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As soon as I pulled up in front of the restaurant where I work, my body washed over with a sense of unhappiness. The rain was sprinkling down on the windows of my car, and the heat circulating through my car from the A/C was lulling me to sleep. If it wasn't for the honk of a car horn, I probably would've fallen asleep. 

I looked in my rear view mirror, to feel my body convulse with annoyance. Walking around the side of my car, was my boss, Rick. He tapped on the glass with his cheap Bic blue inked pen and adjusted his thick glasses. 

"Lilly, I do hope you're coming to work today!" I sighed and pulled the keys out from the ignition. God dammit. 

"Yeah, yeah! I'm coming, Rick." 

He went on bickering about something else, but I shoved him away with the driver's car door. I shut and locked my car, as Rick still went on a lecture about how kids nowadays didn't appreciate anything adults did, that we were all punks destined for failure, blah blah blah. Rick was a short old man about 5"3, with a comb over. He wore thick glasses and squeaky loafers. He dressed like he was a business man stuck in the 70s, but over all, I guess he was pretty decent. I walked in through the back door, right by the kitchen to the front desk. My best friend, Kaitlin was counting bills in the cash register and humming to The Spice Girls. 

"Good morning Kaity Baby," I said forcing a warm smile. 

She looked over in my direction and her lips spread into a friendly grin. 

"Hey, pumpkin!" 

Kaity always managed to make work more bearable. We'd joke around as we waited and served customers, and when we had off we'd do almost everything together. I met Kaity my first year in college. She had short curly blonde hair for the time being, and wild, crazy blue eyes. She didn't have a lot of friends at the time, which I still don't understand, because she is one of the most loving people I know, besides my mom and dad. 

I grabbed my dark green apron off the hook and wrapped it around my waist before I jumped up and sat on the counter beside Kaity. 

"Is Anne coming in today?" I asked. Kaity pursed her lips, 

"Unfortunately. I wish that bitch would just quit." 

I laughed and untangled my hair from its braid. "Yeah, I know. But at least we can slack off when she's here." 

Kaity laughed and closed the register. "Come on, let's go into the kitchen and try to make ourselves some breakfast before we open." I followed Kaity into the kitchen, where our chef, Mike, was preparing sauces and what not. 

We both said good morning and snuck to the back for some strawberries, milk, eggs, cheese, and blueberries. Kaity started on the eggs, and I cut up the strawberries. Her and I both had this routine. We'd try to have breakfast on the days we could, as long as Rick didn't find out. Mike didn't care, oddly enough, because he never had to buy groceries. Mike was kind of like Kaity and me's father. Since we're both not locals from Seattle, we don't see our parents a lot, and Mike is the closest we have. 

I sat down at one of the booths with Kaity and poured both of us some coffee. 

"So, you know Rick is giving you and I off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.. right?" 

I spit out my eggs and looked to see her with a humorous smile on her lips. 

"He did?" I ask, almost shocked. 

She nodded, shoveling some fruit into her mouth. I let out the happiest laugh I had ever managed and smiled. Rick never gave us a fucking hour off. But now three whole days, plus the weekend!? This was going to be great.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now