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 "It'll just be another minute, Lill." Anthony said, holding a thumbs-up.
I nodded, and as soon as he disappeared inside the recording booth, I let out a sigh. It was near the end of May now, and they hadn't stopped talking about the new album they had just started working on.
Anthony had shown me some of the lyrics he was writing, and I had to say, they were beautiful. Very deep and sometimes dark, but I loved them. The song he had just written, and had been working on throughout April and May was called My Friends. I had heard a little bit of the guitar, and I told Anthony on several occasions that I fucking loved it, because I did.
Dave sat in a chair next to me, fixing his rings as he listened intently on Anthony's singing. I studied him, figuring this was a good opportunity to get to know his features. He was strikingly handsome in that dark, mysterious way. His facial hair made me laugh inside, but it looked excellent on him, which made me swoon inside. Thinking about just how good-looking he was made my heart wrench. I was Anthony's. When I thought about him, my eyes immediately returned to the glass separating him from me. His long dark brown hair was pushed back by the headphones he was wearing, and his eyes were shut tightly while he sang the first chorus.
I forgot all about Dave then, because a heavy feeling settled in my chest. Looking at Anthony, just... it started something in my stomach. I felt an indescribable need to kiss him and tell him that I was happy to be with him. I wanted to tell him.. that I loved him again. Could I really though? After three months of being together, could I really feel so connected to the man who sent me to hell? I guess so.
I started thinking about the interview back in March. Maybe Anthony and I did have a future together. I mean we've known each other since 1991? Hopefully we'd be able to stick together until the end of the world.. The thought of that, or even a possible senior citizen union with him made me extremely happy and warm. I wanted his kids, I wanted his last name, and I wanted him to come every day after recording and make love to me. I wanted it to be like this, for years and years.
I snapped out of it and glanced around the room. Dave caught my eyes right away. He smiled, and laughed quietly.
"Are you okay babe?" He asked, flashing a dashing smirk.
"Uh.. no, yeah.. Yeah, I'm cool. Everything's cool."
He laughed a little harder. "Dear, your cheeks are flushed and you can barely talk. What were you thinking about?"
"Nothing, just how great this song is gonna be."
Dave nodded. "I think it would sound better with a beautiful girl playing guitar on it."
"Oh yeah? Maybe we could get the girl from L7, she's pretty hot and she can play." I started thinking about her in music video with Anthony, throwing herself at him and I shuddered. "Or maybe not."
Dave smiled and looked from me, to the white carpet. "Or maybe, we could have you play."
"Yeah. Flea tells me you're pretty kick ass player, and since you've gotten Anthony's heart wrapped around your finger, and taken my interest, you're obviously beautiful, Lilly."  

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now