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So, I decided to re-write this imagine over. Please don't kill me. 😇🤗

Excuse errors and enjoy!!!

You held on the white hotel towel not caring if the water drop on the floors. It's around seven o'clock in the morning last night event couldn't get anymore cloudy. All you remember is walking over to the one person that mattered to you, the one man that said that he loved you twice through brooding eyes.

"Why am I so stupid? Rachel.." You look down at the annoying phone that was sat aside the yellow stool.

"I kissed him."

The thing was that you had three shots of tequila after his confession, deliberately held a strong gaze causing you to saunter on over into his direction.

"You're not stupid." Rachel scoffed taking off her jimmy choo's heels. "The liquor that you'd consume drew you in, it's totally normal, you had mix emotions." Rachel was absolutely right, but what were you thinking planting those drunken lips on his in front of everyone. It  was humiliating say the least.

"Mix emotions that could have kept me from doing what I did." You stressed clinging those beautiful hands to that white towel.

"I think you're overreacting." Rachel giggle flicking her blonde hair to the right. "Why don't you just forgive him? He's been calling all morning and night, that's the adult thing to do." Rachel sigh, not understanding your motive, she feels that Harry wants nothing more than to be forgiven by the woman he loves.

"So, you're telling me I should forgive him, After everything he'd put me through?" You let those smooth legs pace back and forth through the Castille Hotel living room, allowing those alluring eyes to venture to nature and then the exotic theme of the room.

"So, you're telling me I should forgive him, After everything he'd put me through?" You let those smooth legs pace back and forth through the Castille Hotel living room, allowing those alluring eyes to venture to nature and then the exotic theme o...

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Rachel didn't understand you at all, not responding to your friends messages, calls or even the person you love. It's obvious that you're holding a grudge and which is tearing you from the inside and out.

"Yes, that's exactly what I am saying." Rachel bit the inside of her cheek, not feeling guilty of texting your best friend.

Ariana took the next flight to Paris, she dropped everything to come see you. She had Rachel to thanks.

"He's literally like a couple of doors down from us, he checked in last night here." You made wide eyes at the unthinkable, how could she withhold information this big? Harry went into doing unnoticed interviews this morning, his team wanted him to explained what occurred last night. 'The kissed' But that obviously was shield, seeing that he's a PRIVATE person, he just simply joked about it.

She continued, "Harry even made sure that you were safe and sound in your bed...." You raise an eyebrow to Rachel no hint of joke is in her voice, Rachel watched the whole thing happened.

How he carried you to your bed, tucking strands of your healthy long hair back, just to see your beautiful face. He couldn't believe he had the courage of seeing you close up like this. So, he leaned in and kissed your painted red lips once.

You were in shock while she was telling the story, "He really loves you."

"I just don't think you know how in love with you he truly is." You nod slowly, holding back the tears, you faked a smile, Rachel she knew that you were feeling some kinda way to what she told you. But the blonde could careless she wanted you to feel again. Rachel was a good friend indeed.

"And sorry." She utter out.

"Is there anything else, you wanna share?" Rachel shrug, she wasn't gonna ruin the surprise. Ariana will be landing later on in the day.

"That you should stop holding grudges, life is too short." Rachel added. "The people that you love could slip pass your fingers, just like that." Rachel snapped her chrome colored finger nails.

You opened your mouth to argue, but she continued, "I know he ignored you, in which was painful. But don't you understand the self-guilt that has been betrayed on him. He'd suffered enough babe, just put yourself in his shoes? See if you can fit them." The caring blonde look off to the big glass mirrors behind you.

"Self-guilt? Seeing if I can fit his shoes?" You perched those lips up. "Yes, just hear him out."

"Is that ba—" you cut her off to say.

"Coming from the person who'd pulled me away from him last night?" You sarcastically point out, Rachel thought she was doing the right thing last night stirring you away from the British man. But she thought she made it worst.

"Which I was wrong to do. I agree."

"At least you know. What is your explanation? Why did you pull me away?"

"You were frozen, just wasn't responding. What was I supposed to do, let you stand there lost? I just wanted to know what you were thinking about. What was on your mind?" Rachel held her chest seeing that you weren't pleased by her changed behavior. Of having you and Harry rejoicing together again.

"I was thinking about forgiving him, everything felt right at that moment, Rachel, like my whole world had stopped." As cliché as this sounded everything you felt was true, the drips of his words of love and care flowed through.

"And is that wrong? Just forgive him." You were silent at her question for a moment.

"I have things to do and most likely want nothing to d— to just get some fresh air and possibly change hotels." You stubbornly tell your future best friend, gripping on the iPhone snatching it from its charger storming in to change.

Rachel sighed rolling her eyes at your stubbornness, leaning back one of the sofas. "She's so stubborn." She whispered, opening her phone, she had to text Harry, they both gathered to get each other's numbers last night for your sake.

Harry: How is she? Is she feeling okay?

Rachel: She's fine! 😊 She's a stubborn one. 😫 But most definitely I can convince her to hear you out. 🤗That's the least, I could do...since I pulled her away from you last night. 😌

Harry: Thank goodness my baby's fine. 🙏🏼😍Thx Rachel!😉

Rachel giggled at his nickname saying 'aww'

Harry was on his way back to the hotel little did you know you were going to see him...


I'm sorry to keep re-writing! 😻




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