Meet Again

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(hello my mutants, thank you so much for the lovely comment and for supporting the book. it means so much to me and I must say that, I'm a loony for writing three books at once but seeing the comment and how much yous guys like it, really helps me out)

This went on for a while, an hour possibly but you could see from the corner of your eye, zero was staring at you 'what's he looking at?' you trying to concentrate but then karai held up her arm, hauling us. You stooped but walked up to her "why have we stopped?" she turned to you and then nodded forward "i saw them over there. We need to cut them off, you and zero lead behind" she ordered before jumping to the next building, the ninjas followed but you told zero to wait.

you's went to a roof that had a view of karai and her men. She was right, it was them and they running from roof to roof, coming straight towards her. You leaned against the entrance to the roof, while zero stood with his weapon out, you looked at them as they soon came face to face with the foot soldiers. They stopped, the blue one named Leonardo stepped forward "karai" he spoke, she just smirked "leo, I see you and your brothers are recovering from last time we met" the one known ask leo?, just growled before answering "speaking of which, where's the girl... she was injured?" you stood up straight which cause zeros attention.

Karai smiled before whistling, you took that as the signal to come in. zero jumped over first, making the red one look angry, you then did a jump and flip landing right next to zero. You looked up to meet the blue ones eye "you're okay?" he said, you raised an eyebrow before looking to karai and then back "we work out our differences... i-" you wanted to thank him again but karai cut you off "listen, its bad enough that you... freaks.. have been excepted in the world... but you ya do everyone a favour and stay out of the way" she snapped at him.

You rolled your eyes, as she went full bitch mode "sorry karai, I'm not letting you get away with anything" said Leonardo. You smirked from under your mask 'he's either brave...or an idiot' you then pulled out your weapon and twirled it, this caught the attention of the four, you began to walk forward "look, I'm not the biggest fan of shredder, but to make this easier, just let us do this. I give you my word, no one will be harmed" I spoke softly as I walked up to Leonardo.

He looked at you and then shook his head "no way" you nodded as you turned to karai. She nodded at you which was a go for it. You spun around hitting Leonardo with your foot, he stumbled back and a fight broke out.

Zero went to get beside you but the red one punched him making him stumble back before looking up and growling "you again" red one smirked as he cracked his knuckles "this time, I beat you up, punk" he went forward to attack but zero ran to get him away from the rest.

You and Leonardo were fighting, you kept clashing your swords together and pushing away, you would get in a hit every now and then. He didn't punch you though "what's wrong?, don't want to hit a women, haha" you asked, he huffed before pushing you back "you were seriously injured when we last met, I don't think it fair to fight someone who's hurt" he flipped over you but you did a round house kick which hit his leg when he landed, making him fall "think I'm good" I taunted him.

You went to him but he got up and started to back off but soon jump to the next roof. You followed but it started to rain "come back and face me" you shouted, he was hiding but you listened. You could hear small steps but they were hard to follow "do you normally hide in a fight?" you asked, there was silence but then "well I didn't have too... but you're the best foot ninja I've fought so far" he called out, making you turn towards the voice, he was just standing there, you looked him up and down quite comfused why he wasn't take you down when he had the chance 'the hells wrong with this guy?' .








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