Get it done, Get out

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(MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE... well, when It comes.  I Have a feeling I should say it now since I suck at updating)

Leo pov

(y/n)'s been in there for a bit now, I was giving her roughly 1 hours, hopefully she can gain shredders trust and be able to get to the power source. However it doesn't help matters that i'm starting to get worried, we heard everything that happened through the mic Donnie hook on (y/n). (y/n) being told she had to kill karaka, the fact that she didn't hesitate. We were set up on the roof top a bit away from the palace but close enough to get there in no time.

I knew she was acting and she would never really kill karai, but my mind went back to what April said 'and if she betrays you?' why was the poping into my head, i know (y/n), she hates shredder. I stood up from the concret floor, donnie was keeping an eye out, listening to (y/n)s mic, raph was keeping himself intretained at the moment, since he wasnt needed till we went in the building.

I walked to the edge where i could see the palace "anything donnie?" i called out. I didnt look his way "well sounds like shes being escorted to a room, she has a guard. She might need more time-" i turned around, glaring to donnie "im not leaving her in there a second longer, she has 1 hour... thats it" donnie looked at me with confustion. He was about to speak but suddenly he got a fright, the speaker picked something, it sounded like a struggle.

I came closer to it and listen, there was a muffled scream, i looked to donnie with panic, thinking he would know better what was happening, by the look on his face, he didnt. But then the speakers went silent, my heart seemed to stop for a moment, the only thing that could be heard a little was breathing, but then (y/n) spoke "i... took out... the guard..." she was taking a moment to catch her breath. I sighed in reflef, (Y/n) steaded her breath before going on "Get ready. Im... heading to the control... room, give me time. I'll have to... go quitly" she explained to us, we didnt have anything to communacate back since we could give her away.

I sat back as rubbed the back of my head "leo, ye aint looking good" raph called over to me, i raised my head to him "thanks raph" i responded with a sacastic voice but he contiunted on "no really, you good?" he asked me, now i knew i wasnt, (Y/N) was in there and now was at a point where if she gets caught, she's done. I was no where near good "yeah... just- lets get this over with, we're a bit out of our comfert zone" i can't have them know i was losing it, that the thought of (y/n) was clouding my mind, not even good ones, i was still thinking of how quick she was to fight, how she changed so much since stepping back into that place, please get out of there quickly.

(y/n) POV

I just updated donnie on what was happening, I took down that guard that was assigned to stay by my side, I hid him in a supply closet just to the side of my chambers, so no one would come across him, he was still alive but what I didn't tell Donnie, was that the guy got a good swing at me. I clucked my side as I walked, he had a hand small knife which I thought would cause little damage to me, however the guard clearly knew he was doing.

He drug it in at a angle going down, then twisting slightly. However with the press I was placing on it, the bleeding wasn't that bad. I'll worry about it once I've done this, I have to do this for the guys, I have to do this now or ill screw up everything.

I walked down the hall way, keeping an eye out for patrols or anyone for that matter. The control room was still a bit away, I cant just walk it as well, I studied the vent lay outs with Donnie so I know that at this next turn- "still can;t believe she's back!" I jumped back and crouched back and against the wall, hiding my body behind a set of Samaria armour. I knew that voice all to well and it was the last one I wanted to hear right now. Karai walked out the medical bay and held a damp towel to her neck, the one she was talking to was 'Melissa' the girl who was kind to be in my cell, who healed me.

She stood there holding karai's katanna's out, she was the new nurse yet she was being treated like a slave right now. I pinned myself closer to the wall, I didn't like how out in the open I was, I needed to get passed the medical bay and to the air vent just down the hall. Karai sighed as she threw her towel toward Melissa, grabbing her katanna's "father is a fool for taking in that traitor. I took her down once, I can do it again" karai smirked before moving off, leaving Melissa outside the medical bay.

Melissa went back inside the medical bay clutching the towel in her hands. i felt a bit guilty, I wanted to help her, repay her for her kindness, but I needed to do this. Maybe if i'm quick and get back here, I can take her with me, there's no way I could just leave her here. Just this final move, back here and grab Melissa and i'll be able to rest, be able to go home. To be with leo, finally.

(So ummm..... no good progress with my papa, he's in hospital, will be over Christmas. Hes becoming um, mute? if that's how to put it. He doesn't talk anymore and before he stopped, we could understand what he was saying half the time. The doctors say he has to go to a home... I'm not happy with the thought of doing this but my nana isn't able to look after him. so yeah, I'm upset and I don't feel like I should write when I'm down because.... I write shit when I'm like that)








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