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(hello my mutants, quick question. whos heard or a fan of overwatch, I can only play it over at my mates house. I suddenly had like a need to play but she can have people over the now, so I decided to put it in here, hope you like)


we all split up to find (y/n) but we went sure how long she had been gone, she might have found her way out. I searched the west wing, donnie the east wing, raph the south and mikey went north. I went all the way till I reached a huge water fall pipe, I hoped she didn't come this way, from what I saw from the last time she went into water, she wouldn't survive going down there.

I went back towards the lair, rethinking where she might have gone. She wouldn't go back to shredder, karai would have made up something, shredder would probably kill her on sight.

I soon came to the entrance to the lair to see two of my brother and no (y/n) "you guys didnt find her?" I said as I raised my hands "no luck leo. Mikey hasnt came back yet, maybe he found her" donnie answered, raph then gave out a chuckle "oh yeah, like hes gonna be able to bring back a fully trained assassin without any-" he suddenly stopped and was staring behide, I looked to donnie to see him doing the same.

I turned around to see both mikey and (y/n) standing at the lair entrance, (y/n) just stood there and mikey didnt look hurt or anything. Suddenly raph barged past me "MIKEY, get away from her" he said as he pulled him away and growled at (y/n). donnie went to mikey and checked him "raph, he perfectly fine" he stated but raph still held his stand "RAPH, she didnt hurt him. See, look" I told him, he turned his head to see that mikey was fine but turned back to (y/n) "so why'd ya run, huh. Trying to get back to your FATHER" raph shouted to her.


You were looking to the floor the full time but your head snapped up "my... father!... you think I look at that monster and see him as my father" you then stepped closer to raph making him step back "i would give anything to get away from him. So now that I have, I plan to disappear, the only thing that made me come back was that your brother, Mikey. He was kind enough to ask me... I don't want to hurt any of you" you were now right infront of him and he must not have expected that.

Raph cleared his throat as he stormed off in a mood, mumbling something. You took a breath as you clucked your shoulder "hey you okay?" donnie asked, he looked at your shoulder when he asked that "yeah... I guess its just healing" I whispered. He nodded as he walked off and now leo stood there with mikey "im glad you came back" leo smiled, you smiled back but mikey then butted in "HEY (Y/N), YOU WANNA COME PLAY THAT GAME I WAS TELL YOU ABOUT" you looked to leo to see he was a little pissed his brother interupted him "yeah, sure mikey" you agreed.

You and mikey walked to the living room and leo wasnt far behind, you sat on the couch while mikey got the game set up. You werent sure what to do as you didnt have games when you were little "okay, so this is the overwatch game, its one of my favourites" he went on explaining the game but to be honest, you were confused, it was a fighting game?, isnt that just sparing.

After mikey going through the characters, he decide to play a round so you could see what to do. He chose a character called 'genji' he looked like a robot but he was a ninja. After ten minutes, You were so confused in what the prepose of the game "so... what is the goal, to this game?" you asked but you then felt someone sitting next to you "basically, its just to blow off steam. You know, what hurting a real person" it was leo, he picked up a controler, connecting to the game "HEYYY" mikey whined because his game stopped.

I giggled but leo came closer "now let me show you how its really done" he clicked on a character called 'soldier 76' mikey still had the same character. Now for some reason this round was a little more interasting, both leo and mikey were yelling at one another to help each other and then "mikey come on, help me out here" he yelled, you smirked as you held in a laugh.








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