Red Turtle

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(Hello my mutants, so in this chapter raph doesn't know its you because the only time he sees you, you have a mask that covers the bottom half of your face, plus he hasn't been close enough to see your face. ALOS RAPHS MY TURTLE sooooo yeah, hope you like this)


I was the only one not working today and master splinter was out. See I had the place to myself and I was gonna treat myself but I couldn't get into the mood.

So I was laying on the couch flicking though channels instead trying to find something, so far nothing but we had some walking dead recorded "hmm, why not" I clicked play but I then heard donnie's monitor go off "what the hell" I was just getting comfortable and now I had to deal with this munbo jumbo.

I looked to the screen to see it said movement in the east tunnel, my brother were all working till late, splinter doesn't come down that tunnel, Casey and April call first "looks like someone's got lost" I looked to the keyboard and typed in easy camera and pressed enter.

An image pop up of girl, she was wearing a red jumper and black hat. She looked familiar somehow, she walked down the tunnels looking for something 'what could she possibly be looking for?' I thought before looking at how close she was. She was just a bit away but I can get rid of her.


youve been walking for a while now, you hadnt come cross anything. You walked feather on but you happen to step on something and fell "AHH SHIT-" You yelled out, up looked to see a crushed can of orange crush. You got up and kicked it away, you kicked it into darkness but it hit something. You picked up your hat and dusted it off before placing back on your head.

You went to walk forward but you heard something, it sounded like breathing "hello..... whos there?" you called out, you didnt get a response. You huffed before taking out your phone for light since the tunnel was getting dark. You walked on but soon got the feeling someone was close, you acted like it was nothing but you pressed a button on your phone to send a signal.

You then came to a dead end but you heard wind 'how can there be wind. Im no where near-' your thoughts were intrupted by heavy brething. You turned to see a huge shadow figure "stay back... I mean it" you said as you steped back, your back touched the wall, you had no where to go.

The figure came closer before holding up his hands "hey hey, I aint gonna hurt ya. I saw ya wondering around, are ya lost or something?" you reconised that voice, the red turtle. You looked away before looking back "y-yeah, I guess I am" you played innocest since he didnt seem to reconise you, you stepped forward. He smirked before holding out his hand "whats yer name?" he asked, you took his hand and shook it, you knew you could take him down right now and that his head but you needed all of them, taking one would be useless and take up to much time.

You gave a small smile "you first" you said as you placed your hand on your hip. He raised and eyebrow "okay them, names raphael... your turn" you said as he crossed his arms, you smirked "(random name)..." you lied to raphael, he looked you up and down before steping aside "well (random name), time you got back to the surface. Down heres no place for a girl like ya" he said as you pasted him "oh really, whys that?" you walked ahead but then felt him stopping you "it just aint" he said in an aggressive tone.

You two walked through the tunnels before he stopped you again "here should be good" he said as he looked to you "thanks" you said as you went up the ladders "hey, I know you gave me a fake name. So im gonna ask again, whats yer name?" he said as he placed a hand on your shoulder, you didn't look at him, you began to climb but you could he him sighing before walking away, you needed to get the mission done, now that youve made a connection you could actully make up a plan of some sort, even if in a way, you didn't want to hurt anyone.








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