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"What are you doing?" I asked, watching Anthony lay back down in bed.
He rolled over and looked up at me. "Why bother getting dressed? Besides, don't you like seeing me naked?"
I laughed quietly. "Of course I do, but I have to go grocery shopping. You know, so there's food."
Anthony sighed, and got up from bed. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my back, as he dipped me down.
He smothered my neck in kisses, while I giggled in fits. "Okay Lilly, I'll get dressed. But only if you let me drive you to the store."
I squeezed his butt and laughed, "Okay bitch."
"Bitch? Since when do you emotionally abuse your lovers?"
I smiled and pushed him off to get clothing.
Anthony parked the car and looked over to smile at me. "Ready?"
I nodded, and hopped out of the car. He walked over to greet me, and slipped his fingers with mine, as he swung our hands back and forth while we walked inside the store. I grabbed a cart and pushed it down the produce aisle.
"So what food are we getting then?" Anthony asked.
"Everything, I never have food in the house."
Anthony laughed, "I know the feeling."
I was grabbing everything to put in, lettuce, onions, chips, raisins, cereal, milk, soda, beer, bread, etc.
We were about to check out when someone called my name.
"Is that LILLY KINKS?"
I sighed, that voice could only be one person. Fucking Agatha from high school.
I spun around on my heel and forced a smile. Agatha had a huge rack. A big butt, and skinny legs. Not one guy didn't want to fuck her, or hasn't fucked her. She ran to me and suffocated me in a hug, giving me two air kisses on either cheek.
"Well, not much has changed for you, huh? Still wearing these horrible clothes!"
God, she was such a bitch.
"I could say the same to you, Agabitch! How many pounds of makeup are you wearing today?"
She glared at me, and then looked at Anthony. "Well who is the tiger? Boy, is he dreamy." She traced a finger down his chest and stopped right at the button on his pants.
Anthony paused, "I'm her boyfriend."
Boyfriend? BOYFRIEND?!
Agatha's head snapped back to look at me, "Never would've thought you could get someone like this. Afterall, if you did they always fucked you and then dumped you."
I think every organ in my body shut down momentarily at her last remark, every painful memory of a past relationship flashing in my head. It was enough to ruin my day.
Without showing any sign of emotion, I pushed the cart to the checkout line, and paid for my groceries.
Anthony followed me to the car quietly, as he tried to comprehend what had just happened.
I sat down in the passengers seat and rubbed my temples.
"What was that?"
"Agatha is a girl I went to college with. One of those Cappa Omega bitches or whatever. She made fun of me every chance she got. She was also there to witness my many failed relationships."
Anthony sighed, and took my hand. "Well this one is one that won't fail."
I smiled, "Yeah, what's with that whole slip about you being my boyfriend?"
His face went blank, "No idea."
"Yeah, sure." I couldn't help but laugh, but also wish Anthony was my boyfriend.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now