Plan Making

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(Heyyyy my mutants so my cut off point is 60 pages since that how many pages were in my raph book. I must say, I'm really proud of this book and I cant wait to write the other two boys, now I'm already typing up mikey's that's why some of my books are coming out late, so sorry about that)

You stood infront of all four of the turtles looking at you with wondering eyes, leo seemed worried but staied where he was. You took in a deep breath "how much do you guys know about shredders plan?" you asked them, scanning they're faces you could tell that there wasnt much.

You thought about how far theyve come for you, how much they have became everything to you. Its weird how the enemy has now became the most important thing to you, you were glad you had them but now youve became terrified, at the fact that you almost lost them, that being your fault. Now what was comig, you might never see them or worst, watch them being took away.

You were brought out of your thought when Leo spoke up "april collected some info, pictures. Machines being shipped here, missing homeless people and well... your arrivel" you nodded as they had the rough outline of what was happening "well im no longer part of the plan but i believe he's still going ahead with everything else... and i looks like hes mastered the syrum..." you closed your eyes as you rememberd being under the effects of it.

You opened your eyes as you went on "he's seems to be reatching the end of his process. Shredder will be ready to take his plan to full effect" suddenly donnie shiffed, you looked to him "What is his plan?" the others nodded, you seemed to be stalling to tell them what shredder was truly up to.

It was intense having them stare you down, them being much bigger than you and you about to tell them something they might react badly too "w-well... *sigh * when... the TCRI came up with the mutation syrum, the syrum that turnedyou guys. they had away to make super soilders for shredder... but when he made them, they were good but not... loyal... not real soilders. He wanted soilders who followed his every order... so this syrum was being made, it was tested on many... and many were failers." you looked away as you though of those poor people, you heard of all the ways the syrum effected them, each being a painful nightmare.

You felt a tear falling down your cheek and quickly you sweeped it away, you haerda low growl, turning you saw that raphs face was amost as red "so what... were you and yer friend the first to servive t-the syrum.. or something?" his voice was filled with anger, anger that shredder would go this far and the thought that he would risk his own daughters life, it was clear that he was hoping that this wasnt the case. you looked to him "apparenlty... if thats so they he'll be ready to set his plan in attention. i must stop him" you were hoping that they would help but you would do it if they refused. The last time they went to shredders lair, they were risking their lives.

Leo sighed as his eyes connected to yours "(y/n)... are you sure, thats what hes up to?" you looked him in the eyes, surely hes not doubting you now "i'm sure leo... i don't want anyone else to go throught what me and zero did... but im-" you looked to each of the guys. Mikey stood up but donnie stood up to, he held mikey steady "dudette, of course we'll help you" you smiled as you let out a small laugh "m-mikey, thats so sweet but y-you got hurt last time" you went to him as you hugged him.

You then saw raph and leo standing up "dont worry (y/n). im like superman, i heal fast- ouch!" he lifed his arms as you pulled away but he hissed as his shoulder was still sore. Your smiled slowly dissappeared "im not forcing you guys to do this... i want you guys to know that im so greatful for everything... you have became the family i have dreamed of" you began to tear up but soon you got a fright when you felt a hand under your chin. Looking up you saw leo with a small smile "love, we'll help you... you have became part of this family. Ill stand by you throught it all" he brought you into a hug, it was nice, safe.

You could of staied like that but you heard someone clearing their. Pulling away you looked behind leo, the others stood there "so... whats the plan?" donnie asked, you held leos hand as you faced the others "shredder doesnt know im no longer under the syrums effect... we can use that to our advanched" you smiled as the three of them smiled "im liking the sound of this... what else?" mikey was starting to become pumped up but he had to stay focused, anything could go wrong so we had to make an air tight plan.

(so I have a few different ending to aim for but I'm sure I have one that's my top pick but then again I changed my ending for the raph book last second but I just don't know haha. guess we'll just see then)

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