Coming to New York City

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(HELLO MY MUTANTS, okay so if you're new here then lets just do a quick catch up. I'm jamie, I already wrote a tmnt fanfic, it was Raphael so if you want then go read that. how I work is that I write three books at a time, so I don't get bored on one and end up not doing it at all. I'm open for messages and if ya have a question or were confused then just ask. okay are we caught up, yes?.... okay LETS GOOO)


You were on a plane from japan to new york city. You had orders from shredder, your father, to come to the city. He seemed to be having some problems with an enemy and he wanted you, even though he had karai there. She was like a daughter to him but you two were more close as children, now day it was like a compition to impress shredder. You had lost intrest along time ago to make your father proud but now that he personally asked for you, that want sparked again in you, but you didn't get your hopes up.

The captain came over and said that he would land in 10 miuntes. You looked out the window to see the lights of new york "what time is it?" you asked the zero, who acompaned you on the plan "its 4:30am miss (y/n)" zero was like a trainer/ friend but he keep his distance since shredder hired him to train you not to befriend you.

You hummed as you gazed at the lights "you know, you should look more at these files that the view" zero said in a serious tone "i will look at them at my own time. First thing I wish to do is talk with my father" you said back but not taking your eyes off the view "hmm... he will expect you to know your targets" zero pointed out "Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael and Leonardo" you simple said and all you heard was zero snigger.

Once the plane landed you stayied in your seat waiting for everyone else to get off "are you coming?" zero asked, you sighed before looking to zero "after all these years, he dares to ask for my help... and of course I agreed without a second thought, does that make me a fool?" you looked over to zero await for his answer. He sighed before sitting back down "i think, you're very brave, to stay strong even when we before know in a way, he's hurt you" hes ice blue eyes looked into your "hah, like I could ever fall at the hands of any man" you got up and climbed over him whilst grabbing your bag, making your way off the plane.

Zero caught up to you "you know, you didn't have to take the request" you ignored him as you walked "you can ignore me (y/n) but I know you and sooner or later, you're gonna tell me what's in that head of yous" you stopped dead and zero quickly stopped. You looked start ahead and saw two black land rovers "looks like daddy still has style" you said as you walked over.

Zero rolled him eyes before taking your bag "miss ..., master shredder is waiting for you at his palace" one of the four men said, you raised an eyebrow "palace?" he went to speak again but you stopped him "fine, just let him know that i'm on my way" you got in the front seat as zero got in the passenger "wait, hold on!" the guy said as he tried to open the door but you drove off with on of the cars "you could have just let the guys drive (Y/n)" zero pointed out as he leaned on the window, you smirked before putting down your foot and zoomed off.

(OHHHH, WE GOT A BAD ASS OVER HERE. I'm kinding..... that's not what she really like. well I hope you liked that first chapter and do check out my raph book cuz it completed and well most of the readers there are coming over to this one lol. thank you and GOODNIGHT)








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