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(hello my mutants, so I have another update here and I just want to say the reason I chose water torture is because when I was in cadets we had to do something like it but the water wasn't that cold, so I kinda know what its like and I can describe it more but I got hot chocolate after mine.... so yeah)


Cold, if there wasnt a part of your body that didnt feel cold, that because it was numb. You found it difficult to catch your breath, yourhead was low as you listened to the heart monitor. Shredder got board awhile ago so he left, not that meant you werent still being tourtred, the freezing water was slowly drained away but it was still half way up your leg"you know, you could stop this" a deep voice called out. You lifted your head but couldnt see anyone "w-what?" you stuttered.

Suddenly he spoke out as if he was right next to you "he looks for fear, yet you show non towards him. Just be the daughter you were before, maybe he'll give you a quick death" you looked for him as he spoke, he sounded angry.

You gave up and threw you head back "s-so he's k-keeping me alive... j-just t-to m-make me s-scared..." you then started to laugh at this. You couldnt believe how pathetic he was "you laugh, yet you dont realise how close you are.. from breaking" suddenly there was a loud bang on the side of the glass, you looked to see a black mask with a red X on it "w-who a-are you?" you tryied to turn toward him but you lost all feeling in your legs "dont worry, you'll see... soon enough" he then stepped back into the darkness.

You sighed "i wont break, simply because i know it'll annoy shredder." you kept a smile on but then you heard the noise that meant the water, you stiffened up but when the water slashed down on you, it was warm. You felt your body warm up but soon lose the feeling again "w-why?" you asked, knowing he was still there. You didnt get an answer, only the sound of a door shutting.


we were right outside the palace, watching from afar in the truck. The cops would be here soon, april had told them that we needed there help, i told april to go after telling since this could end up messy. I looked down the street to see the police, i looked to the other "now" with that, the doors opened and everyone run around to the other side of the building. I was starting to get a feeling in my stomach, like i wasnt sure about this plan, but i ignored it, i needed to get (y/n) out of there.

Donnie made sure to disconnect the cameras so we werent seen. As the police walked up the steps, we went over the wall and into the garden. Donnie had to track where the closes side vent was, with time not on our side, he knew he had to be quick about it. Donnie did work fast as he found the vent and unscrewed it , opening it up, quickly in and started to make our way in.

Now for the hard part, looking for (y/n). donnie was taking the north wing towards the throne room, raph the south toward the cells, i was going east where we were kept when shredder kidnapped us and kri was west towards the front doors, hopefully we can get (y/n) and get out quickly.

(BABY BOY LEOS COMING FOR YA...... hehe could you imagine your hot ninja boyfriend and his fam coming to rescue you....... ahhh to dream)








I hate you, I love you too (Leonardo x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora