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Editing these imagines.

"Y/n?" Harry your boss
calls you in his bedroom.

"Yes?" You held the door
open not stepping a foot in
his room, just looking
elsewhere except his
green eyes.

You hated this job...

You hated how harsh and
mean he was to you for the
past year. You've been wondering
why did you put up with his
mess with his wants and

What was your motive? Did
you like the job? Or did you
want it because.. he's the hot
Brit guy from "One direction?"

"Can you message mum and
the boys about the trip to..
London?" You held a small smile
it doesn't reach your eyes

"Sure." A sound of covers
are heard is that it or. .

That's what you were thinking.

"Ken doll get up."

Oh wow. Kendall's here?
You thought. Yuck!

You immediately close your
eyes turning out the room.
You didn't know if he and she
were naked or not. You wanted
to give hi--them privacy.

Why would he call you in there knowing Kendall was in his bed?

You hurriedly walk downstairs
texting on his phone letting the
three boys know and his mom
or mum as he would say that's
he's going to book a flight soon
as possible. You hated being
the messagenger.

You sigh, running your fingers
in your silk brown hair rubbing
your palms together.

Just breathe.

Just breathe.

Don't freak out.

Why were you freaking
out were you a fan?

No, you wasn't you hated her
for some reason.

But why?

"Y/n?!" A shout a female sung
in your ears you flinch holding
your chest.

The bitch had the nerve to yell at you.

"Uhm.. Harry wants you." The brunette in the white romper
poke her tongue out roaming
it around her cheek.


Did she suck his dick?! You thought.

You scolded for a bit on the floor looking up to see harry standing
in front of the banister high up nodding his head in the direction
that he needed you to be. His
curls bounce back on his shoulders, green eyes are glaring at you as
he held the banister tightly. Sharp
jaw pointed out it was as if he
wanted to teach you a lesson.
For walking in.

He doesn't pay you enough
for this bullshit.

You walk pass Kendall trying to compose yourself, deep down
inside you wanted to really push
her off the stairs. Wrap your hands around her pretty neck and choke
her she usually say rude things
to you when you were Interrupting their lovey-dovey time.

She'll snap her fingers saying
your dismiss negro or flip her hair.
Of course it was behind Harry's

On your way upstairs, you would
clear your throat trying to calm
your fucking heart rate down. He
told you if you ever walk in on
him he'll punish you, you simply
forgot about his threat.

What was the punishment? What was going to happened? Did it matter if you explain to him that you forgot? Maybe not. He'll probably forgive you If you simply forgot about it. Nah.

You open the brown wooden
door creaks are made. "You know
what I do to girls that mis-behave
Y/n?" he pulled you in, covered
your mouth and pushed you to the nearest wall.

"Mhhmm!" You scream against
his hands, fear is in your eyes.

"I punish them!"


This is my first harry styles image don't judge me. Lol

I don't know if it's good or not lol.

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