Shut Down

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(TOLD YOUS I'D UPDATE SOON. Hello my mutants, so here is your update, enjoy it please. How was your holiday, what did you do, are yous back at school or work yet?. tell me below in the comments)

(y/n) POV

Getting in the vent was easy, finding the controls room was no sweat but now i had to take out four guards without them hitting the alarm, plus i have to shut down all the machines from the syrum, and unlock the doors for the guys. The pressure is on slightly.

However with quick and amazing skill... i may just pull this off. I careful took off the vent covering, i ha

d a birds eye view of the room, just drop down and get this down with, i slipped through the vent exit and held on as i waited for the perfect moment, one guard was facing a screen with the paients vitals, another typing on a tablet and the other two were setting up the systum and controling the machines from the main computer.

I looked to what they were doing, seems like they were setting up something, programing a massive dose of the syrum. I had to do this now, i had to do this or shredder will have his loyal, unstoppable army, before it's to late. I took a deep breath as i whispered "cross your fingers boys" before dropping down,landing perfectly on bent knees. The noise startled the guards, causing them to turn my way, in this time, i was able to take down the guiard with the tablet, by side swiping his legs from underneath him, once down i caught the tablet and threw it towards the guaird at the single screen, smashing it into his nose. Now two were stunnded, two coming my way.

The two guiards came at me one with a shock stick, i had to creat some distance, so standing up and flipping back until my back was aginst the other wall. They ran at me in hope they could corner me however i held up my hands to distract them from my leg, which when they got close enought, i twirled aroundsmashing the heel of my foot into the side of the guy without the stick, causing a domino effect with them before to fall to the side. Before they could get up, grabbing the shoccking stick and giving them a single tap, now for the other two, i looked to the ground thinking he was still there but... he was gone.

I was a little abit ciomnfused but then my hand with the stick got kicked, caughing me to drop it "SHIT"i went to turn around but an arm came around my neck and locked. I gripped their arm trying to loosen their hold on me "the daughter of shredder... i knew it!" he seemed surprised at first when he saw who he was holding, i grunted as i pulled at his arm. I looked ahead to see the other guy who got a tablet to the face, he was holding his nose and whimpering, blood covering the lower half of his face.

I could see him looking to the radio and then back to me. I knew what was about to happen, he was going to call this in, screw up this full thing and possibly get me and the rest killed. Even second i imagined all that miht happen, losing all of this, risking the life of my family, distroying the only chance i have for a life out from shredders shadow.

In these seconds, i felt the adreline flow through me, i pressed down on my footing and push the guard back, hitting them of the wall as hard as possible. Their grip loosened slightly but thats all that i needed, taking my arm and swinging my elbow back into the side of his stomach, this causes the gasping effect that i hoped for. I could see the other one at the radio, in the matter of seconds i pushed out of the hold and ran to them but it seemed like i was just fast enough, i gripped him and ripped him away from the radio before knocking him out with a single punch.

The last one was easy enought to just kick unconsious. Now it was time i try a shut all this down and let the guys in... small problem "umm guys... i solved the guard problem but... this system in different" i said into my microphone . Now problem was that i didnt have anything for them to communicate back, so this just got more complicated.

Still i didnt want to give up so i went with my instincts and tried to figure it out "okay so theres a count down, looks like we have a few hours to go but it looks like theres a requst to speed up the prosess." there was a count down in the corner on the screen with a box under it says -2 hours. Looks like if i was a bit late then the plan would have gone on sooner.

I could see all the tabs leading to different secions of the palace, the throne room, kitchen, medical bay, weapons room, dojo, the gardens. They were here but i couldnt see the labs beening listed, of course its not here. Okay at least i can disable the locks on the doors and let the guys in, but they couldnt do anything till the machines were shut off, it would be a risk of be effected. I sighed but soon saw at the very bottom, there was a bard with the word 'key code' i sat up and clicked on to it, bring in up to the centre of the screen but a denided sigh came up, i tryied my name, on the off chance it could be that, but it still denided it, figures.

I sat back and looked around the room, as if the answer would jump out to me, it would be something shredder would think of, something related to the project, something that was meaningful-... suddenly... a name came to mind, their first subject, the starting point of this sick plan. I looked to the code bar, slowly starting to typed in the name, in a way hoping they werent sick enough to use her name, i felt my chest tighting, pressing in the entre botton. Instantly the screen lit up with different sections of the experament, the list of subjects, the prints of the syrums soluation, everything!. The controls were there, i could shut it down and let the guys in.

I looked at the thing shredder has created, everything hes work hard on and still my mind could only think 'yuki died... so this could happen' it made me sick, he had no right to use her name. Shredder had no right to use her even more than he already had.








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