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zero pov

Pain, my arms were heavy and i felt as if i couldnt move anything. I had my eyes closed but i could still hear, it was a beeping noise 'am i in a hospital?' i thought to myself, i cant be. My mind is so messed up, i can bearly remember anything, i listened more as i heard movement around me. It sounded far but like the next room, who could that be?.

I tried to remember, but everything started to hurt and the beeping noise got faster. What's happening to me, where am i, so many questions running through my head. I heard someone come in but my mind was racing away, until finally '(y/n)'. suddenly my eyes shot open and it seemed imposable to take a breath in, i looked around "WOWOWOW. Calm down. GUYS A LITTLE HELP!" someone shouted, i was blinded by a light, someone tried to hold me still.

What the hell was going on, i needed to take a breath in. Suddenly something was placed over my mouth, I had no idea what was happening, that is until air was being forced in and out of my body. I let it happen but that didn't mean i was calm, i looked all around to see a silhoette at the side of me, he was holding the thing to my mouth but the bright light above stopped me from seeing his face "w-where.." i tried to ask him but my voice failed me.

Suddenly i heard foot steps coming towards me, this cant be good, i need to get out of here. I started to strugger, forcing my body to move, it hurt like hell but i needed to do something, quick. I must of pushed the thing off my mouth as i heard the beeping going off again, the guys tried to hold me down "GUYS.." he called out. Soon i was being held down by another "i got him, donnie" i groaned in pain as he held my chest and legs down.

raphs pov

Donnie had yelled for us to help but i was first in, now in holding down zero as leo and mikey stopped (y/n) "whats happening, IS HE OKAY, LET ME IN!!" she was pushing but son enough leo was able to get her out and let donnie do his thing. Zero stuggled to get free but he wasnt going any where, donnie got a bunch of ivs and a needle that had some bottle next to it "whats that?" i asked. Donnie looked over to me and then to the bottle "just something to calm him, his body is in critical conndition after being tortoured and fight us and then being under that surum. Right now, he could cause more damage to himself." he explained as he still did a milloin things.

Zeros body started to shake under my hands "uhh donnie, what the hell?" he turned and his eyes widened "TURN HIM TO HIS SIDE AND LEAVE HIM!" he yelled. I did what he asked with no questions but after "whats happening with him?" i didnt know shit about meds or the human body, so this was freaking me out.

Donnie sighed as he rubbed his eyes "his body has went into shock, i-i need space. Raph get out" he snapped but i knew he was under alot, so i just left.

Once i stepped out though, i was faced with a pissed off (y/n) "whats happening in there, i heard donnie scream" leo was right behind her but she took no notice. I wasnt sure what to say, do i tell her the truth and risk her breaking down or lie and risks her being more mad when she finds out i lied.

I need to say something "huhhh, look (y/n), donnies giving zero something to help relax him. Now i aint sure whats up but trust me, hes in good hands." i went to place my hand on her shoulder but she moved away before i could, i could feel her anger and how she wasnt going to calm down until she saw the zero was alright for herself. I watch as she walk to the couch and sat between mikey and leo, she had her head in her hands, thi was really getting to her.

I decided to walked to my room and checked on kri, she wasnt that badly hurt but i still told her to get some sleep.

Once i opened the door i saw that a light was on "thought i said get some sleep?" i teased but she just rolled herself to face me "i cant. i keep seeing... (y/n) and shredder" she was curled into the corner of my bed. I sat at the end, she hadnt come out at all so the last time she saw (y/n), was when she was... not herself "yeah... you umm... wanna talk about it?" i asked but she shook her head and crawled out from under the covers "naa, you're not so good at talking anyway" i laughed but then left her head rested on my shoulder.

I looked down to see her eyes were red "hey whats up?" i ask as i turned more to her "huh?... oh umm... nightmares again" she rubbed her eyes as she curled up to me, i wrapped my arms around her as i leaned back against the wall "dont worry so must, eh?, im here for ye" she never spoke, just nodded her head and closed her eyes.


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