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Later that day, Anthony and I returned to the studio. Things were getting to the point where more songs were being thrown around, and they actually had the makings of an album in the air. Before today, I felt like every time I came to the studio with Anthony I should bring some yarn and knit sweaters for Kaity.

The band was planning on recording their newest song, One Big Mob, and for some reason Anthony was stressing over the vocals he would have to put in. I told him it would go fine because after four albums or something, his voice was the same and it sounded fine each time. Still, he seemed upset.

Once we go to the studio, Anthony went right in the booth and started singing the choruses and such. Flea and Chad talked about their bass and drum parts on the couch. Dave sat in a chair, with his eyes closed, his arms crossed against his chest and a handsome, sleepy look on his face. I cursed myself for being attracted to him, but I couldn't help it.

Anthony finished his part quickly, and came out to listen to the recording. They played it back, and he looked angry and insecure right away.

"I think we should re-record it." He said grimly.

"It's fine, really. I just have to edit the one part." The manager said.

Anthony shook his head vigorously. "No. I want to redo it! I only want the best on this album, or we're not doing it at all!"

His tone was turning violent over something one might not care about too much. I knew, however, that Anthony was particularly hard on his talent, his voice, etc. Things had to fit his standards of perfect when it came to singing, although I thought it was perfect the first time.

"Anthony, really it's beautiful. You did a great job." I tried a soothing tone; it felt like I was dealing with The Incredible Hulk.

"Lilly, I didn't ask you. When I say it needs to be re-done, it will be re-done. Don't interfere with this, and if you do, I'll make you leave."

I stood there, kind of taken aback. His voice was so dark, and it scared me, in all truthfulness. I looked around the room blankly, trying to observe where I was again. Dave had woken up and was watching me, like he was watching a lamp teeter and totter on a table. I guess it did look like I was going to break into a million pieces, but I tried not to. I wasn't going to let a little argument make me cry. Anthony wasn't going to make me cry just because he was being a little bitch.

Flea and Chad sat there watching Anthony replay the track over and over trying to find all of its imperfections. He hadn't said anything to me, but turned around to return to obsess. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and turned around and walked out of the studio. All I needed was some fresh air. Maybe a glass of vodka too.

Dave's POV

I looked over at Anthony, anger rising in my face. He paid no attention to the fact that he just hurt his girlfriend, all he was worried about was his fucking song.

I stood up from the crappy chair I was sitting in and adjusted my shirt.

"You're fucking kidding right?" I said looking at Anthony hunched over the recording shit.

He stood up, spun around and stared at me questioningly. "What?"

"You were just an asshole to your girl because you're being a little bitch about your vocals? Come on man.""Back off, Dave." He said brushing hair out of his face, and glaring at me."You back the fuck off.""Get out!" He screamed."Gladly."I stormed out, right into the colder-than-usual California air. Lilly was leaning up against the brick wall of the building, staring at the street."Hey kid, you okay?" I asked, slicking back some of my hair.She looked over at me, her face very pale, and nodded.I stood beside her, and tried to get as close as possible to this beautiful angel without it being obvious that I wanted to touch her."I wouldn't worry about Anthony, babe. He's just angry because things aren't as smooth as they were with John, you know? I don't really think I'm going to be in the band after this album."Lilly looked over at me. "Anthony is like a little teenage girl on her first period."I laughed, and out of the corner of my eye I saw her smile.She pushed herself from the wall and turned around to face me. Her hands stuffed in her pockets, and the air blowing her short dark brown hair around, she was certainly a sight."I'm going for a drink. Catch up later, make sure Anthony doesn't lose too much hair in there.""You want me to come?" I hoped her answer would be yes."Nah, I like to drink alone. See you around Navarro." She flashed me a smirk and her cheeks blushed a little, but she was off to the bar down the street.  

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن