Merry Christmas

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(HELLO MY MUTANTS. So I know you want a next chapter but its almost xmas and I only had enough time to do this soooooooo here ya go)

*Awkwardly walks in and waves *

jamie: hey guys. Sorry if you were hoping this was an update, its not. Just a thank you from me and~

*turtles jump out and yell out. Splinter just walks in *

everyone: US!

*mikey lean on author as he tries to be all cool *

Mikey: Also a merry christmas to you dudes and dudettes!

Leo:umm mikey its not christmas yet

donnie: its in a few hours

Raph: yeah well done geek

Jamie: GUYS.... okay before anyone speaks I have to give a thanks to Kri, who plays raph's friend kristen. So now, splinter why don't you speak first

splinter: very well miss maxwell. Thank you all for reading this book and a special thank you to those who have been supporting and being so kind to miss maxwell.

Jamie: lovely. Mikey?

Mikey: THANK YOU GUYS FOR BEING TOALLY AWESOME, oh and don't worry ladies i'm okay. I took care of those foot soldiers like it was nothing.

*everyone rolles their eyes as author just nodds and laughes *

Raph: you weren't even in trouble

Jamie: Yeahhh sorry about that guys. DONNIE, what about you?

*author points to donnie to change the subject *

Donnie: oh yes, please keep up the support and also tell your friends about us

Jamie: good point, RAPHIE, what you gotta say

*author leans on raphs arm as she looks up to him *

Raph: Don't call me that, jammy *smirks *... and I gotta say, I didn't think there were that many people who had the hots for fearless

Leo: haha very funny raph

Raph: im joking. Im proud, but I still have more readers

*playful shoving between raph and author *

Jamie: yeah yeah we get it, you have lots of fan girls. Now leo, you want to say something to your fans?

Leo: umm, thank you all for this. In the last book I got support and now I have my own book. Its amazing to see how many people want to read about me. You are all truly amazing and I hope little jamie. Will stop with this extreme cliffhangers

*leo wraps arm around authors shoulders as he hugs her *

Jamie: oh my god, I said sorry. Its just how I write, but that was real nice leo. Im glad you're happy

*hugs back *

Raph: hmm

,Mikey: aww raphies jealous haha


Jamie: aww its okay raph, I love you all you guys

*'tries' to hug everyone at once *

Splinter: three cheers for jamie


*author turns red from embarrassment but continues *

Jamie: thanks you. merry Christmas when it comes and


*everyone starts to open the wine/cake boxes/ pizza boxes. Mikey comes closer *

Mikey: heyyyyyy, guyyys for this christmas. Im asking jamie if in my book I could be an awesome hero with powers and save all the babes. Help me out okay


*author tackles mikey and starts to tickle him *


I hate you, I love you too (Leonardo x reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum