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 Anthony sat across from me at the table, carefully shoveling forkfuls of waffles in his mouth. He caught me staring, and looked up from his plate with chocolate chip smudged on his lips. He smiled and then took a gulp of his coffee.

I laughed, and then ate the last of my fruit salad.

"What do you want to do today?" Anthony asked happily, as he wiped his mouth with the white cloth napkin resting besides his plate.

"Anything you want."

He sighed, "You know I'm going to say sex, right?"

I was going to tell Anthony that I wasn't going to jump right into sex again, but I said nothing. Instead, I laughed quietly and smiled back at him.

"Would you like to go to the beach?" He asked.

"The beach?"

"Yeah, you know... sand, water, waves?"

"I know what a beach is!" I said laughing softly.

"Good! Then let's go!"

Anthony took his and my plate, placed them in the sink and then pulled me upstairs to his bedroom.

He walked into his closet again, disappearing for a minute or so. Because I didn't have a bathing suit, Anthony pulled out a white button-down shirt for me to wear. He handed it over to me, and then went back in his closet for a pair of shorts to wear.

I took off the shirt I was wearing, also given to me by Anthony, and slipped on the new one. It fell mid-thigh and looked pretty beach-appropriate surprisingly. I hadn't even buttoned it yet when Anthony came out again. He was shirtless, and had a pair of black cargo shorts on along with some manly-ass flip flops.

He stared at me, particularly my breasts that showed slightly. He walked over and took me in his arms, pulling the shirt back more to expose my breast so he could kiss it softly. As he got closer to my nipple, I let out a soft moan.

"Lilly, please..." He said, pleading for my body.

I thrusted my fingers in his hair and tightly pulled on his locks. I almost said yes, and ripped off my clothes, but the stubborn part of me made me say no.

"We- I can't, Anthony." I said a little breathless.

He rested his head on my chest and sighed. "All right."

Anthony buttoned up my shirt for me and looked at me with an adorable and mischievous smirk on his face. Before I had a chance to move, his hand was rubbing over my vagina through the baby blue underwear I was wearing. His eyes seemed to be glowing, and his voice was dark and strong.

"But, you will give in sooner or later, Lilly."

His reaction sent me on fire. I wanted him badly, and I wanted to say, "Take me now, damn it!", but I didn't. Instead I grabbed his hand and moved it back to my breast, and kissed his neck softly. Anthony got the message and began to grope me, and as soon as this happened I bit down gently on his skin.

"I have a feeling you're going to be the one giving in."

He let out a groan, which sent my mind tumbling with satisfaction. I wanted him to moan like that in bed.

"Let's go then... before I force you under me." He said with a hearty voice.

Anthony released me from his hold, and then walked out of the room. He seemed frustrated and I figured it was because I was denying him my love. I wanted him to have sex with me, so fucking bad, but I was feeling odd. I didn't know why, but I was nervous to have sex with Anthony again.

I took a deep breath and then followed him down the stairs.

He was waiting at the front door with his wallet and typical pilot sunglasses. I smiled at him, which he took with gratitude. Anthony handed over the sunglasses and motioned for me to put them on. I gave him a questioning look.

"I don't want the paparazzi to know we were together."

I clenched them tightly in my fists and turned bright red.

"Why?" My tone was harsh, but not completely angry.

"Because, they'll put some stupid ass tabloid on the magazines, and knowing the media, it'll be rude. I don't want to see you upset, Lilly. Ever again."

I stared at the sunglasses, wondering if Anthony was the Devil. Maybe he had even returned to my god. I slipped on the sunglasses and then slipped my hand with Anthony's.

He led me outside and onto the sidewalk when he looked down at my feet and frowned.

"No shoes?" He asked.

"No shoes." I said shaking my head.

He laughed, "Piggy back ride?"  

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now