An Old Friend

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Things were finally stable, Pam and Fergal spoke every single day on either Skype or FaceTime, depending on the situation and where they were at at the moment. It was something that was overdue; relaxation with distance was rare, usually panic and fear consumed a long distance thing, and especially due to the fact that Fergal was someone who was now traveling on the daily. To be almost exact, over three hundred days a year the WWE traveled. But Pam? She was still stuck stationary in Florida. NXT was where she was stationed for the time being and she was actually okay with it after her and Fergal made up. Some weeks had passed, three to be exact with life actually being good. Fergal was happy, enjoying life on the big show, Pam was a mentor to all the others at the Performance Center, and time was flying by. Pam sat in her apartment watching an episode of The Walking Dead, when ironically her phone buzzed, it buzzed again, and again, and again. She was really confused as to who was texting her five times. Reluctantly, Pam reached over to her little coffee table and picked it up, it was an old friend. One of her oldest friends actually in professional wrestling. April, (AJ Lee) was blowing her phone up and it seemed somewhat dire at this point. Pam didn't waste any time, she instead called her tiny skipping friend and waited as it rang, and rang, and, oh. She answered. "H-hello?" A sniffle was heard on the other end of the phone. Pam immediately stood up and got serious, "April, hi, oh my goodness, are you okay? Are you crying? Talk to me.." There was no time to waste, April wasn't exactly the biggest crier, she was one of the most independent and strong people Pam knew, and for her to be crying showed that something wicked bad had to have just gone down. "I need to see you. I'm in F-Florida already." April sniffled again and waited a few moments as Pam thought about how quickly she could get ready, "I can pick you up as soon as possible sweetheart, just don't cry, okay? Please do that for me?" Pam spoke softly, almost gently as she tried to calm April down a bit. "O-Okay. I'm in the airport, I just had to get away.." Pam cut her off, "Done, on my way. You stay calm for me okay? Fifteen minutes; tops.." April whispered and quietly whimpered as well as Pam spoke, "H-hurry." The phone hung up, and Pam went into frantic mom mode now.

Well this was unexpected. At one second, Pam was enjoying some delicious pasta and watching Walking Dead, at in a flash, she was panicking to get to where her tiny, seemingly distraught friend was at. Pam tossed on a big hoodie so she didn't have to put a real shirt on other than a tank top, and her leggings would suffice as pants for now. She grabbed her car keys and ran out of her house. Getting into her car and driving away, her mind began to wander again. This was something, again, since things got good really hasn't happened all too much. Pam was a calm soul now, all of her insecurity was gone and all of her negative thoughts were replaced by little buds of happiness. She could only sit in traffic and ponder over what the hell had happened to her precious friend. April was someone who Pam dreamed of working with, someone who she loved dearly and would do anything for at any given time. Hence; the dramatic nature of this pickup. April also hasn't been to Florida in..Who knows how long. But she was here now. That, partnered up with the fact that she was crying in public was something to fear, it was something to really worry about and her heart began to slam inside of her chest. Pam felt a renewed sense of anxiety creep over her being and she wasn't a big fan of it. All she wanted was April, hooked into her arms, safe and sound. Goddamn this traffic really just won't go the hell away right now, will it?

Finally, the airport parking lot is where Pam was passing. She drove quickly by it and pulled up to the pickup area where she saw April, sitting on her tiny luggage, her little legs were pulled up to her chest and the only recognizable thing about her was her silky dark hair. Pam instantly felt like crying, April almost looked like she was in pain at this point, which caused Pam to freak out even more, her tires squealed once and she parked the car in front. She hopped out as fast as humanly possible and scrambled over to April who didn't budge, the car squealing didn't cause her to move, a slamming door didn't. The frantic nature of an airport didn't make her move..Pam dropped to her knees right in front of April's tiny self and opened her knees up, "Hey, hey hey..April, honey..Look up.." Pam's soft and gentle voice was a soothing sound to April's ears, she slowly lifted her head up to show a sizable bruise on her face, as well as residual tears on her eyes, fresh ones building in her eyes. "H-Hi Pam.." Upon seeing the dark mark on April's face, Pam began to shed concerned tears, she immediately pulled herself closer to April and pressed her head into the tiny woman's chest, "Jesus April..what the hell happened to you.." Pam sniffled loudly, and April grunted quietly, it almost appeared as her body was made of the thinnest glass you could ever find, and any amount of pressure would cause it to crack, and shatter to pieces. "N-Not here, babe.." April began to rise slowly and Pam did as well. Pam gently grabbed April's hands and ring on her left ring finger..What the hell happened with her since she's been gone. It was no secret that her and Saraya were engaged, possibly even married at this point. But then again? April distanced herself with anything to do with the WWE, and sadly anybody that was ever involved in it.

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