Don't deserve you

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(hello my mutants. well tonight I watched the walking dead and that's it on break for Christmas..... I need a hug guys. I'm hurting right now but.... I started to watch Shameless US because Noal fisher... mikey lol, is in it so that should keep me busy)


Since that day (y/n) stared to open up, on by one with the turtles, she trained with raph which aloud her to release stress. She would help donnie to build stuff and figure out how the make certain things which let her to show how smart she really was but gave her a chance to learn too. Mikey, well he made her child side show, they'd play games and mikey gave her comics to read, as first she didnt like them but now they seem to find them funny, she spent a lot of her time with him and tell him about in japan she would listen to American bands and tell mikey the ones she loved.

Leo?... he was a different story, when leo tried to hang out with (y/n) she would be silent and stiffen up. Leo didn't know why, maybe it was the fact he tried to kiss her. He wanted to ask her but he never got the chance.

Today the boys all decided to go out for a while but (y/n) staid behind. Leo felt bad but she did asked them to get her some clothes. they weren't sure what to get, so every shop they went in, they had to ask for help, in the end they got some stuff that (y/n) might wear. The rest of the day was each of the boys went to get what they needed but leo just wondered around waiting for them but he ended up seeing something in a shop.

It wasn't long till everyone was done and started to head home. Mikey showed off the skate board he got, he ended up going off to test it out. while donnie talked about the new computer that he heard off and how amazing it was. Raph just talked about this new gym that opened up for mutants as mutants were much much stronger.

The three of us got to the lair and went our ways. I headed to the kitchen as I took out what I got, I got a couple of beers, couple of sweets and the something else. I packed everything away but then headed with the last thing in my hand to (y/n)'s room. On the way I heard a sound, it was too quite but the closer I got to (y/n)s room the louder it got.

It wasn't till got to her door that I realised, it was (y/n), she was.... crying. I stood there rethinking this but decided to do on. I knocked on the door and just as I did, the crying stopped, a few moment later her door open a little "what is it- oh leo... what's up?" she hid behind the door trying to hide her face "hey, sorry for bothering you but... can I come in?" I asked hiding the gift behind my back. She looked me up and down before opening the door more and turning around, I took this as a yes and came in, closing the door behind me.

She was still turned away, I went to her "i came to fix things. We haven't really had time to sort stuff out and I'm sure your still needing space but.." I finally brought out the gift or gifts. It was cd's of the bands she told mikey. She turned and looked at them, her eyes were red but widened with joy "leo... you.. you didn't have too" she said as she looked "i wanted too" I gave them over to her. She looked at them and then me "i.. i'm sorry that i've not been talking to you lot. I've had a lot on my mind" she set down the cds "i have... feelings that I cant really explain, ahhhh i'm so confused" she said as she sat down, at first I was happy because I think she may have said she liked me but maybe not.

She began to cry a little, I felt an ack in my stomach, I leaned down to her "i'm here, tell me. I want to help you (y/n)" I said as I held her hand, she looked up "i.. its zero, I left him with that monster. I dont even know if he's alive or not.... I don't deserve you or your families kindness. I should be dead" her words struck pain in my chest, how can she say that, has she felt like this all this time. I pulled her close as I whispered "don't you ever say that,promise me you will never talk like that about yourself. I hate that you think that way when-" she push me gently back "leo, I cant do this, I don't deserve you" she said as she looked away, I smiled as I lifted her chin "no, I don't deserve a talented, kind, strong as hell girl like you" her eyes looked to me and suddenly her lips were on mine, a warm feeling spread through out me so I held her as I kissed back.








I hate you, I love you too (Leonardo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now