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  Breakfast with my dad went well. Him and Anthony were laughing and talking about George Clinton. The connection between the two of them was hard to miss.
After we ate, Anthony and I hurried back to the hotel to get our suitcases and go to the airport with everyone else.
The taxi back was quick, and before we knew it, Anthony and I were sitting in the back of the van snuggled together.
We pulled up in front of the airport and I, more than happy to, climbed out of the van and stretched. We all picked up our bags and began the walk to the airport lobby. As I was about to go inside, Anthony pulled me back.
He held me close to him and pressed his forehead against mine with his eyes shut. I could feel his heart beat faster and faster as he licked his lips.
"Is everything okay Anthony?"
He shook his head and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I feel sick."
"Sick? Does your tummy not feel good?"
He nodded and squeezed his eyes shut, clearly in discomfort.
"Alright, well, we'll get you a sandwich and some juice before we board and then you can sleep the whole plane ride. Okay?"
He murmured a yes under his breath, and then lightly kissed my lips.
Just as my lips touched his, a bright flash blinded me. I looked to the side and saw a photographer in the bushes. Anthony was clearly irritated, and on the way in he grumbled, "I can't even fucking kiss my girl friend..."
I laughed quietly and held his hand tighter as I shuffled my bag. Anthony and I set our stuff down with the rest of the luggage, and then he sat down for a moment. He dug his fingers deep into his hair, as he breathed heavily. This wasn't good.
I pulled Flea aside and whispered in his ear, "Anthony isn't feeling well. I'm going to take him for something to settle his stomach, alright?"
He nodded, "Whatever you want, Lilly. It's okay with us." I smiled and then went to get Anthony. He stood up, looking a little dizzy, but somewhat okay.
I pulled him close to my body to prevent him from stumbling and walked to the nearest store setup in the airport. I bought him a grilled cheese sandwich, some Sprite and some stomach medicine. We hurried back to the area where we were sitting, just as everyone was in a big frazzle.
I sat Anthony down and helped him with his food before spinning around on my heel to try and figure out what the fuck was going on.
Billy's face was red and John paced back and forth with an angry expression on his face. Flea tried to console him while Chad talked to Billy.
I walked up to Chad and listened carefully to what he was saying.
"Listen Billy, we understand. John's just in a bad mood. It's fine. We can't expect you to totally devote your career to us. You're a good band with a good future ahead and we can't hold you back from pursuing it."
My brows furrowed, "Is everything okay?"
Chad nodded, "Yeah. Billy and his band are leaving the tour and John got a little.... cranky."
Billy snorted. "Cranky? He screamed in my face. He's quite a scary dude when he's mad."
I sighed. John's moody again on top of Anthony not feeling well? Great.
A half an hour later, Billy and the rest of his crew left Chicago for a show they'd be playing later that night.
John was still extremely mad, although we didn't understand why. He'd been acting really weird lately. I'd noticed small mood swings and snaps at everyone here and there. It was throwing me, and the rest of the group off. As we settled down in our chairs, waiting for our plane to start boarding, Flea finally spoke up about what had happened.
"Well, this stinks."
Couldn't have said it better myself.
I looked over at Anthony who was looking rather pale as he slept.
He wasn't going to like hearing this when he woke up. "Well, we probably shouldn't tell Anthony right away, since he's not feeling well. It'll probably just upset his stomach more."
Flea nodded, "Yeah, Lilly's right. But he's going to figure it out when he wakes up and sees the Pumpkins aren't here."
"So, let's figure out how to fix this as best we can, and then Anthony can fix it totally?" Chad asked.
"Well, why don't we play for half of the time, and you guys play for the other half?" Stone asked.
"That'll work. John, what do you think?" Flea said.
"I think the Pumpkins are a bunch of fucking cunts."
"John, can I talk to you?"
I stood up from my seat and pulled him over to the window of the lobby. He sulked over, giving me a blank look.
"What's your problem?"
He sneered, "I don't have a fucking problem."
"You sure as fuck do."
"Fuck off Lilly. You don't know shit about me. You're just Anthony's fucking girl friend who's tagging along. What's your fucking purpose here anyways? Nothing. You're just Anthony's fucking sex toy and you get in the way constantly. Don't get involved in my shit, if you can't even fucking handle yours."
He glared at me before storming off towards the bathroom.
It took me a while to absorb what had just happened.
My heart felt like it was burning internally. It hurt a lot, actually. John's words rang in my ears, planting seeds in my head of future insecurities. My eyes stung, threatening tears.
I took a deep breath, and walked back to where the guys were.
"Everything okay?" Mike asked, noticing my eyes were a little red.
"Yeah. Fine."

I Could Die For You (Editing In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now