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Anthony slugged off the stage covered in sweat, spatting out spit as he breathed heavily. He dragged himself towards me and then crouched over as he tried to catch his breath.
He was panting, and coughing. When he stood up his face was beat red, and his skin was hot to the touch.
He looked at me and then moaned. "Lilly..."
I saw his throat tighten and then he rushed for the nearest garbage can. I rushed over to his side as he threw up into it. I held his long hair back and rubbed his back.
Chad came over after Anthony had finished and slung him over his back.
"Come on sicko, time to go home."
Chad carried Anthony outside to the cab waiting, with me following not even an inch behind.
He set him down in the seat and then let me slide in next to him.
I buckled my seat belt and watched Chad peer in.
"Take care of the little fuck."
I laughed, "Will do."
Chad told the driver the address to the hotel, gave him a wad of a cash and then shut the door.
Anthony rolled around in his seat, moaning and shaking. He found my body and took a fist of my shirt in his hands. He pulled it up and pressed his mouth on my stomach.
I felt his hot breath on my cold skin, and goosebumps grew everywhere.
"Lilly, it fucking hurts."
I wiped the sweat off of his forehead and as soon as we pulled up in front of the hotel, helped him out of the cab.
My feet couldn't carry us quick enough to the bedroom, and Anthony was gagging again. We had barely made it when Anthony stumbled into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.
Once again, I was kneeling beside him, holding his hand and patiently waiting for him to finish.
When he did he wiped his mouth with some toilet paper and rolled over.
"Come on, time for a bath."
I closed the lid to the toilet, giving it a flush and then sitting Anthony on it.
He watched me carefully as I turned on the hot water and lit some candles. The steam spilled out everywhere and Anthony as taking deep breaths of it.
When it neared the top of the tub, I turned off the water and made my way towards Anthony.
He helped me pull off his clothing and then step into the water. He settled in and closed his eyes for a few minutes.
I sat by the tub and swirled my fingers around in the hot, comforting water.
Anthony wrapped his fingers around mine and pulled my arm down further into the water.
"Are you going to come in?"
"Come in, Lilly."
I sighed and stood up, stripping myself of my clothing as Anthony watched. Before getting in, I threw my hair up in a bun.
He spread his legs a little so I could nestle in his lap, and then he wrapped his arms around my stomach.
I felt Anthony take a deep breath, and then kiss my head.
"I feel better."
I laughed, "I can tell."
Anthony and I sat in the bath until the water turned cold, and then reluctantly both of us got out.
We both dried off, changed into some pajamas and went to bed. Anthony had gotten some color back and was sleeping peacefully again. The only thing I could even fathom had made him like this was food poisoning from the diner.
I snuggled in Anthony's arms and fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.
At 3:30 in the morning, my eyes snapped open to the sound of someone knocking on my door.
Confused, I climbed out of Anthony's arms and threw on my night robe. I stood on my tippy-toes and saw John standing outside.
I took a deep breath and pulled the door open.
When he saw me, tears flooded his eyes.

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now