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(HELLO MY MUTANTS, I bring le update and I also bring news. I has a job now and I am starting college soon. soo things are about to be become a little harder, I love this book and I love writing but I also need these two other things, so sorry)


shredder was sitting on his throne tapping his hisfingers against the wood as he listened to the doctor incharge of there experament "as you know master shredder, each subject we had pervously was marked down as failed. i- i cant do much i- if i dont have you're daughter and z-zero here-" his stuttering annoyied shredder. He rose up and stepped towards the doctor "you dont think i already know this... i have my men searching everywhere for the turtles." his voice growing dark but each word.

The doctor started to shake as he looked anywhere but shredder "y- yes master shredder, i- i- i know. All i know is that the syrum seemed to work well on zero however i have no idea what his current states are-" suddenly shredders fists came at the doctor, fear invaded his body as he tensed up, waiting for the pain. However when he felt nothing the doctor opened his eyes to see shredders huge claws only inches away from his face "you say the syrum worked?... and you saw from the video that (y/n) obayed my every order and hadnt taken on any damage from the syrum" a crule smike grew on shredders face as he retracked his claws and stood up striaght "prepare for my soliders... we begin tomorrow" shredder orderd as he stepped away.

The doctors eyes widened "m- master... i- i- i dont think that is wise-" he stopped when shredder looked over his shouler "YOU DARE TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" he turned but the doctor was soon bowing with his head low "i- im so sorry master shredder, i- i'll get the syrum ready" he staid down for a moment before starting to back up.

Shredder glared at the doctor till he left the room. He returned back to his throne as he looked acrossed the room, to the side of him, he saw a figure to the side of him "Karai, you have returned with nothing.... again" shredders was unamused, karai had been going out to find the turtles and bring back zero and (y/n). however not one of them where seen, along with the turtles "Master shredder, we have looked everywhere. I turly believe they have flead" karais arms were crossed as she came out the shadows. She stared down shredder "clearly you have not... or else you would of found something... besides, zero wouldnt leave... not when i have someone he's grown a bond with" shredders laugh echoed out leaving karai confused about his words.


Thinks were starting to get tense, everyone needed to get ready "So what exactly are we going to do with the situation at hand?" april said as she stood next to raph, casey was sitting on the couch whilst leo and mikey were standing on the other side. Leo stepped forward "we're working on it. (y/n) has a plan but with zero waking up, things have changed" april rolled her eyes "whats that?" leo didnt like aprils attatude when he spoke of (y/n).

he turned fully to her "Shredder doesnt know (y/n) isnt under the syrum. She'll go in as a diverge, she has to take out the ower to let us in. Donnie is making up more of the cures, we get in and take down the syrum and distroy it. If soe are already under it then we have to give them the cure." aprils face seemed still like she wasnt really following "and if she betrays you?" leo was took back, didnt they clear this up.

Leo glared at her "(y/n) isnt going to do that. Why dont you trust her?" he stepped forward, but mikey placed a hand on leo shoulder. Leo took a deep breath "because i find it odd that the DAUGHTER of shredder has found her way into you guy's life. Now she wants to go in as 'an distration'.... from my view, it looks like shes setting yous up" aprils words were out of oder to leo. He loved (y/n) and he knew she wuld never do it.

Suddenly everyones eyes turned to the door opening in the hall way, it was raphs room, out came (y/n) and kri. They were laughing, (y/n) helping kri walk out "oh... hey everyone" kri giggled as they noticed they looking to them. Leos eyes went to (y/n) as he saw teh way she smiled, the fact she had tears in the corner of her eyes "hey, you feeling better?" raph said as he went over to kris side "yeah... um can we talk...alone" (y/n) let raph take her as they went off. (y/n) now stood there "... hows zero?" she looked towards to med bay "hes okay. He was talking to me, he's a good man" leo came towards her, (y/n) gave a small smile as she curled into him "good... so what're you guys talking about?" leos head turned towards april, he gave her a glare "nothing... i was just going over the plan we have so far"

(y/n) looked to him and then to april "hmm. Okay, well i was think. Theres a possibility that there i wont be able to do much until shredder believes i am under the control of the syrum. So id say give me a few hours, ill try and do as best as i can" (y/n) pulled awy to look at the map. Leo looked to her but then to the other "what?... surely you dont need that long" april snapped. (y/n)s eyes snapped up to look to april "do we have a problem still?... i believe i made it clear i was on you're side" her voice was low and you could tell she was pissed off.


Raph and kri were sitting at the back, leaning against the wall "you sure yer okay?" raph asked, still worried about kri "raph, i just had some bruises, i wasnt stabbed. You worry to much" kri laughed, raph was so protective.

Raph smirked as he sat back and stared to look off, kri looked over him a little, smiling at all his features "raph... i've been meaning to tell you something for a while" kri was looking towards him, he was playing with his sai's "Haha, now you sound so serious... what's up?" he laughed but when he looked to her he saw she wasnt kinding anymore "raph... i- god, why is it so hard to say" kri pinched the top of her nose. Raph moved so he was in front of her "what... kri yer scaring me now"

kri sighed "raph... how long have we known each other?" raph started to think "8 months or so... why?" he was really worried now, where was this going?. Kri looked to the ground "raph... we're close but... i want-" she stopped, how can she say it "kri what!" he groaned but kri just shook her head "ahh" she gripped the sides of raphs face and pulls him forward, smashing her lips on his. Raph was took by surprise but kri soon pulled away "i was trying to say that i like you... a lot" she could see the shock all over his face, she felt the bottom of her stomach drop, she felt the regret filling her.

(please feel free to ask me any questions. Ive seen that a few of yous get confused or a few details get losted.)








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