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(HELLO MY MUTANTS, so I'm a bit sick today and that how this is up. I had no work and I didn't go to college so I decide to write up some stuff. so here's the next chapter. hope you like it cause who know when the next one will be)


(y/n) was in leos room with leo, getting ready to go out to shredders palace "im sorry again... for april" leo apoligied from the bed, he was sitting down, trying to not look at (y/n) as she changed "stop say sorry... i get it... she doesnt trust me. But that doesnt matter right now, all i need is you and your brothers trust" she was trying to zip up the back of her lather tank top "l-leo... could you help me out here" she asked as she looked over her shoulder. Leo looked up to her, he could see that her shoulder injury was causing her discomfer.

Leo got of the bed "yeah no problem. Hows you injuries doing?" (y/n) sighed as she placed her hand on the now scared shoulder, she knew he wasnt just talking about that but also the one that was left mentally "im fine... i just want this over with" (y/n) left the zip going up her back, in a way she wanted a new suit but she knew it would be better to show up in the suit she wore when she was under shredders orders "i still remember the first time saw you in this suit" leo voice whispered as he place a soft kiss on (y/n)s shoulder, a shiver went down her spine as he place his hands on her waist "you made quite an entrance" he chuckled, making (y/n) turn around.

She wrapped her arms around leos neck "yeah... maybe getting pushed into the ocean was the best thing that could of ever happened to me..." (y/n) leaned forward and place a gental kiss on leos lips, he reacted and started to kiss back.

However leo soon pulled away "you never did... tell me...why are you.. scared of the water?" leo did ask me a while back but he soon dropped it when i said i didnt want to talk but since he didnt pressure me alot about it and well... i feel likei should tell him everything "when i was 12... i wanted to hang out with yuki... she was like my sister. So we went to the lake, shredder had told me to keep out of it but i never believe it would be damgerous" (y/n) leaned on leos chest as she listened to his heart beat.

Leo kissed the top of her head "yuki went in without me whilst i was tieing my hair up, i went in.... it was all fine. B-but then something happened..." (y/n) voice was shaky now "what?.. " leo asked as he cupped her face "im not one to fear something so stupid... i dont even fear my own father... but the water... i was pulled under. Something pulled my under and wouldn't let me go." she looked to leo "i never did find out what happened. I passed out in the water...and woke up in the med bay, I was out for hours apparently... i never was able to look at that lake... or any other the same... i was so close to death and i didnt even know what it was" leos thumb rubbed across her cheek as she looking into her eyes "maybe thats why i was so closed off... i never knew what to expect... peopel was like that lake, look harmless but can be very deadly" (y/n) push off leo as she looked down.

Leo went to her and took both her hands "no harm will ever come to you ever again... you know what.." (y/n) raised an eyebrow "what leo?" she asked as he brought her to the bed. He sat her down and he stood infront of her "i, leonardo. Promise you, (y/n). To love, protect and to be by your side, for as long as we shall be. I will be your shoulder to cry on, your friend and lover... i will be there when you need me, i promise to keep you safe and warm. To take care of you for as long as i shall live" He leaned down and cupped her face, sealing his promise with a kiss. Suddenly it hit (y/n) what that might of been 'd-did he... was that a'

Suddenly the door flew open, (y/n) and leo looked up to see what the hell was going on,there stood kri with raph "Kri?" (y/n) asked as she saw their faces "I DID IT... IT HAPPENED, ITS HAPPENING" kri cried out in joy as she looked to raph, who was smiling at her "OH MY GOD. That fantastic" (y/n) smiled as she stood up with leo, taking his hand. Leo was a little behind but when he saw kri and raphs finger intertwinded he knew exactly what had happened "wow congrates you two. Thats great news" leo smiled as he went froward to them with (y/n). leo patted raphs back whist (y/n) hugged kri "see i told you. Talking was the best thing to do" (y/n) giggled as they befor hugged.


After a while of preparing and getting ready, everyone was ready to go. So (y/n) will be going in with the mask of zero and she going to have a kill card to place in the computer systum, that should shut down the place. Allowing leo, raph and donnie to make there way in. Kri and mikey had to stay behind, one become raph was to scare dto let either of them in there again and somone had to watch zero. Outside in the van will be master splinter, april and casey just incase something did go wrong and they had to come help.

So far everyone was clear with what they needed to do, so the plan was set and ready to start. (y/n) moved throught the tunnels with leo and his brothers, it was better as it was less likely to get caught that way, still even with many excape plans and many what ifs answered (y/n) still had the heavy feeling in her stomach. She didnt want to worry any of them so she kept her feeling to herself. However in no time, leo stopped "we're here... you ready?" he asked (y/n), no but she couldn't say that. (y/n) nodded her head "just need to act like a souless soilder" she sighed as she took out zeros mask from the supply bag, it had a slight splash of blood on it.

(y/n) took out her dagger and slipped in into its holder "never thought i would be going back in there" she whispered to herself before turning to the rest "be careful in there okay" donnie said as he hooked up a mic so they could heard her if she ever needed help. (y/n) nodded her head to him "i will" raph came forward "if ya need us, just say the code word okay. Just try and get away if ya feel threated" raph had come along way, he didnt care much for her at the start but now... he sees her like his little sister.

Now it was leo, but he didnt look right "leo?" (y/n) asked as she place her hands on his chest "i swear if he hurts you. I will never forgive myself" he gritted his teeth but (y/n) shook her head "nothing will happen to me. Ill be careful, i promise" she pull him down and gave him a kiss, as if to somehow not along convince him bt herself too. They broke away and looked to each other "i love you..." she whispered, he sighed with a smile on his face "i love you too."








I hate you, I love you too (Leonardo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now