I love you

671 18 4

(HELLO MY MUTANTS, so I have one last block left to do in college but  have to choose to stay another two years or go off and search for a job.... I wish I was 12 again or 7 possible 2)


i just called raph, he was as suprized as i was. I held on to the mask as i still processed this, (y/n)s partner is alive. This has been eating her up, the guilt of losing him and her believing he was dead but he was alive the full time. I turned to face him, his head was facing down, i need some answers.

i kneeled in front of zero as i stared at him "how can you possibly be alive. What did shredder do to you?" i questioned him but zero just kept his head down. I sighed "look... im trying to help (y/n), you care for her, i know you do. Just please-" suddenly he started to laugh "what, give you info on shredder. Also (y/n) over here, left me for dead. Shes nothing but a weak... selfish... little sl-" i stopped him right there when i brought my katanna close to his throat "shut your mouth" i said throught gritted teeth.

He smirked but staid quite, there was silence till (y/n) stared to move. I shot up and went to her, dropping my katannas, i held her head "(y/n), thank god. Are you okay?" i asked her. (y/n)s head slowly looked up to me and our eyes met, she looked tired, her eyes had dark circle around them "hey... are you-" suddenly she jolted forwrd, screaming out and trying to get free.

Zero started to laugh, i looked back a forth from the two. (y/n) looked to zero but soon returned her glare towards me "let me go" she whispered, her voice sounded so dark "(y-Y/n)... its me leo" i said as i got upholding my hands up. Zero started to laugh "she wont listen to you... the girl you knew is gone- ah-ahhh" he snapped himn head back and started to scream.

I went to him, he seemed in pain but he was fine like two secones ago "hey zero.. ZERO" I yelled but he took in a deep breath "L-Leo...you m-must...AHH h-help h-her..." he started to sweat, what the hell was happeneing. Hes totally changed "what... zero you need to tell me how.. HOW DO I HELP HER" he then grip my arm "remind her, G-give her.... h-herself back" he then pushed away as he scream out.

I dont understand, what the hell did he mean. I turned to (y/n) but she wasnt there. She got out and my katannas were missing.

I looked around, shes a well train ninja, i need to be alert. I kept my arms up as i travele down the tunnels "(y/n), its me leo. You're safe, i wont-" suddenly i was kicked down but i did a roll so i got back up, there she was, she held my katannas "(y/n)... put them down" i held out my hand but she started to twirl them. (y/n) slow moved forward making me back up, she thenstarted to swing but i dodged them, she kept going getting faster and faster.

I got cut once or twice on my arms "(Y/N) STOP. FIGHT THIS, WHAT YOU'RE DOING ISNT YOU" i tried to get through to her back she kept going. I have no choice, i lifted my foot and kicked her back, she stopped as she tried to gain her balance. I took this as a chance, i grabbed her hands and tried to get her to drop the katannas.

She wont give them up, she gripped on to them tighter as she glared at me, suddenly her head came forward, smashing her head on mine. I let go of her but im pretty sure she hurt herself more doing that, i whipped my hand on my nose to see blood, i looked back to see her down on the ground holding her head, my eyes widened as i kneeled down.

I placed my hand on her shoulder but she quickly grabbed it and twisted it back "AHHH" i yelled as she almost broke my wrist. She let go and punched me in the cheek knock me over, she seemed to be going for weak points but it was working. She had me just were she wanted me and i couldn do anything, i cant bring myself to hurt her. (y/n) now had me down and she was standing over me, she held up one of the katannas as she looked me in the eye.

If this is our last moments "i love you" i whispered, she suddenly stopped, her eyes started to sparkle, like stars but tears started to fall. She brought the katanna down "l-leo?" she said but then her face chanced to pain as she let out an eye piercing scream.









I hate you, I love you too (Leonardo x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang