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(IM ALIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, god I love that song. hello my mutants I have brought yu a chapter and I must say thank yous for the get well comments and pms that was really nice. now I'm well, ive been writing and I think ive caught up now)


you were in bed just staring at the walls, you were thinking of zero and what might of happened to him. The thoughts were eating you up, you needed to know, was he dead, hurt.... dyeing? You sat up and got out the bed.

You felt the room but looked to see Donnie in the kitchen with raph. You slowly crept to the exit, keeping your eyes on the turtles, you finally made it to the exit and then ran. You didn't even know where you were but you needed to get out.

You ran down the sewers taking random turns but soon your shoulder stared to hurt again. You stopped and to a breather but you looked around to see you were completely lost "shit...." you leaned on the wall and slid down to sit on the ground. It was all t much, you were perfectly happy in Japan, that was your life. Still you were trained for one thing and you failed at that.

You weren't sure how long you sat there but you were sure you hear foot steps and voices coming your way. Soon you saw a shadow over you "what're you doing here, dudette?" it was the youngest, Mikey. You sighed "i.... don't actually know" you whispered.

 you then heard Mikey sitting next to you "so whyd ya leave the lair, did we upset you?" he sounded concern, you were surprised that most of them cared "no... Ive just got a lot... to deal with" you placed your head in your hands but you felt mikey placing his hand on your shoulder "hey, its okay. Listen I haven't really had a point to thank you... so thanks for ya know ,saving me" he sounded cheerful and happy. You looked to him, he smiled to you "your... brother, doesn't seem to see it that way" you said.

Mikey nodded "yeah, raphs always been like that. He was even like that toward kristen when she first came over" you looked to him with a surprised face "really, but they seem so close" Mikey smiled "they are now, they started to get close 3 months ago and now THEY'RE BEST FRIENDS" Mikey waved his hand up to be dramatic.

You giggled at his being over dramatic "(gasp) you laughed" mikey pointed out, he made a wow face towards you making you smile "thank you.. for being so kind to me, Michelangelo" you thanked him as you stood up "hey just call me Mikey and you don't have to thank me, i'm just that kind of guy... Say, you coming back to the lair, I mean you don't have to but, I think It would be nice to have someone else there" he point to the way you came from.

 You sighed before looking to mikey "i have no where else to go" you went to walk but he grabbed your hand "hey, I know we're meant to hate each other because... enemies and all, but I really thing we can be friends" his smile grew and some how it made you smile as well, you nodded before heading back with him.

yous chatted, well mostly mikey. he talked about his video game and comics and cat videos which he said you should watch with him, he then asked what you liked to do "well... I mostly trained when I had free time, I also read some times but I haven't had time to do that much" you answerd as you looked down, you were very boring but mikey laughed "cool, your like leo. he trains a lot and is always reading books from japan or something." you tilted your head and noted what he said. you converstion dyed down when yous reached the lair. you walked into the living room  and from what yous saw, everyone was waiting and they didn't look happy.








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