Finnish them

903 31 4

(hello my mutants, soooo I had a wild weekend, I decide to get my hair dyed pinkish. wow I actually thought there was hope for me, ohh well. also how have you guys been, how was your weekend.... did any of yous dye your hair.... no? okay fantastic. HOPE YOU ENJOY)

The foot soldiers were separated into three squads, they took on raphael, purple and orange one. At first you just stood there but you then heard karai shouting, you looked to see her and leo fighting so you made your way and soon you clashed swords with leo.

karai kicked him back and he stumbled a bit, you heard some foot soliders having trouble so karai went to help leaving you with leo 'great' he looked into your eyes, he was pissed "i don't understand, I thought-" you quickly cut him off but swirling your sword but he was too fast and knocked it straight out of your hand "ahh... thought what?. That I had feeling for you, that I would turn good and go with you freaks" you spat but you meant non of it, you thought if you made him hate you then this would make this easier.

You ran at him but quickly jumped over him and kicked the back of his shell, causing him to fall forwards. You quickly grabbing your sword, you went to his side and raised your sword, you heart stopped. leo's eye widened as he used his leg to push you back, this worked but he pushed a little to hard.

Your legs hit the edge of the roof making you lose balance, you thought you were going to fall but you felt a pair of strong arms around you, you looked up to see leo's striking blue eyes looking down on you, you felt your cheeks burning.

You got lose in them, leo then tilted his head and his expression became dark "what happened?.... why are you trying to kill me!?" his voice rose at the last statement. You held on to him, wanting to explain 'wait what?' suddenly realised what you were doing, you pushed him back. karai then came up behind him and kicked his side, making him fall to the ground. Some foot soldiers came and pinned him down, that's when you realised they had defeated the other turtles.

They were pinned down but you felt an emptiness in your stomach, you knew this was wrong but "NOW.... (y/n)... do as you were hired to...Finnish them" karai said as she stepped back.

You stood there with the sword in your hand, you looked to it and then to them, each one of them had different expression but you knew they feared for each others life, they were excaging looks, as if they were saying it's was going to be okay or maybe their goodbyes. You tightened your grip on the sword before looking away "i can't" you whispered but karai wasn't having it.

You felt her push you forward to them "IF YOU WANT ZERO TO GET OUT OF THE CELL, ALIVE. THEN YOU HAVE TOO.... you have no choice" she shouted at you making your blood boil, you turned and ripped off your mask, you heard one of the turtles gasp "I DO, I CHOOSE TO NOT MURDER THEM. I SWORE TO YUKI THAT I WOULD NEVER TAKE A LIFE!" you spat back "you...have no right.. to say her name" she said as she came closer to you, suddenly karai's expression changed. SLAP, she struck you across the face making you cup your face "well well well, looks like its you who's like shredder" you said with a smirk on your lips.

(dun dun dunnnnnnnnn.......... ill stop, so if any of you realise or know whats coming next. then I'm sorry if I made you cry out like "OH MY FFUUUUUUU..... jamie, ma man... you gotta stop with these god damn cliff hangers cuz.....YOUR KILLING ME RIGHT NOW" then I'm truly sorry.... HAHAHA no I'm not)








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