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Excuse the mistake babes💋💋💋

Enjoy my beautiful girls!!!

"Harry!" You knock on you guys shared bathroom door.

"Yeah? What is it darling?" A smirk etched in his voice as he ran his fingers in his short hair. Harry decided cut his hair for charity and plus.. he's doing a film soon so that worked out as planned.

"What's taking so long?" You press your forehead on the door hands hover over the door knob. "Just a minute babe." He bit the corner of his mouth tugging at the skin.

"Harry please open up. You've been ducking and dodging me. What's up?" Harry laugh at your figure of speech, it's true.

He was ducking and dodging from you, the paps and his fans he didn't want anyone to see his hair cut. Obviously the media sort of did.

"Nothing much love."

"I ju-just need time. I'll be out in a sec." That Cheshire charm had you swooning. You couldn't fight the blush.

You and Harry been together ever since he gotten on X-factor of course people were hating saying racial slurs to you about you not being the girl for Harry. That made you two depart for a second. Harry start to date girls, you dated guys the thing was the two of you didn't like thee idea of being apart but management though it was best for the star. You two finally made your way back to each other you couldn't take it. You couldn't take the fact that someone had him and he the same. Kissing you or making love to you. That sicken the two of you to no end. 

So one day you two finally told management to suck it and got together. Your love for one another was inseparable. You groan rolling your eyes in your knitted copper crop top, blue jean high-waisted shorts and black doc martens. Your docs start to kick the bottom of the door trying to see what your man was up to.

"Harry come out. I missed you. We missed you." Drawing little patterns whispering the last part quietly. You were pregnant with his child he doesn't know that though you just took a pregnancy test thee other day.

"Okay, baby-girl. And I missed you too." Flutters attacked your heart from the though of him missing you. The little things about Harry grasp you in some type of way. You sighed feeling a bit light headed it was the baby making you feel this way all weak. You stood back rubbing your head, massaging it.

Harry hovered his hand over the door knob twisting it open slowly your eyes flickered to the door that was creaking. Dark brown eyes (or whatever color eyes are) popped out in shock from the sight of Harry's hair, Harry had a dumb ass dimple smile he couldn't fight the blush. His tall figure was full on display, he was shirtless and only in a white towel you couldn't stop drooling over the sight as the water ran down your mans chest to his exposed V-line.

Girl you wanted to trace his tattoos. In particular that engraved butterfly that lingers along his skin, those two birds that's on the upper half of his tan chest. Oh, Harry was a sex God. Everyone in the world knew that shit. Too bad he was taken. By you though.

"Soooo?" The Brit blinks slowly.

"What do you think?" He slowly risen his hand up to his scented coconut hair, green eyes danced at your lips and then eyes as he got closer.

Boy he's fine. You thought.

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES!" You gasp walking up to him, he leaned down so you can touch his hair. Those (dark, caramel, light) fingers push through his hair.

"What? You don't like it Y/N?" He frowns playfully, crossing his eyes where his nose touch, you giggle at the goofy guy that he is.

"Yeah, I do. Boy you look soooo different." The Brit wrap his hand around your wrist pulling you closer.

"Different good? Or bad?" He pressed on threading your fingers with his pouting adorably. "stop you goof. It's different good."

"You're hot. Even more hotter harreh!" He threw you playful glares lips turning into a deep smirk.

"Stoooop." He whines picking you up off the floor for a minute to kiss your neck twice.

"It's true!" You squeal from the dampness of his tongue tracing your skin.

"Hmm you smell good." Harry loved your sent it was his weakness. He always had the tendencies of licking you.

"You smell good too." He stop his lick to set you back down on the floor, Harry studied your posture he knew something wasn't right or better yet had a feeling.

"Why did you cut it?" You ask. "Charity."

"I love you Harry. You're so kind and caring.." Standing on your toes like a ballerina to cup his beautiful face, green eyes blazed off the sunlight.

"I love you too." He pressed his lips to yours once.

You stumble back a little rubbing your head. You are three months pregnant now that you had no clue but you knew you were pregnant.

"Are you okay?" Harry squint his eyes frowning.

"No, I'm not." The 22 year old man frown he wondered what was bothering you.

"Suga what's wrong?" You loved when he called you that. It was sexy.

"I have to tell you something."





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