Nothing like him

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(hello my mutants, so I just realised that my raph book is 62 "taking out A/N" pages long. I'm not sure if this will be that long but you never know, I do tend to change my ends last minute. I mean the raph book ended completely different from how it wasn't meant to lol but what can ya do)

(Y/N) POV)

you woke up to the sun shining in your eyes, it was a bit annoying at first but you just sat up. You didnt move for a moment, you were rethinking over last night, hoping it didnt happen.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, you sighed before get up and walking to the door, you opened it to see karai "what do you want?" you snapped but karai just pushed her way in "i got to see zero... its not looking good" she whispered the last part. You looked the window "so, what are you going to do about it, huh?" karai asked but you had only one obsession.

You walked to your waredrob "im going out" you said as you grabbed the first outfit that came to hand "oh great, your friend is being beaten, but you want to have a shopping day, just fantastic" karai said as she threw her arms up.

You completely ignored her as you brushed your hair, she turned away but still spoke "i mean really, do you even care about zero... he cares for you" she spoke but still nothing from you, you took off your pjs and placed on your clothes for today "you're just like shredder" she said but then she was tackled to the ground "IM NOTHING LIKE THAT BASTARD. IM BETTER, IM NOT THE DAUGHTER OF SHREDDER BECAUSE HE ISNT MY FATHER... he never was" you held your arm on karais neck.

You finally let her go as you stood up "never compare me to him... EVER" you made that clear before helping karai up. she was a little shaken up from your out burst "geez... so what is your plan?" she asked as she took a step back, just in case "im going to track them down, find where they live, work-" karai stopped you "we already checked where we found them last time. Plus they could be living anywhere in new york, it'll take to long" she point out but you were still getting ready "ahh yes, they're were in the files. The swears would be a good place to look" you tied on your shoes before turning to face karai.

Karai looked at your outfit and tilted her head "what?" you asked, she shook her head "nothing, just didnt know you wore stuff like that" she then walked to the door but turned to you "try and not get yourself killed" she left but you just smirk 'didnt she try to kill me a week ago?' you thought to yourself.

You went to a small bag and put on some mascara before grabbed your black hat and walking out. It was early morning but some guards saw you, they smirled as they whisled but soon stopped when you glared at them "mistress (y/n), please forgive us" they bowed to you but you just walked past, you needed out of here.

Soon you were outside "take me to the city" you comanded the men near the black jeeps. They jumped up as one started it up and the other opened the door for you "do you have anywhere in-" he asked but you cut him off "where ever you thinks good" you said as you leaned on the window, they nodded before driving off.

You zoned out and started to think of zero, what he was like when you first met. How quite he was and how he was all work and no slaking off.








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