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"What do you wanna
watch?" He ask you out of
the blue, propping his boots
on the coffee table.

You never felt comfortable
being alone with him. But why? Harry and you been best-friends
for the longest, he bought you everything you could've ask for.
Isn't he a good friend? You asked yourself. But why does he buy
you things? Was it out of pity?
Or was it just a nice gesture?

"Uhm... The Dark Knight?"
You rub your hands together
before reaching on the coffee
table to snatch a skittle out
of the bag.

"Why the dark knight?" Harry
twist his lips with his fingers,
sucking them back in his
mouth making a popping

You gulped out of no
where. "I-I just wanted to
watch that movie boy." You
push him gently on the shoulder
out of embarrassment.

"Okay, that's cool, girl."
He push your shoulder
batting his eyelashes, you
grew embarrassed once

You never knew why you
would get embarrassed
around him. Maybe it was his
good looks or maybe just maybe
you grew feeling for him over
the years you known him. "Y/n?" Harry scoot closer to you, fingers almost touching you on the

"Yeah?" You scratch your
hair looking straight ahead
instead of his green eyes.

The body heat he's bringing
you has you breathing heavier,
his finger lightly brush yours
tingles ran up and down your
arm just from him doing that.

You decided to scoot over a bit
closing your eyes wishing this
dream can end, well for you it
was a dream you never seen him
like this.

"Could you pass me the
skittle bag?" He chuckles
softly placing his hand
over yours.

"Oh." You sigh out of relief
reaching for the bag, tossing
it to him.

"What's with you, lately?"
His face came in view a dimple
smile and a silly face that he
pulls off has you laughing.

"Nothing." You continue
to laugh snatching the bag
away from him smirking.

"You sure?"

"Yes." You whine popping
a green skittle in your mouth, chewing leaning your head
back on the arm of the sofa
tossing the bag back on
the table.

You watch harry stand up
to stretch, ruffling his hair,
patting both of his cheeks.
"Come on Y/n we've known
each other for like five years."
he pouts showing his bottom lips,
it's quivering.

"What's up?" All of sudden
he hover his body on yours.

Your heart is hammering, it's
like you'd ran for miles but not knowing it's him making your
heart pump like this. His curls
tickle your face, hard abs pressed
on your flat stomach.

"N-nothing." You nervously chuckle.

"You know y/n I thought
you've grown feelings for me
like I did with you." His face
only inches away from yours.
Hot minty breath hits your

What?! You thought.

What the fuck is happening?!

"Feelings?" he nods slowly,
green eyes darken of lust. "Ssssh."
he silence you brushing his lips
on yours.

He smash his lips on yours
moving them your eyes are
wide at first you didn't move
your lips, once he parted your
lips you slithered your tongue
in his mouth lapping yours
with his.

"Y/n" he moan gripping
your hips. "I love you." You
broke the kiss to see if he's
serious or not.

"I'm serious y/n." You cup
his face stretching his cheek
seeing if this a dream or not.
"You're not dreaming baby."
He peck your lip once

"So?" Harry gets up off
of you to pull you on his lap.

"Let's watch.. the dark knight,
eh?" rubbing his hands up and
down your back.

"Yeah. . . let's."
You looked at him for
a moment giving him
a quick kiss before swiping
the Xbox controller off
the coffee table.

You knew this was
more than a friendship
now, you never felt
more alive..

How did you like it?

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