Leo, Help

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(hello my mutants, I bring an update and its 01:08am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I'm going to bed. GOODNIGHT

(y/n) POV

the warm water died away ages ago and you were back to being cold, you heard noises outside the room, like running but you didnt take much notice to it. You looked around as your heavy eyes started to shut, slowly placing your head on your shoulders. But your eyes shot open when you heard the deep laugh "tired?... " shredder said with a smug look on his face. You lifted your head up slowly "n-not e-even t-the s-sl-slightes" you were lieing throught your teeth and shredder knew this, he knew you were on the edge but you still won't give him what he wanted.

He hmmed as he walked around your cage "tell me something. Which one is it?.... which one did you fall...in love with?" your eyes shot opened as you looked away "what are-" he suddenly cut you off "was it the young one. You seemed very worried for him." you didnt move, you couldnt look at him. He them contiuned to circle me "how about donatello... rapheal?... they share your intrest in training and weaponry" he enjoied this but then he came face to face "ohh... leonardo.... you fell in love with the leader. My greatest enemy" shredder seemed to be gritting his teeth at the thought, You looked up as you smiled at him basically saying that you didnt give a shit if shredder was pissed.

You noticed the mask guy at the side "wh-whos h-he?" you said as you tred to turn your head. Shredder turned his head but then looked back to you with a smirk, not sure why tho. He didnt say anything, he only clicked his fingers, this caused you to drop down to the floor. You held your now brused and bleeding writsts as you looked to shredder "w-what are y-you doing?" you questioned.

He didnt speak he turned and picked up something on a tray and picked up a controler "if i cant break you from the outside... then i'll just have to try and doing it from the inside" his evil stare was locked on to you "w-what no- NO PLEASE DON'T DO THIS NO" you screamed as you realised what he was doing. he pressed the button as gas stared to fill your tank "NOOO AHHHHH" you shot up as you started to hit the glass.

As if god was watching, you saw the doors open and leo came in "SHREDDER" He yelled out, you smiled but the gas started to take effect. You fell dont the glass "LEOO- H-HELP ME" the gas became so thick you couldnt see and breathing became difficult. Your lunges burned as the gas filled them. Your skin became inchy and your mind started to become sore, like someone was kicking your head. You held your head, trying to focus but all you could do was cry and scream.


i came in the room "SHREDDER" i yelled, i saw him coming in here and when i saw (y/n) my heart stopped, she looked so pale and badly beatend up. I could see her cage was filling up with a yellow gas, i need to get here out of there "LEOO- H-HELP ME" she called out to me,i could here the pain in her voice, my blood boiled as i ran at shredder "YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO HER" i swung my shadow and crashed with some guy who came out of no where.

I gritted my teeth as i pushed him back, i looked to (y/n) and i couldnt se her. The gas filled the whole cage and it was to thick to see in "(Y/N)!" i yelled. It was all a blur but i ran over to the tank to help her, but i was body slammed away by shredder "you can not stop this not. Soon her mind will be so far gone... she'll fall right back into line" shredder said as he walked towards me.

I looked to him, my eye full with anger for this monster "NO. SHES DIFFERENT. (Y/N) WIL NEVER FOLLOW YOU" i got up and tried to kick him down but he held up his arm as he threw his blades, i had to hit the ground to avoid getting cut. I needed to get to her, i coulg hear her crying, shs in pain, she needs me.

I then looked to shredder as i threw a smke bomb to ditract him. I quickly got to the tank and got the door open, i coud see (y/n) holding her head but then then mask guy knock me out of the way and closed the door "you cant save her, shes already going throught the process" he the kicked away my katannas.

My eye widened as i punched my face and kneed my side "FINNISH HIM" shredder yelled, i laid on the ground as he kneel down to me, he held a dagger but also something else. Suddenly he punched me again but past me something to "your friends are coming, get her out and use this to help her" he whispered to me. I looked to my hand and then to him, he noddedbefore lifting up the dagger ready to plung it down on me but like he said, raph, donnie and kristen burst in giving me the chance to kick this guy off me before he changed his mind.

I hate you, I love you too (Leonardo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now