Trust.. Forgive?

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(HELLOOOOOO MY MUTANTS, so I have a little announcement, I'm currently in an awesome group of TMNT fangirls. we have been talking and now we have an account here @TMNGirlfriends and I would be ohhh so happy if you guys supported us)


After donnie had explained all that had happened, with (y/n), zero, shredder and the foot clan. He wast surprised to see april and casey with their jaws dropped. Lot had happened "What the hell donnie! How did all this happen, why did no one phone me?" she was pissed but it really slipped their minds to tell april.

Donnie now had a coffee in his hand "april please, we're sorry about not phoning-" donnie had a head ached but when april cut him off "what if shes playing you guys?!. Shes shredders daughter.. how can yous trust what she says" he was about to speak but mikey beat him to it "shes not like them, shes my best friend. You just need to meet her, angelcakes. (y/n) aint playing us" mikey had been in the kitchen making a snacks, donnie glared as him, he really shouldnt be walking about.

Casey stood up "i have a bad feeling about this, how can yous be sure?" of course casey would have a problem too, donnie rolled his eyes. However raph came out at that moment, having heard everything "trust me, she ain't one of them. She maybe the shredders daughter but that girl ain't no follower of his" raph crossed his arms, thinking he'd settled this. Casey turned "oh yeah, then where kri, huh?." wrong move to make, raph gritted his teeth as he went forward, knowing he was about to beat/ yell at casey but stopped when he heard something behind him.

Everyone looked towards the entrance to see a very disappointed leonardo and (y/n) who was curled into his side.

 April stood up "leo.." he shook his head, he had heard enought "(y/n) wasn't herself at that point when she attacked kri, (y/n) has proved herself to be one of us" his arm wrapped around her waist. Casey looked to from leo to the arm around you, he raised an eyebrow"yous are... together?" (y/n) looked up, she had had enough of staying silent "yes. I left to be here, to be with leo" caseys eyes looked away when (y/n) spoke up, but it didn't seem to change anything.

(y/n) pushed gentally away from leo and stepped forward, holding her head high "i am not a spy, i am a girl who has been brought up in the darkness of shredder, he was never my father. I only have two people in my life, both taught me to stand up for whats right. One happen to be just in the next room, beaten by shredder... a-and the other... she didn't make it... i won't harm this family, i want to protect it" she was staying strong as she spoke. One by one the turtles came and stood with (y/n), first mikey, then raph and finally donnie.

April stood with casey as they exchanged looks, but they looked but and nodded "we're... sorry (y/n)... we believe you" april spoke up but still seemed unsure. (y/n) smiled as she was releaved to hear that, she could work on building up their trust but right no she didnt have that time.

Once everyone settled down and went back to normal, casey and april wanted a run down on what exactly was happening, but (y/n) wanted to see kri "raph.." she caught his arm, raph looked down to her with a raised eyebrow "yeah?" (y/n) wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not but she just knew it was something she had to do "c-can i see kri... please?" raph tensed up under her. He wasnts sure what to say, he saw what state she was in "why..i-i mean, not like- i-" he stopped, it wasnt his place to say yes or no.

(y/n)s head lowered "i just wanted to say sorry. If she hates me then-" (y/n) blamed herself for everything that happened but raph know kri didnt see it like that "don't say that... shes- a little shook, go see her if ya want" he placed his hand on her shoulder, showing he meant it. (y/n) nodded her head giving him a quite thank you before walking towards raphs room. Only raph and donnie had seen her, (y/n) could feel the tenseness in her body, what would happen, hwo would kristen react? She wouldnt find out till she saw her.

(y/n) stood outside the door, taking a deep breath, convincing herself how it needed to be done. Taking her hand, she knocked on the door and waited for an answer, at first there was nothing, no movement, sounds, nothing. (y/n) went to knock again but then heard a voice "who... is it?" kristen must of been sleep 'shit' (y/n) cursed "i-its (y/n)... can i come in?" her voice was shaking. There was a pause before kristen answered "yes..." (y/n)s hand came to the handle and took one last breath before pushing in.

The first thing (y/n) saw was how dark the room really was, the only light being the lamp next to raphs bed, she could see kristen silhoette tucked into the coner of the bed, her head placed on her knees. The door closed behind (y/n), they staid silent. No one said anything, they both felt the fear invading their bodies, both not sure who should talk. That is till (y/n) starts the get pains in her chest "k-kri... i-im so sorry... i had no control over myself, i know theres nothing i could say to fix what i did" (y/n)'s eye started to sting with tears, hoping that kri hadnt already made up her mind to not forgive (y/n).


well first .... rude.... jk I'm am sorry my mutant, I do have reasons and no its not that I feel out of love for the story because I do love my stories and I want to finish it but it seems that life feels like being a dick to me. please don't be mad cuz I already feel bad about it, so yeah...... sozz.)








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