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Excuse the mistakes....

Enjoy...no sex scenes yet!! I'm working on them as I go!


Another date has gone wrong, it's not that you didn't enjoy this wonderful chocolate mans company. It's just he was missing something. More like someone was praised on that cloudy, blurry mind. Was it your ex-husband? The way he looked at you before he and your children left? Something deep down ignited the flames in that cold breathing heart. What was it?...

"So, how many kids do you have?" The beautiful ebony man says before sipping his sparkling water.

You could've sworn he asked this question before...?

And he most definitely did... he was too busy staring at your chest to not notice.

"I have two girls, one name is Alex and thee other name is Tatum." You shift in the wooden sit of the five star restaurant.

"How adorable," he grins lightly, "Yes, it is! Would you excuse me?" You muster out a painful smile damping the corners of that painted on lipstick before flipping those angelic braids from out your baby doll face.

"Sure," he nods.

There was a buzz that went off in your bag, it's Harry again. He's been calling you for the past hour an half just trying to see what his ex-wife is up to. More like trying to be nosy; he know for sure you went out on a date with some guy because the girls told him on the ride to his loft. He was not liking it not one bit. Jealous much?

Your feet brought you to the restroom to reach in that leather purse. To answer. "Hello?"

"I can't remember who's allergic to... blueberries..?" Harry quirk up an eyebrow, pushing fingers in his short styled hair. It was just not making any sense to you on why he's calling he knows that Alex is allergic this was definitely an excuse. You had to hold back a smile.

"Daddy! Tatum will not give me my American doll!" Alex yelled from down the hall, pushing her sister down on the floor to get her doll.

"Wait a minute..." Harry tells you. "Okay," you shake your head at the two girls.

"Tatum! Give her the doll right this instant, it's almost time for bed you two!" Harry peek his head doll the hall, watching his girls push each other for the doll.

He was not having it.

So, Harry walked up to them, crossing his arms. "Enough!" Harry yelled at both of them.

"Give me the doll." He tapped his foot on the floor.

"But daddy.." Alex stomp having a sour face, she was gonna cry.

Tatum was already crying, you couldn't believe they were mis-behaving.

"Now!" Harry snap his fingers, she slowly handed the doll over. Harry thought he was looking at reflection of himself for a minute, it's crazy how the girls look almost exactly like him. He was amazed.

"Room!" he motion his head to the separate room. Alex sighed, stomping her feet on the floor making her way in one of the rooms.

"You too!" Harry snapped his fingers watching Tatum crawl on the floor weakly she was having a tantrum. Alex stomps stop, when Harry spank her on the butt

"Stop, stomping." Alex immediately ran in the room sobbing right onto her floor.

"I bloody don't care about you crying Alex, go to sleep." Harry accent thickens causing slight shivers to pool up and down that tingling spine.

He wasn't one of those parents that let it happen, he disciplined the girls. And that was one thing you liked about him or was it love..? Still..?

"Where's Tatum?" You ask.

"She's on the floor, crawling to her room. Kids can be so dramatic." You giggle the flutter start expressing around Harry's heart.

He still was madly in love...

"Our kids can be." You finished, Harry held the doll under his arm. Clearing his throat.

"Besides that... blueberries..?" You made wide eyes, "Oh, uhm... I was gonna make some kinda pastry for the girls." Harry sat on the sofa closing his eyes.

"And you didn't think to text me? Instead of calling?" Harry re-open his eyes dropping the doll on the sofa.

"I mean whatever you're doing must not be important." He scoffed.

Wow! That was a quick rude, response. You thought.

"It actually is." You tell him. "Is it?" Harry flares out his nose, tapping a finger on the glass table.

"Yes." Harry sighs leaning back on the sofa. "So, going out with a guy is more important?" You look down at the tile floors.

A long pause came when he said, "You're gonna let him fuck you?"

"Let him feel you?" Harry pressed his finger harder on the glass table, clenching that chiseled jaw in place, Harry has never came out and said these things even though he wanted to when you were dating other men in the past tense. But today he's just fed up.

"Harry, I have to go."

"Don't hang up. Answer the question.."

"Harry, I don't have to give you an explanation." You said annoyed. But in the inside you were hoping that he was feeling pissed about the particular date. Which turned out to be complete shit! You were definitely about to leave this date.

"Of course you do."

Where was this going?....





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