Sick Father

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(HEYY MY MUTANTS, so usually I would say hey sorry, I'm a horrible author but... I'm not gonna say sorry. i've not been happy for the past two months, my papa is in hospital. He's not gonna get better and I was really upset, I love my papa to bits and I'm losing him. so yeah, i've been sad, so I haven't been writing, that's it)

There was nothing that could make this any worse, (y/n) has to go through fully with the plan, she had to get shredder to believe her, to let his guard down. But that meant she had to fight karai, she had to kill her. (y/n) gripped on to the katanna tighter, her eyes looking up to karai, who was still being held by the soldiers, her face had drained colour and not looked white.

(y/n) turned her body towards karais direction and began to walk towards her, starting to twirl the katanna as she got close "no... no stop!. STOP THIS, FATHER PLEASE!" karai began to yell as she saw (y/n) have no intension of stopping. Karai started to fight against the soldiers grip. (y/n) didn't want to do this, maybe that's why she was trying to walk slowly but it was getting to the point where it looks like stalling. So when she was close enough and she had to make a move "don't move, it'll hurt less" she whispered, biting back tears as (y/n) raised the katanna up.

She prayed that someone stopped her, that somehow shredder wasn't being serious. (y/n) gripped on as she stared into karai's eyes 'im so sorry' the katanna came down towards her, but just when everything seemed to be going south "AHHH" karai used the soliders that were holding her, to swing her leg up, kicking the katanna out of her hands.

Karai was able to full spin around causing the soliders to let go of her, (y/n) stepped back and looked for the katanna. Now that karai was release, she would really have to fight her. Glancing back over to see where karai, (y/n) was surprised to see karai coming at her, will little time to think, (y/n) placed her arms up, blocking karais punch, the blocking her left leg kick, followed but catching her wrist when she tried to claw her.

(y/n) could feel the anger radiating off karai, she didnt blame her, but surely karai knew of the serum, that (y/n) had been dosed with it at a point.

As they contiuned to fight, there was no clear indication of who was winning or losing. However this made shredder, who was off to the side, rather irritated "DO AS I COMMANDED" he yelled out, this seemed to stun karai, hearing him grow angry that karai wasn't dead. (y/n) took the chance, hitting karai in the centre of her stomach, knocking the wind out of her as she when down. But she didnt get back up, karai just seemed to lay there, so (Y/N) picked up the katanna that was now closer since she moved.

Looking back, karai still hadn't moved but her breathing was normal now, 'was she... giving up?' she thought, (y/n) started to move towards her, hoping she would get up, fight back, DO SOMETHING! The closer (y/n) got, the mover her heart started to pick up. Move karai, get up, fight for your life.

Soon it was time, if karai didnt move, then it was over, (y/n) will in. (y/n) lifted the katanna high up, staring down at karai's face, she was looking to the side, not daring to face her fate "j-just get it o- over with" her spoke through gritter teeth.

(y/n) could believe it, she gripped on to the katanna once again, clentched her jaw "AHHHH" she swipted the katanna down towards karai, she was going to hell, (y/n) will never be able to live after- CLANG!!!.

There stood three sharp claws, holding the katanna, only inches from karai's body, (y/n) followed the claws to an arm, she knew who it was "that's enough for now, (y/n)" shredders said with humour in his voice 'THAT BASTARD, HE TRICKED ME' she though, but held her tongue. (Y/N) Stood up and place the katanna in the hands of shredder, then placing her hands behind her, awaiting for her next order.

Karai stood up "WHAT... THATS ENOUGH?!. YOU ORDER HER TO KILL ME... was this some sort of mess up test" she snapped at him. Shredder paid no attention to her, only glancing to her before looking but to (y/n) "well done, you follow orders... with no emotion" she had to tighten her grip to stop her from taking him down now. Shredder smirked "you are home... you shall be prepared for the army" he signalled a foot solider to his side. Whispering to them before facing me "you have had a eventful day, my daughter. Rest now, you'll need it for when you kill the rest of those turtles" he smirked, he creased the side of (y/n)s face, making her sick inside but she kept up the act.

Once she bowed to shredder and walked off with the solider, she started to look for an opening to get away. She needed to hurry, she won't have a lot of time, maybe only a small opening. The room was not that far from the throne room so it was a problem but nothing to be to concerned about. As soon as (y/n) was in the room, she turned to the solider "may I have a glass of water" she said in a dead voice, causing the solider to stutter "u-umm s-sure. Wait here" he closed the door before walking off. He didnt lock it, she smirked.

(Hope you enjoyed that, sorry to start it off like sad with my rant but felt like venting)








I hate you, I love you too (Leonardo x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant