The Return

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(this title is literally me with going back to college. HELLO MY MUTANTS, so I've been doing nothing but watching yuri on ice, listening to Hamilton and crying over youtubers... I mean whatttttttt..... I have a life, totally. JUST READ THE CHAPTER)

(y/n) POV

the soldiers dragged you towards shredders throne room, of course you tried to get away on the way. You threw your head back hitting the guy in the nose "AHHH, THAT BITCH BROKE MY NOSE" he screamed as he held his nose. You were just punched in the stomach before taking back up and dragged even quicker to the throne room.

The doors open and revealed many more soldiers with shredder and karai at the end. You tried to stop yourself from moving on but they just lifted you and took you closer. You were placed down on your knees, you didn't dare look up, fearing that he was just there. Suddenly there was a shadow "daughter.... you finally came home" he said to you but you didn't answer.

Your hair was pulled back, making you face up and right at shredder. It was karai the held your head up, you could hear her giggling behind you "i see those... turtles.. have ruined you, made you disrespectful... we will have you back in line soon enough" he laughed as he kneed down to stare you in the eyes. You glared at him but took a very bold move, you spat in his face.

He stood up as he strikes down on you, the sound echoed trough the room. You laid on the ground "HOW DARE YOU." he yelled out as he whipped away the spit on his face. He looked down at you as you looked up to him with a smirk on your face, he glared down to you as he looked to karai "make her scream" he then turned away and walked to his throne.

Karai stood about you as she whispered "bet you wish you just die on that roof top now" she hissed in your eye. You just closed your eyes as she began her form of torture, you tried to just turn everything off.


you weren't sure how long its been, an hour, possibly two. It didn't matter as now they were placing you in your cell, the soldiers seemed to pity you in a way. The one carrying you placed you on your bed gently "jesus, I didn't think she would make it through that" the one at the door said "yeah, she's a though one. Although she might not make it through the night" the other said as they all closed the door and left you.

You staid still, you thought over what he said, that you might not make. You tutted as you knew shredder wouldn't just let you die, that's to nice of him to do. You felt so tired, you were sure that no one was coming back for you in a while, you closed your eyes and though happy thought, leo, his family, being anywhere but here.


Suddenly the door opened again "w-wait, you want me to tend to the wounds of... shredders daughter?" a females voice whispered. She seemed scared at the thought of coming in here "yes, don't worry sweet cheeks you just need to see if she alive or not. If she is then trend too her injures, we'll be here just in case" they guard flirted but you heard a sound of discuss.

The door closed as the girl came towards you "umm... are y-you alive?" she asked, it seemed a bit of an odd question to asked but you decided to move you hand and let her decide if you were more alive or dead.

You didn't hear anything else but you knew she was there "can I tend to your wounds...please" you sighed as you slow raised up from the 'bed' you let your legs dangle of the side as you looked to the girl "yes you may" you said with a smile, the girl looked at you with a terrified look.

(who dat, is she important.... i've not decide yet, just felt that someone might wanna check if you're dead or not. also I don't have a huge character arrange in this book soooooo, BOOM here is a character )








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