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(helllllllloooooo everyone, I wanna know something. do any of you guys watch any youtubers at all. that's all I did today, is watch youtube hahaha)


you were in the dojo doing some balancing, leo and his brother were out on patrol. Of course when leo was leaving, yous hugged and what do, whistle and totally embarrassed you, leo told them off but it made you happy in a way, that they excepted you. You waved them goodbye and now your here.

You closed your eyes as you balanced on one leg but you kept wobbling, you placed your other leg down to stop yourself from falling. You took a deep breath in and tried one more time, at first you were doing great but then "(y/n)!" you heard zeros voice, it was like he was in the room. You lost balance and quickly taught your balance "ahh... dammit" you said and you held you head.

Suddenly a voice echo through the room "having trouble, miss (y/n)" splinter asked, you stood there silent, unsure what to say "do you wish some guidance?" he asked you seeing you being unsure. You looked to him as you nodded "very well, but first... I need to know what is on your mind. You have been... distracted" he said as he came closer. You stepped back as you crossed your arms "i have went back on everything I know. I have a death sentence over my head, and i-" you stopped there. You only told leo about zero and even that was a little to much exposer for you.

Splinter caught that last bit "and what?. You can tell me child" he sat down and asked you to sit with him, you sighed as you took the seat in front of him "i don't really want to talk about that" you said as you looked away "ahh, but this might be what is causing you to lose focus. I cannot help if you are not honest" he said making you growl slightly "i... I had a friend, who's dead now" you said as you pinched the bridge of your nose. Splinter nodded as he took in what you said "go on" he placed his hand on your to comfort you "... he.. was my teacher as first, then we became close, we'd do everything together and then he introduced me to yuki" you stopped as you took in a breath "and who is this, yuki?" he asked.

You held on to his hand now "she... was z-zeros twin sister..., she was like a sister to me. yuki was Nothing like us, she didn't train in ninjutsu, she never picked up a weapon at all. She was pure" you felt tears build up in your eyes "what happened?" splinter asked but he now held your hand with both of his "she became very ill, her heart was giving out. Zero offered his up straight way, then karai and then me. She refused all them, saying there was a reason for this... s-she was only 18 when she died, barely lived" you were now full on crying. You held your face with your other hand.

Splinter came closer and brought you into a hug "Yuki will never die if you always remember her, if you keep her cose in your heart. I can understand why you keep your walls up against others. But is this all that bothers you, (y/n)?" he said as he looked straight into my eyes.

You bit the in side of your cheek as you thought "no... its the fact that not only did she die... but i'm the reason her brother is dead now. I had to chose either your sons or him. It's all my fault" you looked away but splinters voice brought you back to face him "you did what you thought was right and I am forever in your debt for saving my sons. I'm sorry for your lose, he sounds like a true warrior" his words gave you a sense of comfort but it didn't take away the pain of what you did, you would forever feel this guilt.

(did you guys know that the meaning of yuki in Japanese is 'snow' or 'happiness' I found this super cute)








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