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Minor fixes.. not gonna delete!

Excuse the mistakes!


"What's this?"

After that flaunting on the run-way.

You came to find flowers on your special made vanity, tears clouded those wonderful eyes. It's him! He's here. Harry's here! There's a small envelope tuck in between the stems; you had to breath gradually and steady before running to close the door. You weren't for the running to get changed! Yet the hadid's were stealing the show, trying to plan another attack on you. You knew it. But deep down that was less of your worries.

You knew that you can take both of them. With no problem.

You step back to pull the glass chair so you can sit down. Breathing erratically, shaking to get the red envelope out the red roses. Your fingers quickly opened it, seeing black ink, there's a poetic message. He's always romantic.

Your eyes follow his beautiful hand writing in awe.

Never in a million years did I think I'd find someone so utterly and completely perfect, someone who would make me happier than I ever dreamed I could be, someone that would touch my life so profoundly to just give me a new reason to breathe. But then I found you and everything I anticipated you to be doesn't even compare to who you are.

Y/N? I love you with every being in my body. I can't TAKE this anymore. I know.. I fucked up! Being the childish little shit..I can be.

You giggle at that part letting the tears pour down your cheeks. "Harry." You mumble through the soft cries.

You were being a mess over his loving but humorous note.

I should've let you explained to me. Explain to me what happened. Hearing you in Ari's dressing room had me torn into pieces I was quite embarrassed. (Which I should have been I treated my love terribly) I didn't know you felt that way. You don't need to be insecure because there's nothing in this world that makes me so ALIVE..I could never love a woman this way. Ever! What I'm trying to say is.. I want us to be again. To be one.




Got us reservations at your favorite place here. Baby, I hope you'll have me. Please have me. (I'm in the middle row wearing a black fedora! Looking hot as fuck, I might add.)
Your heart start fluttering from those kind words. Sputters of giggles escape. Couldn't believe him saying these words. It was so cute.

"Y/N?" A knock was sounded.

"Let's get changed!" Your agent Christy says, she loves having her client being on top of everyone in here.

"Okay, Christy." You groan wiping those tears, tucking the paper back in the envelope.

You had to make a tough decision, and it ends after tonight's event. "John is looking for you." You nod at the co-director of the show's searching.

Ya'll wanted him to suffer like he did you for those two looooooong months and then in the back your mind seeing you take him back instantly. You weren't gonna let him drown you with words. You had to be a strong woman and be direct with him. Make him work for it! Harsh but.. it's what he deserves.

HARRY STYLES INTERRACIAL Where stories live. Discover now