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(HELLO MY MUTANTS, so I'm totally in love with BEAUTY AND THE BEAST.. its so good and I cant even get half the songs out my head. I also have a crush on some of the actors, its just so good and I just want it on DVD right now........... that's it, so please enjoy this chapter)


pain, that was all you could feel. Your head was trobbing, your full body was on fire with pain. Everytime you moved or were moved, you would let out a little whiper. Even opening your eyes was a struggle, so you kept them closed for now.

At least you were back in control of your body now, what ever shredder did, he left you in alot of damage. You were greatful that the guys helped you, if only ypu could just tell them but you needed to rest right now.

However when you slept you seemed to dream. No not a dream, a memeory?... but how can this be.


You were but in japan in the gardens, the ones you, yuki and zero would go to. It was when you were 17 a year before yuki became unwell, she smiled as she walked through the garden with zero by her side. you were at the edge of the water as you held on to your shirt, fear ran through you but you felt someone place their hand on your shoulder.

you looked to see yuki with her big smile "its okay (y/n), one day you'll do it." she understood your fear of the water. that day when you were being way to cocky and showing off, lucky both zero and yuki were there... but you never set foot in a lake ever again.

yuki and you walked together as zero went to get lunch "yuki, how come you haven't taking up a hobby yet?" you asked but she just shrugged "i guess... because I haven't found anything that's interested me yet.... if I'm being honest, I wish I could leave here... see what's out side japan" yuki spoke with such a soft voice, she was so pure and kind. you nodded "lets do that. me, you and zero... we'll go everywhere. maybe get you to pick up something" you teased, yuki giggled.

you two sat down and watched as cherry blossoms blew in the wind, zero came back with the lunch. we filled him in on how we were going to leave, he laughed "you two are away's coming up with such dramatic plans" yous all laughed but  then a scream sounded making you turned.

The scene changed as you was in my room now, you rose from my bed and quitly walked to the door. There you saw people walking down the hall, you stepped out and followed them, making sure not to be seen. It was tehn you saw them go through a door that your father told you to never go in. You needed to know what was going on, who was screaming.

You followed them in but what you discovered was very large room with strange machines. Some had green goo or yellow gas. You didnt know what to make of this but you heard someone talking "master shredder, a-are you sure...s-shes only a child" you knew that voice, it was the house doctor. You sneek over and peeked out to see your father, a few other people in lab coats "she is no use to me. Test it on her" he then walked off but the doctor sighed, he looked to the table next to him as he grabbed a recorder and pressed down "this is doctor simon roguer.... date, june 2 2016, test subject number one, female, 17, name.... Yuki Kume".

Your eyes widend as you saw saw a machine coming forward with yuki insde it, she was pasted out "NO YUKI!!" you screamed as you got up and ran to her. Just as you were about to retch her, someone grabbed you "what the hell in she doing here. GET HER OUT" someone yelled, "NO shes seen to much. Quite get her in there" another yelled. You screamed and kicked, trying to retch yuki, she was still ot but you couldnt give up "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOUS DOING. STOP THIS PLEASE" you cried out.

No one listened as you were strapped down to a table "We much conpress this. We cannoy a fford to lose all this" one of the doctors snappe as the placed on wires all over my head "Master shredder?" doctor roguers voice called, there was a pause "... Do it" he answered. As shock of pain went to your mind as you screamed out.


You shot up as you held your head, you remember... what they did, it all makes sense now, why you were here, why he kept you alive... why yuki got ill. Your breving was fast as you felt the sweat drip of you.

Suddenly the door burst open to reveal a very tired leo but he looked alarmed aswell "(Y/N).. darling are you alright!?" he came straight to your side as he held your face. You shook your head "n-no i-i-i... i remebered s-something... Oh god, it was awful" you began to cry as you place your head on leos shoulder, he held you as he rocked you back and forth, conmforting you.








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