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(HELLO MY MUTANTS, GUESSSS WHATT............... IM GOING TO SEE BEAUTY AND THE BEAST TOMORROW. I'm so happy because its with my pals and I haven't seen them in ages, I cant wait since its my fav Disney movie EVERRRRRRR. okay ill let you read now, ENJOY)

she fell off me but i quickly sat up and brought her close to my chest "(Y/N) WHATS HAPPENING?!" she was holding her head as she screamed out. I couldnt do anything to stop this, i dont want to see her like this "LEO!" i hear raphs voice echo. I look up to see both raph and donnie with a small black bag running to us "DONNIE, i dont no was wrong. Please tell me you can help her" i pleded.

She was now holding on to my arm but she still screamed out. Donnie came to my side as the took out the liquid out of the black bag. I quickly grabbed his arm "don is that stuff even safe?" i had to yell over (y/n)s screaming. I looked at me as he nodded "im sure of it. I only had a small time space" he seemed unsure, i can't have her in more pain. I then looked to zero "do you have more?" i asked, donnie looked over to where i was looking and then back to me.

I then nodded to him "test it on him first" i said as i stood up with (Y/n) in my arms. She shook in my arms as her screams calmed down but i could tell she was still in a great deal of pain. Donnie was hesatant but he went over to zero "w-what are you d-doing... HELP HER!" he yelled in donnies face. He then saw the needle in donnies hand, he seemed confused but then looked to me "you think im trying to kill her?" i didnt bother to answer as i tended to (y/n) "shhh love. It will be okay. I promise you" i said as i kissed her head.

I held her close as i tried to keep her calm for a little longer. I looked over to donnie to see both him and raph were there, raph holding zero down. Donnie had put in the liquid and so far zero was okay. I sighed in relife, this wouldnt hurt her "leo, hes stable and so far. His pulse is steady... do you want me to give her the douse?" he asked as he stood up with the same black bag in hand, raph staid close t zero just in case. I looked to her and then to donnie "do it" i said as i sat (y/n) up, she held on tighter to me as she gritted her teeth "i know love. Just let donnie do this" i whispered.

Donnie took her arm as he found a vein, he took out a needle and pressed it down on her skin. She flinched at the suddenly pinch, i held her as donnie injected the cure into her. He took away the needle as he waited to see sighs of change in her. Her breathing started to slow as she started to loosen up and fall deeper into my arms.

I smiled as i could finally relax a little "donnie... you're a genius" i said as i placed one arm on his shoulder. Her nodded before he looked over his shoulder "actully... i didnt have to do anything to it. It was genarally a cure, zero wasnt tricking us" he admited, i looked to him and then to zero "what... yer saying is guy was helping us?" raph spoke up as he growled at zero. I dont understand he gave me that and then tried to kill us, then he acted like he didnt care for (y/n)... what the hell is going on.

I felt (y/n) move in my arms, i looked down to see her looking up at me, her eye filled with tears "i..i-im so sorry leo" she whispered. My heart ached as i brought her closer to my face "you werent yourself, you have nothing to say sory for" i said as i kissed her head, she curled into me as she cried out, her small body shaking as she lost control of her emostions.

Raph then walked over and kneeled down "is she okay now?" he was looking at her and i could se he was concered "i hink. We should bring her back to the lair" i said as i stood up with (y/n). raph nodded as he got up with donnie buyt then looked to zero "what about him?" donnie asked. Zero had at some point faited from the pain or the injection. I looked at him and then to (y/n) "bring him but put something over him head. I dont fully trust him yet" i then walked off as raph got zero and donnie followed on after.









I hate you, I love you too (Leonardo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now