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(Hello my mutants, so i've been thinking, my next three books that ill be doing. I want to write one that is from my own mind, but I also need to get mikeys and donnies books done. so I have two books to think of and right now I have one in mind but ill talk about that later)

you had took into thought of what you remembered. You now knew the truth, well you remembered it. Leo stayied with you the full time, he didnt speak or ask what you remembered, he just held you close, waiting till you were ready. A few minuets past and you were able to catch your breath and able to speak "leo.." you whispered, you looked up to see him already looking at already "yes love?" you placed hand on the side of his face, you leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips, leo placed a hand on your back bringing you closer.

You felt safe in his arms, in this home, you felt wanted. You pulled away and looked him in the eyes "thank you leo" he raised an eyebrow "for what?" i shook my head "you saved me... again." you laughed, leo smirked as he looked down. He then kissed your hand "i would fight armys from you. Travel across seas just to have you in my arms." your heart fluttred, you felt warm in your face.

The room fell silent as you stared at him, slowly tears built up in your eyes "l-leo" he seemed worried by the sound of my voice, he cupped my face "did i say something wrong" you shook your head "no no.. defanetly not" you hugged him. You then realised that something, you were going to have to talk about what you remembered, then it would lead to questions, but for leo, knowing how he felt, you knew that he needed to know.


You now sat on leo's lap in the living room as the others sat around you, you just told leo about your dream or memory, he was suprised but hurt aswell, knowing now what happened. Now the other got a brief of what was going on and they explained what had happened. it was all so fuzzy all you remember was shredder and they the gas... then little things here and there but it was like that dream that wakes you up, but you cant quite remember it but you knew it scared you.

You were shocked to learn that you went all 'ninja zombie' as mikey put it. You felt so bad "i-im so sorry guys" you whispered as you plaied with your hands, to guilty to look up, to ashaed to face them "hey... you weren't yourself" leo said as he place his hand on to of yours. Raph then stood up "do ya remember the guy that held you captive?" everyones face went serious,the air seemed to become thick. You nodded as you tried to figure out what was wrong "yeah... he wore a mask, i didnt know him" suddenly leos arms that were around your waist, tighted.

Now you were worried- no freaking the hell out "what is it?" you asked looking to leo. He looked away from you but you placed a hand under his chin, making him look to you "leo?..." you whispered, his eye softened "love... its.... you do know him" was all he said. You were so confused, why were they being being like this, you then sat up and off leo, you still held his hand but looked to the others "who is it?" leo might not tell you, but one of his brother would be able to say it.

You werent going to drop this so someone better answer, mikey stood up with donnies help "(y/n)... you aint gonna like it" he said but you shook your head. They were stalling you, trying to tip toe around the subject "Raph. Who was it" if there was one person that doesnt bullshit, its raph, he'd tell you "*sigh * i think ye should come see yer self" he moved towards the lab but you stood there , you werent sure but for some reason, you felt fear.

They havent acted like this. You trusted that who ever it was, they would be there with you, you started to walk with raph but leo still had a hold of your hand "(y/n)" you turned to him and gave a small smile, you didnt have to say anything, you just tightened your grip oh his hand before letting go.

For some reason the room seemed to get ferther away, your heart began to speed up. You could feel the tenstion starting to build. Finally gettng near the door but it was stil closed over, raph sighed as he pushed it opened. Now you could see a man laying on the table with an IV attatched to him, he seemed lifeless but the heart monitor showed that he was very much alive. You stepped in but raph placed his hand on your shoulder, you looked over as you nodded letting him know you'd be fine. You slowly moved forward to properly see the mans face, once you eyes layed on his face, your heart stopped, the colour drained from your face. You just stood there looking at your first best friend, someone who was like a brother, someone who you thought was dead "z-zero".

(ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm feeling the heat being turned up. so I be thinking of the two other books but not sure what to do.)








I hate you, I love you too (Leonardo x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora