'd be the first one to wish him Merry Christmas. It was her goal now to be the first one to wish it to him. As the movie peeled on slowly, the time seemed to drag on and on and on and on for her. Goodness it was five freaking minutes. How long can five minutes be??..I mean..Five minutes in reality, but when you're stupidly excited over something..Well, time drags ass big time. "Why do you like this movie so much, princess?" Fergal whispered to her and Pam didn't even need to think about it. "Well..It just is such a heartwarming story of someone who hates Christmas..and eventually comes to terms with how it really signifies the season of love..Not profit." Fergal was actually caught off guard with her incredibly good heart, it showed so much..Pam saw her chance. Ding. Midnight, "MERRY CHRISTMAS BABY!!" Pam did it..She blushed and Fergal did too. "Merry Christmas, I love you." The two shared their first ever Christmas kiss..and it was absolutely magical.

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