Zero Memories

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(HELLO MY MUTANTS. OMG OMG OMG , I DID MY BODY PAINTING ASSESMENT. haha now I was the only one that did it BUT I DID IT. I'm so happy its over cuz like, I was sweating so much after... sexy I know right. lol but I thought yous would like to know)

FLASH BACK 9 years when (y/n) was 12 (soz)

you were practising a move that you were finding hard to do "ahhh, I cant do this" you stouted as you threw your sword at a wall but someone caught it "daughter, kneel" a deep voice called, you dont hear to voice a lot but you knew who it was. You kneeled, you saw two figures step forward, one was a boy older than you, maybe by two or so years "this is zero. He will train you, listen to him and learn to fight" shredder orderd and turned, you huffed but you heard him again "if you fail... you'll be a discrase to the family" he then walked out.

You were left alone with this zero boy, you got up and looked at him "great now I get stuck with a teachers pet" you said to him but he staid quite, you noticed he had your sword. You walked over to get it but he moved his arm, you looked to him with anger before trying again but he moved away "what your problem, just give me my damn sword" you snapped but he didnt say anything.

You then went to grab it but he grabbed your arm and flipped you over on to your back "ouch!... WHAT THE HELL" you screamed but then he laughed "i see, you have so much to learn" he giggled before throwing the sword into the ceiling "hey that my sword" you yelled as you pushed him "i just want to know what you can do. Well go on, get it" he said as he turned and walked back slightly.

You looked up and sighed "i...cant" this happen to be like the move you couldn't do. The boy was leaning on the wall "sorry what?" he said as he cupped his ear "DAMMIT, I CANT DO IT" you yelled this time but he just smiled. He pushed off the wall and walked to you "good, now before our lessons start, i'm going to have to ask you to stop behaving like a child. This isnt a game, its life or death. Now are you willing to learn?" he leaned in close, you gulped as you nodded, he only smiled before stepping back "good" was all he said before getting started.


the car stopped and the guy leaned back "do you want one of us to come with you?" he asked but you shook your head "meet back here at 3 o'clock" you said before getting out, you walked away but wait for them to drive off so they wouldn't follow. You looked around and saw an alley way, you were going to find these turtles, one way or the other.

You went to the alley and found a man hole, you looked around before bending down to lift it. It was heavy but you were able to pull it up on out of the way. You looked into the black hole, you could smelly the sewer water but you tried to ignore it somehow. You sat at the edge of the hole and taking a breath before jumping in.

(she your hunting down leo and his bros, noice. tomorrows bon fire night so ill probably wont update then, sorry my mutants)








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